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Security roll up question.

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After reading most posts on this forum I would like to ask some questions. Some may be a bit silly - but just so I have understood it all :)

Will this upcomming security roll up of hotfixes make all the hotfixes redundant?

Is there a save way to slipstream all updates in with the original XP just as I slipstream SP1 togeteher with my original XP?

If I want to add programs in my unattended install - can I keep them on another partition and call upon them when I need them to install? If I do that I can always have the lastest version without a remake of the XP install CD.

Thanx in Advance

/ SwedenXP

And - please don´t laugh too much over my questions... I will improve!

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I'm not sure about your hotfix questions, but i know that you can install programs and things from a different partitian, just as long as you know the paths to the files.

In your applications.cmd instead of using %systemdrive% and all that buisness, just use the direct file path.

There is a way you can do it so you use all the latest versions of your software, simply by renaming the exes to corrispond to whatever is in your applications.cmd file.

Hope it helps.

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