RickRollNW Posted June 10, 2012 Author Posted June 10, 2012 Maybe it would be useful if you provided such details this time. There are SEVERAL ways in which you may have used either Firadisk or IMDISK, several ways in which you could have edited the BCD and most probably n other factors that I am completely forgetting .So, the mere fact that I extorted from you that you used firadisk and your subsequent report that you also tried IMDISK are of no actual relevance.It is possible that if you DETAIL as much as possible your attempts someone can (hopefully ) spot where the issue lies. Right now it seems to me that this thread till now is about people giving maybe 1/10 to 1/5 of the needed informations and other people giving "vague" guesses in such a way that they can be ambiguously interpreted. Very well... I'll try this again. Coupled with the above, this is my current Firadisk map, as well as the Windows boot manager readout.title Install Windows 7 SP1 AIOset MYISO=Win7.isodd if=()/firadisk/au.xml of=()/AutoUnattend.xmlmap --mem (md)0x800+4 (99)map /ISO/%MYISO% (0xff)map (hd0) (hd1)map (hd1) (hd0)map --hookwrite (99) [FiraDisk]\nStartOptions=cdrom,vmem=find:/ISO/%MYISO%;\n\0chainloader (0xff)/BOOTMGR || chainloader (0xff)Windows Boot Manager--------------------identifier {bootmgr}description Windows Boot Managerlocale en-USinherit {globalsettings}default {default}displayorder {default}toolsdisplayorder {memdiag}timeout 30Windows Boot Loader-------------------identifier {default}device ramdisk=[boot]\sources\boot32.wim,{7619dcc8-fafe-11d9-b411-000476eba25f}path \windows\system32\boot\winload.exedescription 32-Bit Bootloaderlocale en-USinherit {bootloadersettings}osdevice ramdisk=[boot]\sources\boot32.wim,{7619dcc8-fafe-11d9-b411-000476eba25f}systemroot \windowsdetecthal Yeswinpe Yesems YesWindows Boot Loader-------------------identifier {613fe2f0-2356-11de-bf6a-001e4cdc40b1}device ramdisk=[boot]\sources\boot64.wim,{7619dcc8-fafe-11d9-b411-000476eba25f}path \windows\system32\boot\winload.exedescription 64-Bit Bootloaderlocale en-USinherit {bootloadersettings}osdevice ramdisk=[boot]\sources\boot64.wim,{7619dcc8-fafe-11d9-b411-000476eba25f}systemroot \windowsdetecthal Yeswinpe Yesems YesThe methodology I use here seems to be nearly identical to the Firadisk link you sent me, with a few minor alterations on my end. This map has never failed me, and should be noted, does have 64 bit drivers to map with, as I've used this method to map two separate Vista iso's for repair purposes, as for some reason when their archs are combined, the setup slows to an absolute crawl. The IMDISK method I used was copied and pasted exactly from the page you linked me. Since taking the steps I did above with the boot.wims, my attempts so far have been to first boot from the Firadisk method. I get, as was hopefully expected, the boot Windows boot manager, asking me to choose which bootloader I want. I chose 64 for the attempted install, and each time, regardless of Firadisk, Imdisk, or direct emulation from Grub4dos, it still resulted in a missing CD/DVD driver error, yet whenever I booted into the 32-bit bootloader (also regardless of method) it worked fine. I am baffled. So, my reason for leaving out the above is that again, it seems to be an issue with the images themselves and not how they're mapped, but.. I could very well be wrong. The USB drive from which I am booting is NTFS as well, not sure if that matters, but I don't want to leave out any information again.
