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USB devices drivers problem


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wondras, thanks. nLite should have done that on it's own, you can find the command in the nlite.inf.

But this helps a lot because I didn't know that the function failed for some reason, at least it will be easier to debug now.

Things which trigger syssetup patching are:

- patches

- component removal

- ie7 integration

- addons which edit syssetup.inf

Btw nLite backups clean syssetup.dll to the syssbck.dll in the i386 folder, just extract that, it should be the clean version. If it's not then that is the problem, maybe you ran nlite more than once and it didn't detect the clean version properly on the second run.

edit: tried it now with all removed and the backup was restored just fine. If someone finds out how to break this yell.

Also check windows\setuperr.log for errors, maybe your nlite.inf never got executed if something else broke before it.

NUHI... THANK YOU, THANK YOU :-). This is the kinda info I have begged you for in the past with regards to how nlite does things. I know you don't wanna give away all the secrets but MAN is this kinda info is VERY useful.

I have determined that in my windows 2003 disc that the syssbck.dl_ is the original. The nlite.inf is not replacing the original file back in my case. Nlite.inf is executed from cmdlines.txt. Its done with this line in cmdlines.

"rundll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection nLite.inf,nLiteReg"

I did change the order of this file and made yours last. This I dont believe can cause an issue. I found the line that replaces the sysetup.dll was missing from my nlite.inf. That was my problem. THANKS

I will look through the nlite.inf and see what else might be missing.

THANK YOU AGAIN.. problem solved.. now time to test it out.

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how is it possible that that the line (movex syssbck ...) is missing from your nlite.inf?

Maybe you think that I should know that but it simply seems not possible, even though I hope that's the case and we find out why.

Do you (all with this issue of not having the restored file) run Windows by setup.exe (winnt32.exe) or use your own winnt.sif file or anything that would skip this portion?

Because by just using nLite with it's Unattended options should be fine.

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how is it possible that that the line (movex syssbck ...) is missing from your nlite.inf?

Maybe you think that I should know that but it simply seems not possible, even though I hope that's the case and we find out why.

Do you (all with this issue of not having the restored file) run Windows by setup.exe (winnt32.exe) or use your own winnt.sif file or anything that would skip this portion?

Because by just using nLite with it's Unattended options should be fine.

NUHI.. There must be something else. I thought this line was missing from my nlite.inf.

HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce","nlite_post_s05",0x00020000,"nhelper moveex ""%17%\syssbck.dll"" ""%11%\syssetup.dll"""

However it is there and I believe working. Yet I still get the errors in setupapi.log saying that my syssetup.dll is not signed. What else could be causing this? Does the dll need to be re-registered in order to work?

I do use my own winnt.sif file but it was one that was originally created by nlite. What line could be missing from that? nlite.inf is run from cmdlines.txt I thought. The entry for it is there.

I am stilling getting the pop up for common USB devices. Whats strange is they do mount and can be used but the pop up to install them comes up.

If you can share any more of your insight on how the nlite.inf does what it does, then I should be able to fix this issue on my own.



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There is no secret, why are you constantly aiming towards that is beyond me.

Are you sure that the syssetup.dll is exactly the syssbck.dll now, did you overwrite it by hand?

Did you remove CAT files?

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There is no secret, why are you constantly aiming towards that is beyond me.

Are you sure that the syssetup.dll is exactly the syssbck.dll now, did you overwrite it by hand?

Did you remove CAT files?


1. In general what I'm getting at is I would like to understand some of the stuff that nlite does behind the scenes, the not so obvious things. Like a list of dlls it edits etc, or how they are edited. I think if more of this was understood by some of the members here we could better fix our own problems. OR find what were doing that is messing up nlite.

2. I checked both my syssetup.dll and syssbck.dll they are both correct & in my i386 before install, yet the replacement never happens by the nlite.inf during install. I am not sure why. I have even replaced the original sysssetup.dll back after the install and that does not fix the problem. I'm not sure why that is unless this dll has another dll that must also be replaced or needs to be re-registered or a reg entry also must be changed.

3. I do not remove the cat files. Like I said when you remove the cat files its like windows has no idea what the usb device is. This is different it knows what the device is but still forces you to install the device. Could the cat files be removed without checking that in nlite? and could this cause the setupapi.log errors I'm still getting about syssetup.dll (An unsigned, incorrectly signed syssetup.dll)

In any case is there any more that could be causing the problem? Or have i got it all?


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If I knew what it was I would fix it.

To me it's all fine because I don't use SFC nor I see any benefit from it.

I gave you all the list what triggers patching, so either avoid that or turn off SFC.

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I dont use SFC either. I always apply your patch to stop that annoying feature so I know its not windows replacing the file back or anything like that.

Also there is no way I could not use component removal. As for the rest of the triggers the only other one I use is some of the patches for TCP/IP and SFC.

It might be something Im doing thats causing the problem Ill have to strip my disc off all my reg entries and other customizations to narrow it down.

THANKS for your help though.

If anyone else has this problem in 2003 can you please explain the situation and what if anything you did to fix it?

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  • 1 month later...

how is it possible that that the line (movex syssbck ...) is missing from your nlite.inf?

Maybe you think that I should know that but it simply seems not possible, even though I hope that's the case and we find out why.

Do you (all with this issue of not having the restored file) run Windows by setup.exe (winnt32.exe) or use your own winnt.sif file or anything that would skip this portion?

Because by just using nLite with it's Unattended options should be fine.

I'm having this problem with XP SP2 VLK media. I slipstream the patches and then several drivers (SATA) into the build. I don't delete CAT files, but my nlite.inf was missing the movex syssbck command, as well as the syssbck file. Does this apply to me as well? Just so you know, the whole process works fine untill I plug in a USB mouse or keyboard, and then windows prompts for the drivers. I can click though without going to windows update, and it works just fine, but then when I plug the USB mouse into a different port, the same thing occurs. Are these issues releated to this? I could really use some help.

What I am doing is then importing the build sources into BDD2007 and using that to deploy them. I believe it creates sysprep and unattended file for deployment.


Addition: Replacing the file with the origonal corrects the issue. I just want to know why syssbck.dl_ isn't located in the build. Do i just need to try it again?

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:thumbup So here is what I found. I ran several tests slipstreaming the hotfixes into a SP2 VLK disk, and everytime I did so, I wouldn't get the syssbck.dl_ file on the system. I was building on a S23k ENT SP2 R2 build, and once I did the slipstreaming on a XP SP2 Machine, the files are now there. I'm going to test to make sure that this works correctly, but I don't see an issue now that the entries are correct.



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Ok, I got it to work once, but now I cannot get it to create the syssbck.dl_ & syssbck.in_ files. Is there something I'm missing? I'm integrating just drivers and Patches (SATA drivers only) but it doesn't recreate the sysbck.dll file. Do I need to make changes in other locations on the machine? Please help

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