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I wonder how they did it


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As my first post on the site i hope i'm in the right place to post.


So please notice the red eliptic picture that says tinyxp rev03, i would like to integrate my own picture there and write smth.

Have any ideea how? or point me in a direction.

Edited by mormoloc
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Hi, create a file, OEMLOGO.bmp. Put the picture in \Windows\system32. Have the picture be whatever you want to be displayed there. I'm not sure if it's size matters, but for reference, mine is 180x114 pixels with an 8 bit color depth. Also, again, I'm not sure if it's required, but you might need an OEMINFO.ini file with it, also in system32.

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You DO need an OEMINFO.ini file to let the OEMLOGO.bmp show up. It doesn't have to say anything (I think), but as long as there is a file there with that name then the bmp should show up.

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Cheers to All. You're the greatest. I will follow the instructions on that website but my first option was to use reshack, after a little invetsigation i found out that writting sysdm.cpl in Run does the same as right clicking My Computer and pointing to Properties. So sysdm is the file. I'm still a bit dizzy about reshack , it's the first time i use it.

Thanks again.

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About Reshack. For one, you can mess up your computer if you aren't careful. But MS does make it hard to do so. To replace a file with a reshacked version, you will need to boot into safe mode to replace it, or else Windows File Protection will replace your version with the new one.

I opened up sysdm.cpl and found the bitmap for the windows logo, but the DELL logo, or whatever it is on your computer was not there. I verified that it is indeed OEMLOGO.BMP, in C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32. Also, you can open that window by pressing Win+Pause(Break)

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My goal was to integrate such a thing with nlite, well, i've done even better.

I wasn't aware of the unattended tutorials on the forum, but now i'm pumping with gas.

So, to integrate o logo such as tinyzprev03 as above i could have copied oemlogo.bmp and oem.inf in $$\System32\ and at startup after installing it would have shown up. But that wouldn't have been satisfying.

Look at the final result: HERE !

It's what i wanted all the time but i had nowhere to start from, thanks to this forum i did it:

Edited by mormoloc
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Nice :thumbup

I have a quick comment about screen-shots though. JPG is the worst format for screenshots. It makes them lossy and they turn out fuzzy and hard to see. GIF is better, but still has issues with showing all the colors. BMP is the best, but they're huge, so I would recommend that you use PNG whenever possible.

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Whats all this talk of ResHacker? :blink:

You don't need ResHacker for this.

The file is OEMLOGO.BMP, its 117 x 98 (or smaller), 24 Bit BMP image...



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