jaclaz Posted June 10, 2012 Posted June 10, 2012 The methodology I use here seems to be nearly identical to the Firadisk link you sent me, with a few minor alterations on my end. This map has never failed me, and should be noted, does have 64 bit drivers to map with, as I've used this method to map two separate Vista iso's for repair purposes, as for some reason when their archs are combined, the setup slows to an absolute crawl. The IMDISK method I used was copied and pasted exactly from the page you linked me. Since taking the steps I did above with the boot.wims, my attempts so far have been to first boot from the Firadisk method. I get, as was hopefully expected, the boot Windows boot manager, asking me to choose which bootloader I want. I chose 64 for the attempted install, and each time, regardless of Firadisk, Imdisk, or direct emulation from Grub4dos, it still resulted in a missing CD/DVD driver error, yet whenever I booted into the 32-bit bootloader (also regardless of method) it worked fine. I am baffled. So, my reason for leaving out the above is that again, it seems to be an issue with the images themselves and not how they're mapped, but.. I could very well be wrong. The USB drive from which I am booting is NTFS as well, not sure if that matters, but I don't want to leave out any information again.What I suspect (though having NO actual way to test/compare) and still related to the "missing CD/DVD" is the following:with firadisk:when chosing 32 bit wim firadisk (32 bit driver) maps BOTH the .iso at "boot time" and at "GUI install" since everything is 32 bit, everything workswhen chosing 64 bit wim firadisk maps the .iso at boot time but results in "a suffusion of yellow" at GUI install since for *whatever* reason (driver conflict or 32 driver partially or fully loaded) the iso is not mapped properlywith IMDISKwhen chosing 32 bit wim IMDISK (32 bit) maps the .iso at GUI install and since everything is 32 bit, everything workswhen chosing 64 bit wim IMDISK (64 bit) maps the .iso at GUI install BUT for *whatever* reason (driver conflict or 32 driver partially or fully loaded) the result is "a suffusion of yellow"It is also possible that for *any* reason the IMDISK that is installed throught the method here:http://www.rmprepusb.com/tutorials/multiisoimdiskautounattendis the "wrong" version or that the version included (which is fairly old) has some issues together with your drivers.In order to troubleshoot, if I were you I would try using the initial more manual method sketched here:http://reboot.pro/9076/page__st__25#entry123384https://sites.google.com/site/rmprepusb/tutorials/winisojaclaz
RickRollNW Posted June 10, 2012 Author Posted June 10, 2012 What I suspect (though having NO actual way to test/compare) and still related to the "missing CD/DVD" is the following:with firadisk:when chosing 32 bit wim firadisk (32 bit driver) maps BOTH the .iso at "boot time" and at "GUI install" since everything is 32 bit, everything workswhen chosing 64 bit wim firadisk maps the .iso at boot time but results in "a suffusion of yellow" at GUI install since for *whatever* reason (driver conflict or 32 driver partially or fully loaded) the iso is not mapped properlywith IMDISKwhen chosing 32 bit wim IMDISK (32 bit) maps the .iso at GUI install and since everything is 32 bit, everything workswhen chosing 64 bit wim IMDISK (64 bit) maps the .iso at GUI install BUT for *whatever* reason (driver conflict or 32 driver partially or fully loaded) the result is "a suffusion of yellow"It is also possible that for *any* reason the IMDISK that is installed throught the method here:http://www.rmprepusb.com/tutorials/multiisoimdiskautounattendis the "wrong" version or that the version included (which is fairly old) has some issues together with your drivers.In order to troubleshoot, if I were you I would try using the initial more manual method sketched here:http://reboot.pro/9076/page__st__25#entry123384https://sites.google.com/site/rmprepusb/tutorials/winisojaclazThis is starting to get very annoying... heh. I did the above in the RMPrep tutorial almost exactly, the only thing I changed was their section on the two runiso.cmd edits. Being that I had no need for multiple ISO prompts, I changed it just to automap my single ISO. Now comes the funny part. Even having two separate and external boot.wims and two separate grub4dos enteries, it still didn't load it when I went to choose the 64-bit option, and yet, as almost predicted, the 32-bit continued to function correctly. Here is the code snippet from the grub enteries.title Windows 32-bit OS Install Menu (bc1)\nIf you want to install a 32-bit OSmap --mem /bootmgr (rd)write --offset=0x105E (rd)+1 \xEB\x08write --offset=0x54696 (rd)+1 1chainloader (rd)+1root ()title Windows 64-bit OS Install Menu (bc2)\nIf you want to install a 64-bit OSmap --mem /bootmgr (rd)write --offset=0x105E (rd)+1 \xEB\x08write --offset=0x54696 (rd)+1 2chainloader (rd)+1root ()As well as my RUNISO.cmds.TITLE WINDOWS 32-BIT OS INSTALL@echo offclsecho.echo.SET MYISO=\ISO\Win7.isocall \imdisk\MountDrive.cmd %MYISO%TITLE WINDOWS 64-BIT OS INSTALL@echo offclsecho.echo.SET MYISO=\ISO\Win7.isocall \imdisk\MountDrive.cmd %MYISO%When I selected the 64-bit option, it booted, came up, and when it went to map the ISO, I kid you not... it said 'The subsystem needed to support the image type is not present.'What's going on with the image? Should I try the inverse of starting with 64-bit and adding 32?
