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Drivers Integration Trouble


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I use vlite 1.0b to integrate my eleven WHQL drivers to my vista image but during the vista install process there is pop-up which say that "the driver are not sure, do you want to install it ?" ; It ask me more than 11 times ... why ?

Although I say yes for the install my drivers are not installed !!! ... but when I want to install it manually I saw that my drivers is in vista drivers library like I have installed the drivers 2 times.

Now I would try to install my drivers with the Autounattend.xml that vlite create but which line/section I have to add to it for create my drivers path (I use a partition on my hard disk where I copy all my drivers and programs) ! ... maybe this solution could be useful for another person.

NB0: After the drivers install there is a pop up which say there is problem with "cmd" but it's too fast for read it.

NB1: If I installed all my eleven drivers manualy vista don't ask me for the security (all my drivers are "sure" and WHQL for him".

NB2 : I found on a forum that I have to add this line to my Autounattend.xml but I think it's a cmd line:

bcdedit /set nointegritychecks ON

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Please post a link to at least one of those drivers and tell me is your Vista 32 or 64bit.

nointegritychecks goes for the non-whql drivers but you say they are WHQL so nothing should be needed.

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Well indeed I have a Sony VAIO notebook with the sony drivers (Memory Stick, Realtek HDA, intel 2200BG & 100 /VE, ...)

But I've found the guilty ... in Fact it's my Nvidia Geforce GO 6200 my 12th drivers which is not WHQL because I use the drivers from TweakRus.com or Laptopvideo2go.com (Sony don't update it's drivers)

Now I install it after the vista install and everything is ok !

Thank's for your answer and your great software !


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do you know why this happens tho? and is there no way to get around it?

its not like i need it tho, it's just convenient to have.

btw, great work on vlite so far, hopefully you are able to make it as good or better than nlite :thumbup

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