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"fixed drive" usb driver integration

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Posted (edited)


I have recently been interested in installing windows xp to either an SD card or a USB flash drive.

Over the last week I have been researching how to install windows xp FROM a usb stick following this guide (http://www.eeeguides.com/2007/11/installin...-usb-thumb.html) and how to make a removable USB device fixed using Hitachi Microdrive filter drivers (download http://xpefiles.com/cs/files/folders/hardware/entry616.aspx).

But ultimately I want to follow this guide(http://www.3eportal.com/index.php?option=c...14&Itemid=9) but without having to do the clone operation.

My question is based on the above background reading :- How can I integrate the hitachi microdrive filter drivers so I can install directly to a SD card or usb flash/hard drive?

I suspect the driver integration will be the easiest part, with your help of course, but the tuning of the string I need to use with the modified filter driver will be the hard part, if it is at all possible to get a usb device recognised at the start of a xp installation for use as the primary drive.

I have both a computer that will boot from usb flash drives and a flash drive that can be booted from using the following guide (http://dmoisan.spaces.live.com/Blog/cns...A!281.entry)

Thanks for taking a look.



I have seen that I can integrate drivers using nlite after installing it just now, but I would like to know if this caters for text mode (f6 driver floppy) situation that I now think is needed to get a usb drive to be the primary install target device.


Edited by infiniti25


From what I understood, the first link you provide is a rip off the work done by some members here.

Search for the "Install XP from USB" sub forum. And yes, nLite allows "text mode" drivers integration.

Posted (edited)

Hi, thanks for the reply.

I think someone mentions in the comments that it is a rip from another site, so you are right about that.

As for the txt mode setup driver integration, thanks for the confirmation as I was about to plan on using this guide http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=19792 to see if it would get me anywhere.

My next problem is that the drivers are not for any of my usb drives, rather the guide at http://www.3eportal.com/index.php?option=c...14&Itemid=9 states :

9.You need to then Hit Start go to run, and type regedit. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Enum\USBSTOR\

Inside that you should find a directory called something like Disk&Ven_USB2.0&Prod_CardReader_SD0&Rev_0100. Open it. Inside that you should find another directory wich is just a bunch of numbers. Open it. In the right pane you should see a key called “Hardware ID” Right click on it, and select modify. It should list about 7 lines of text. Copy ONLY the first line to the clipboard. Hit cancel, close regedit.

10.Open cfadisk.inf in the directory you unzipped the microdrive filter to. Edit the section called [cfadisk_device] so that rather than containing 11 lines, just have one line. The line begins with: %MicroDrive_devdesc% = cfadisk_install,

After the comma, hit ctrl V to paste what you coppied from the registry into the file then save the file.

Does anyone know what I can place inside the cfadisk.inf to cater for *ANY* usb/sd drive? Are there any generic strings I can replace the guides example of Disk&Ven_USB2.0&Prod_CardReader_SD0&Rev_0100 with?


I think I meant "Does anyone know what I can place inside the cfadisk.inf to cater for *ANY* HardwareID?"


Edited by infiniti25
"Does anyone know what I can place inside the cfadisk.inf to cater for *ANY* HardwareID?"

Get devcon.exe. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/311272


devcon hwids *
devcon hwids *usb*

Select a appropiate HardwareID.

A generic USB storage HardwareID:

Cfadisk does work with this HardwareID.
A generic USB storage HardwareID:
Cfadisk does work with this HardwareID.

EXCELLENT!!! thanks for that I will test this over the next few days to see how far I get.

I will not be requiring devcon as I would have to devcon all my existing flash drives / sd card readers and then add them to the list which is no good if I am wanting to have it work generically for any removable drive.

Will report back when I have done some testing.

Thanks again. :)


...and of course the "rip off":


which appears to be a rip-off of a rip-off :w00t::



uses an OLDish version of the files, a few bugs have been fixed and some new features added, besides two different ways, one to use a PE to install and another which is a GUI version, you'd better start with latest files:




The other howto:


uses a different utility: XP3eSD, which is meant to INSTALL TO SDCARD, not FROM, and it's based on this:


which is based on this:


which derives from the original thread by Dietmar (with minor contributions from yours truly ;)):


If you want to install XP TO a USB drive or stick, you may want to try the mentioned tutorials or the automated way:




hi jaclaz!

I have seen your name around here on many of the good reading topics and see you are well respected. I dont mean any disrespect quoting the other guides, those are just some that I found looking for eeepc related material as this has stemmed from my dad wanting windowsxp as an option for his eeepc. I am only testing in VirtualBox at the moment.