jaclaz Posted June 11, 2012 Posted June 11, 2012 When I selected the 64-bit option, it booted, came up, and when it went to map the ISO, I kid you not... it said 'The subsystem needed to support the image type is not present.'What's going on with the image? Should I try the inverse of starting with 64-bit and adding 32? Hmmm.Steve6375's instructions/tutorials are usually VERY accurate. Ideas :Try replicating it EXACTLY without introducing ANY changeTry manually.Have you changed the startnet.cmd in both .wims?Did you experiment - like in the tutorial - with boot1.wim and boot2.wim or did you use directly the files inside the .iso?jaclaz
Tripredacus Posted June 11, 2012 Posted June 11, 2012 My 64bit boot images do not use Setup.exe.Tripredacus, I am curious how you do this. Is it the 32/64 nature of setup.exe that is causing the 'Load driver' function to fail to find a mass storage driver? Is this a work around for that problem? Thanks and enjoy, John.I use Imagex. I do have normal DVDs that use setup.exe, but their install.wim only have 1 image in them. The only time I used one with multiple in the install.wim was with WDS which was I saw this issue where the Setup boot.wim from 7PRO64 would not display 32bit images.From my understanding, setup.exe uses drvload to install the mass storage drivers. As far as drivers not being found, I've encountered this before, but usually to do with either a corrupted ISO or with poorly written drivers.When I selected the 64-bit option, it booted, came up, and when it went to map the ISO, I kid you not... it said 'The subsystem needed to support the image type is not present.'What's going on with the image? Should I try the inverse of starting with 64-bit and adding 32?Either the 32bit or 64bit boot.wim does not support WoW. So if you got that error while running a program on the 64bit boot.wim, then your program or required libraries were not 64bit.
RickRollNW Posted June 11, 2012 Author Posted June 11, 2012 Hmmm.Steve6375's instructions/tutorials are usually VERY accurate. Ideas :Try replicating it EXACTLY without introducing ANY changeTry manually.Have you changed the startnet.cmd in both .wims?Did you experiment - like in the tutorial - with boot1.wim and boot2.wim or did you use directly the files inside the .iso?jaclazThe changes I made were solely in the run commands, I could forego them but I don't see why they'd make a difference, everything else was down to the finest detail.Elaborate on what you mean by Manual? Yes, I did.Yes, I used the WinPE boot1 and boot 2 wims outside of the iso itself, laid out in my flash drive exactly as it was in the tutorial.My 64bit boot images do not use Setup.exe.Tripredacus, I am curious how you do this. Is it the 32/64 nature of setup.exe that is causing the 'Load driver' function to fail to find a mass storage driver? Is this a work around for that problem? Thanks and enjoy, John.I use Imagex. I do have normal DVDs that use setup.exe, but their install.wim only have 1 image in them. The only time I used one with multiple in the install.wim was with WDS which was I saw this issue where the Setup boot.wim from 7PRO64 would not display 32bit images.From my understanding, setup.exe uses drvload to install the mass storage drivers. As far as drivers not being found, I've encountered this before, but usually to do with either a corrupted ISO or with poorly written drivers.When I selected the 64-bit option, it booted, came up, and when it went to map the ISO, I kid you not... it said 'The subsystem needed to support the image type is not present.'What's going on with the image? Should I try the inverse of starting with 64-bit and adding 32?Either the 32bit or 64bit boot.wim does not support WoW. So if you got that error while running a program on the 64bit boot.wim, then your program or required libraries were not 64bit.If that is the case then it's falling back to what I've been thinking, which is, the image is flawed somehow and I'm missing what I need to truly combine 32 and 64 bit in one ISO. Is there a way to resolve that so that I don't have to split the ISO? Or is my quest buggered. I'm open to different methods of installation that could over what I want, much like the above.
