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Nero Fast Burning CD Plug-in

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I just installed Nero Fast Burning CD Plug-in and updated it with all the dll files from version except for 4 files newtrf.dll,NeroApi.dll,NeroErr.dll,neroscsi.dll which is version

(original files from Nero Fast Burning CD Plug-in)because the newer files don't work.

Now i don't have any problems but 1 i can't burn any data.I can burn all music,movies,and photos

but no data.Is there any tweaks/hacks/tips etc... to allow me to burn data.I know thats its a WMP plug-in

but you guys/gals are pretty skilled.Please don't suggest i get nero lite 7 version because the version i want there is no lite version for it.So help me the best way u can.

Thank you and i appreciate you help.

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I've always wanted to create a replacement for this plugin using the .NET Framework (for simplicity). Windows Media Player 11 is a fantastic player with the addition of dynamic library searches and a completely renovated interface. The slow burning, however, is annoying, and the only logical explanation for this burning method I could find would be legal in context, since iTunes can burn like Nero Burning Rom plugin could, directly (on-the-fly). If anyone knows how to get this started, feel free to tell me and I'll begin work on it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Do anyone care to update this plugin with updated files from Nero

and repackage them.Also to be able to add nero tools

Nero CD - DVD Speed

Nero DriveSpeed

Nero InfoTool the new version for this file doesn't work so i use the old version

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  • 10 months later...
  • 9 months later...

The plugin requires that Nero API be installed in order to work. You can probably extract it from the cd but you will still need the API installed and activated for it all to work. Nero Lite is basically Nero API plus Nero.exe

I suggest ImgBurn or InfraRecorder, both are free and small.



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  • 2 months later...

I am having the same problem of CHYLD PROBLEM. I downloaded the Nero and extract the files "NeroBurnPlugin33F6C2C1.dll" and "WMPBurn9F9ABA59.exe" but they are not working! When I try to run the plugin appears the following message "Fatal error: installation corrupted.Please reinstall Nero." I would like to know the procedures step by step to install only the "Nero Fast CD-DVD Burning Plug-in" and make them work. Thanks!

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