One thing I am still wondering after reading all these guides is why we still have to install to a hard drive first and then copy to a usb stick?

I thought it would be possible to create some hacked drivers for use in the txtsetup portion of the installer which would allow the usb device to be seen and used as the target for installation.

Could you please give me a technical description of why this is not possible.


Could you please give me a technical description of why this is not possible.


Not because I'm particularly unhelpful ;) but because there is no "need" to install on hard disk first and then copy to USB stick.

Still I have not clear what you are attempting to do.

Choose one:

1) Install FROM USB stick

2) Install TO USB stick

3) Install TO "Generic" SDCard

4) Install TO eeePC internal drive

1) and 4) can be made with the linked apps in the Install XP from USB


2) and 3) can be made with the referenced guides or with the usboot.org program (for USB sticks)

None of this need an install on hard disk - only SOME of Dietmar's Tutorials needed installing and copying the system, whilst some install directly to USB,check them in Dietmar's signature:



Posted (edited)

I am wanting to install TO a USB/SD, the other information was just background reading.

The tutorials in dietmar's signature all point to the same first post and none of the posts below it are expanded, that will take years to read :(

I hope to get there one day, thanks again.

tutorial 5 is what I am looking for by the looks of the tutorial 5 PDF available for download from his website(http://www.winusb.de/tutorial_en.html)

I had already looked at tutorial 3 and thought why do i have to install it to hard drive first.

This helps alot, thanks!!

Edited by infiniti25
The tutorials in dietmar's signature all point to the same first post and none of the posts below it are expanded, that will take years to read :(

I hope to get there one day, thanks again.


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At testing cfadisk.sys I got a BSOD DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL at usbuhci.sys.

That's at VMware USB1.1.

Cfadisk.sys does work fine at usbehci.sys USB2.0.

Do you get similar results?


Being honest, I never got around to trying this and have since had no other thoughts about doing this.

I am interested in doing Citrix XenSource XenServer and running a few virtual machines from my main computer and accessing them from my laptop and the other computers in the house.

Especially since my dad will be using an early model eeepc which has poor hardware specifications for windows usage really. I figure creating a virtual machine on my computer will yield better results because my hardware is far superior to the eeepc.

If I do get around to making the disc as per one of the tutorials jaclaz pointed out I will report back.


I integrated "fixed drive" USB driver.

Cfadisk is active at textmode setup, first boot to gui setup and following bootings.

Cfadisk is added to drives with HardwareID "USBSTOR\GenDisk".

Change windows source files. Prepare Text mode setup:

Copy file CFADISK.SYS to directory \I386

edit file \I386\txtsetup.sif:

cfadisk.sys = 1,,,,,,3_,4,0,0,,1,4

cfadisk = cfadisk.sys


cfadisk = "CompactFlash Filter Driver",files.none,cfadisk

edit file \I386\setupreg.hiv, import file cfadisk_textmode.reg:


@="cfadisk filter 'fixed drive'"

"group"="System Bus Extender"

Import settings

copy setupreg.hiv setupreg.hiv.bak
copy setupreg.hiv setupreg.hiv.bak.%date%

reg load HKLM\loaded_SYSTEM setupreg.hiv
regedit /s cfadisk_textmode.reg
reg unload HKLM\loaded_SYSTEM

prepare GUI mode setup:

Edit hivesys.inf, add three lines to section [AddReg]


Expand disk.inf, edit disk.inf.

Edit [disk_device] section and add sections:

%disk_devdesc% = disk_install, GenDisk
"'Fixed Disk' Filter Driver" = cfadisk_install, USBSTOR\GenDisk

;Section is importand for ranking





DisplayName = "CompactFlash Filter Driver"
ServiceType = 1
StartType = 0
ErrorControl = 1
ServiceBinary = %12%\cfadisk.sys
LoadOrderGroup = SCSI miniport

Compress file: makecab disk.inf

At VMware USB drive is not possible as target. Remember there is no BIOS USB boot support.

No idea about system with USB BIOS support.

Since you "attached" cfadisk to gendisk

No, I didn't "attached" cfadisk to gendisk.

Gendisk is not changed: GenDisk is attached to disk_install still. That's the windows default setting.

USBSTOR\GenDisk is attached to cfadisk_install.

That way cfadisk is loaded at USB disks only, not at internal hard disk.

Unfortunately "CompactFlash Filter Driver" is not loaded at CompactFlash card at IDE or pcmcia connector.

this should be "hardware VID/PID agnostic", right?
Solution should work at all USB removable hardware, turning to a "fixed drive". Yes, that's a generic solution.

BTW: textmode part if from http://www.911cd.net/forums//index.php?sho...mp;#entry142544

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