Kelsenellenelvian Posted June 11, 2012 Posted June 11, 2012 Materials required:Windows 7 x32 install mediaWindows 7 x64 install mediaHex editor with search-and-replace, and support for unicode strings.WAIK 2.0 Optional materials:Windows 7 Enterprise x32 & x64 install media(only required if you wish to have these editions available)Stage 1: arranging filesOkay, in this guide we shall be working on the D: drive, but any drive letter you have available shall do.In this stage we set up a directory structure to be used for the rest of the stages.Firstly, create the folders:D:\AIO\DVDandD:\AIO\WIMsNext, extract contents of the x86 DVD into D:\AIO\DVDDelete all .clg files from D:\AIO\DVD\sourcesdelete ei.cfg from D:\AIO\DVD\sourcesThen move install.wim from D:\AIO\DVD\sources to D:\AIO\WIMs, and rename it ULTx86.wimThen extract install. wim from the x64 DVD to WIMs, and rename it ULTx64.wimAnd optionally, extract the install.wim from the x86 and x64 Enterprise DVDs, renaming them ENTx86.wim and ENTx64.wim respectively.Finally, extract the content of the sources directory (except install.wim and ei.cfg) from the x64 DVD to D:\AIO\DVD\sourc64, and copy the setup.exe from the x64 DVD to D:\AIO\DVD as setup64.exeStage 2: Building the WIMNow we must build the install.wim (that's the file that contains the different versions of windows, if you didn't know), by exporting images from the .WIMS we have.Assuming you've done exactly as I've said, open the deployment tools command prompt (from WAIK), and enter these commands:Imagex /export "D:\AIO\WIMs\ULTx86.wim" 1 "D:\AIO\DVD\sources\install.wim" "Windows 7 STARTER"Imagex /export "D:\AIO\WIMs\ULTx86.wim" 2 "D:\AIO\DVD\sources\install.wim" "Windows 7 HOME BASIC"Imagex /export "D:\AIO\WIMs\ULTx86.wim" 3 "D:\AIO\DVD\sources\install.wim" "Windows 7 HOME PREMIUM"Imagex /export "D:\AIO\WIMs\ULTx86.wim" 4 "D:\AIO\DVD\sources\install.wim" "Windows 7 PROFESSIONAL"Imagex /export "D:\AIO\WIMs\ENTx86.wim" 1 "D:\AIO\DVD\sources\install.wim" "Windows 7 ENTERPRISE"Imagex /export "D:\AIO\WIMs\ULTx86.wim" 5 "D:\AIO\DVD\sources\install.wim" "Windows 7 ULTIMATE"Imagex /export "D:\AIO\WIMs\ULTx64.wim" 1 "D:\AIO\DVD\sources\install.wim" "Windows 7 HOME BASIC (x64)"Imagex /export "D:\AIO\WIMs\ULTx64.wim" 2 "D:\AIO\DVD\sources\install.wim" "Windows 7 HOME PREMIUM (x64)"Imagex /export "D:\AIO\WIMs\ULTx64.wim" 3 "D:\AIO\DVD\sources\install.wim" "Windows 7 PROFESSIONAL (x64)"Imagex /export "D:\AIO\WIMs\ENTx64.wim" 1 "D:\AIO\DVD\sources\install.wim" "Windows 7 ENTERPRISE (x64)"Imagex /export "D:\AIO\WIMs\ULTx64.wim" 4 "D:\AIO\DVD\sources\install.wim" "Windows 7 ULTIMATE (x64)"You can skip the Enterprise ones if you chose not to include Enterprise. Well, you could skip any of them, but I reccommend including all you can, as it does not take up much additional room (I assume WIM automatically reuses files), and you never know when you might need to do a clean install for someone!Sage 3: Modifying the BCDHere we modify the DVD's BCD, so as to add an x64 recovery option. The recovery option is just that: it cannot install. To improve user transparency, the boot timeout shall be set to 3 sec, so as to be almost unnoticeable if not needed.Ok, open an administative command prompt.Navigate to D:\AIO\DVDNow make a copy of the default loader by executing:bcdedit /store boot\bcd /copy {default} /d "x64 Recovery Mode"This command shall tell you the GUID of the copy made, make a note of it.Next set the new loader to load the 64 bit PE by executing:bcdedit /store boot\bcd /set {GUID} device ramdisk=[boot]\sourc64\boot.wim,{7619dcc8-fafe-11d9-b411-000476eba25f}bcdedit /store boot\bcd /set {GUID} osdevice ramdisk=[boot]\sourc64\boot.wim,{7619dcc8-fafe-11d9-b411-000476eba25f}Replace {GUID} with the GUID you noted down)Finally, alter the boot timeout by executing:bcdedit /store boot\bcd /timeout 3Stage 4: getting upgrade to workNow, the one problem left is upgrade installs on 64 bit. This involves hex editing files, and so breaks the digital signature, causing the ugly yellow UAC prompt. This is, I am almost ashamed to say, the first of two such cosmetic glitches.Now first open D:\AIO\DVD\setup64.exe in your hex editor. Search and replace all instances of the unicode string "sources\" with "sourc64\". Although this breaks the signature, it does not break the program, because both strings are the same length.Now, open D:\AIO\DVD\sourc64\autorun.dll, and replace all instances of the unicode string "sources\setup.exe" with "sourc64\lunch.cmd"(in case you were wondering, it was going to be launch.cmd, but I had to drop one letter...)Now, create a file in D:\AIO\DVD\sourc64 called lunch.cmd containing exactly this:setup.exe /m:sourc64 /installfrom:\sources\install.wimNOTE: If you are using a SP1 slipstreamed image, lunch.cmd should instead contain exactly this:setup.exe /installfrom:\sources\install.wimThis is the cause of the second cosmetic glitch. A command prompt is briefly visible before setup is launched.Now, the autorun.inf must be modified so that it runs setup64 on x64 systems. Modify it so it contains:[Autorun.Amd64]open=setup64.exeicon=setup64.exe,0[Autorun]open=setup.exeicon=setup.exe,0Now, finally, we're ready to master a DVD. Open up the deployment tools command prompt, and enter:oscdimg.exe -l7_AIO -t10/22/2009:00:00 -m -u2 -bD:\AIO\DVD\Boot\etfsboot.com D:\AIO\DVD D:\7_AIO.ISO
jaclaz Posted June 11, 2012 Posted June 11, 2012 Elaborate on what you mean by Manual? I meant, like in the tutorial Point #10:Option: If you want to leave this bit until after you have tested your USB drive, you can skip the next two steps (skip step 10 and 11) I am still perplexed, because - as said - Steve6375's instructions were always proven to be very detailed, exact and tested.I dropped him a line via PM to alert him about the present thread, let's see if he happens to "pass by" and can have a look/give some advice.I know that it may sound like "queer" , but the possibility that - somehow - you have a corrupt source does exist, can you try again "from scratch" (unmodified, original DVD)?@KelI guess that the issue is not actually the .iso in itself, but the .iso on USB stick mapped as CD/DVD. If you prefer this topic is possibly more suitable here:http://www.msfn.org/board/forum/157-install-windows-from-usb/jaclaz
Kelsenellenelvian Posted June 11, 2012 Posted June 11, 2012 ... and as usual I am a day late and a dollor short with too much information in the wrong place. :S
johnhc Posted June 12, 2012 Posted June 12, 2012 I use Imagex. I do have normal DVDs that use setup.exe, but their install.wim only have 1 image in them. The only time I used one with multiple in the install.wim was with WDS which was I saw this issue where the Setup boot.wim from 7PRO64 would not display 32bit images.From my understanding, setup.exe uses drvload to install the mass storage drivers. As far as drivers not being found, I've encountered this before, but usually to do with either a corrupted ISO or with poorly written drivers. Thanks, Tripredacus. I will do some research and see if I can use this method. Enjoy, John.
steve6375 Posted June 12, 2012 Posted June 12, 2012 Not to sure what is going wrong but this menu makes bootmgr load BC2 not BCD. I can't see any mention of making a BC2 in your posts?title Windows 64-bit OS Install Menu (bc2)\nIf you want to install a 64-bit OSmap --mem /bootmgr (rd)write --offset=0x105E (rd)+1 \xEB\x08write --offset=0x54696 (rd)+1 2chainloader (rd)+1root ()Once you are booted to WInPE, can you detect whether you have booted to a 32-bit OS or a 64-bit OS (look at SET variables?).
RickRollNW Posted June 17, 2012 Author Posted June 17, 2012 (edited) Hey all, sorry for taking awhile to get back to you all. My flash drive ended up breaking and I've been out of town. Just got back. So, going down the line.Elaborate on what you mean by Manual? I meant, like in the tutorial Point #10:Option: If you want to leave this bit until after you have tested your USB drive, you can skip the next two steps (skip step 10 and 11) I am still perplexed, because - as said - Steve6375's instructions were always proven to be very detailed, exact and tested.I dropped him a line via PM to alert him about the present thread, let's see if he happens to "pass by" and can have a look/give some advice.I know that it may sound like "queer" , but the possibility that - somehow - you have a corrupt source does exist, can you try again "from scratch" (unmodified, original DVD)?@KelI guess that the issue is not actually the .iso in itself, but the .iso on USB stick mapped as CD/DVD. If you prefer this topic is possibly more suitable here:http://www.msfn.org/board/forum/157-install-windows-from-usb/jaclazI had been entertaining this thought for awhile, and since Kel's method 'was' a tad different than what I had done, I followed his instructions to the T in making my new ISO. I mapped this one using my traditional firadisk map, and the end result was the same, still got a missing cd/dvd driver error on the 64-bit portion, but not the 32.... and as usual I am a day late and a dollor short with too much information in the wrong place. :SNot entirely buddy, it did resolve one other issue I'd been having, and the 'cosmetic' issues are of no consequence.I use Imagex. I do have normal DVDs that use setup.exe, but their install.wim only have 1 image in them. The only time I used one with multiple in the install.wim was with WDS which was I saw this issue where the Setup boot.wim from 7PRO64 would not display 32bit images.From my understanding, setup.exe uses drvload to install the mass storage drivers. As far as drivers not being found, I've encountered this before, but usually to do with either a corrupted ISO or with poorly written drivers. Thanks, Tripredacus. I will do some research and see if I can use this method. Enjoy, John.How does one use imagex to 'install' Windows? How can I apply this to my flash drive to obtain the prize I seek of dual 32 and 64-bit bootloaders?Not to sure what is going wrong but this menu makes bootmgr load BC2 not BCD. I can't see any mention of making a BC2 in your posts?title Windows 64-bit OS Install Menu (bc2)\nIf you want to install a 64-bit OSmap --mem /bootmgr (rd)write --offset=0x105E (rd)+1 \xEB\x08write --offset=0x54696 (rd)+1 2chainloader (rd)+1root ()Once you are booted to WInPE, can you detect whether you have booted to a 32-bit OS or a 64-bit OS (look at SET variables?).I hadn't pasted the snippit because it was mentioned in the tutorial by Steve that jaclaz had linked me earlier to attempt to resolve the issue, but it is almost exactly the same, only difference is the offsets because the ISO in question is service pack 1 and it needed to be altered.Still haven't made any progress on this sadly, anyone got any more ideas?Edit: Also tried the ImDisk method, still failed there too. Perhaps it does lie in how it's mapped, as the ISO method above works by itself on a dvd, so.. not quite sure how to proceed. Edited June 17, 2012 by RickRollNW
jaclaz Posted June 18, 2012 Posted June 18, 2012 It doesn't seem to difficult to me. Have you followed "to the T" the instructions by Steve6375?That is a yes or a no (no other answer is allowed).If you reply "no", then you are on your own .As I see it, in order to "go ahead" we need a starting point:get a NON SP1 source and try replicating EXACTLY the tutorial by Steve6375, if you succeed, you can later introduce a variation, if it doesn't then we must find where exactly *somehow* you deviated from the tutorial.jaclaz
johnhc Posted June 18, 2012 Posted June 18, 2012 How does one use imagex to 'install' Windows? How can I apply this to my flash drive to obtain the prize I seek of dual 32 and 64-bit bootloaders?RickRollNW, I think you use the Apply switch to imagex. I decided that it was not useful for the way I install W7 in my system so I looked no further. There are a number of people here with much more knowledge than I who can help. I assume you capture an image with everything in it, then run imagex and 'apply' the image to your system. Open a 'Deployment Tools Command Prompt' and issue imagex /apply /?',no quotes, for details. Enjoy, John.
RickRollNW Posted June 18, 2012 Author Posted June 18, 2012 It doesn't seem to difficult to me. Have you followed "to the T" the instructions by Steve6375?That is a yes or a no (no other answer is allowed).If you reply "no", then you are on your own .As I see it, in order to "go ahead" we need a starting point:get a NON SP1 source and try replicating EXACTLY the tutorial by Steve6375, if you succeed, you can later introduce a variation, if it doesn't then we must find where exactly *somehow* you deviated from the tutorial.jaclazShort answer: Yes.So as to eliminate all possibilities and comply with your wishes I did as you asked before you'd even posted it. When I got home I did exactly as the ImDisk tutorial said, did not edit anything I wasn't supposed to (Only thing I did was pointed it to the iso, as was instructed in the tutorial, and the grub enteries because the iso is SP1 and the offset had to be changed, also noted in the tutorial.) copy pasted everything as necessary. It 'still' gives me the same error.As an update, apparently the iso 'doesn't' work on a DVD. I had trusted the original thread it the instructions were pasted from, but come to find out, even when running from a DVD, if you select the 64-bit bootloader option, and go to install, you get prompted with the SAME error. So, it appears to be a flaw within the image, and nothing I have or haven't done in terms of how it is mapped. So, the question is, as it has been from the start I suppose, is it impossible to combine functioning 32 and 64-bit bootloaders into one iso?So as to clarify as to what I did, I followed the instructions laid out when making a new iso, merging of sources, everything. I mapped it originally using my firadisk method, nothing. My/Steve's ImDisk method, same thing. Steve's method to the T, same thing. I proceeded to burn the disc on a dvd and booted from it, selected x64 Recovery Mode, hit install, and bam, missing CD/DVD driver error. So, it would appear to be an image method as I originally thought. If you want, I will attempt to acquire non-SP1 images to combine, but I don't know if it will work. How does one use imagex to 'install' Windows? How can I apply this to my flash drive to obtain the prize I seek of dual 32 and 64-bit bootloaders?RickRollNW, I think you use the Apply switch to imagex. I decided that it was not useful for the way I install W7 in my system so I looked no further. There are a number of people here with much more knowledge than I who can help. I assume you capture an image with everything in it, then run imagex and 'apply' the image to your system. Open a 'Deployment Tools Command Prompt' and issue imagex /apply /?',no quotes, for details. Enjoy, John.Ah, I see, that does help me with plans for future builds all using the same hardware, thank you.
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