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Using %configsetroot% copies whole DVD to windows\configsetroot also all over the registry :wacko:

<component name="Microsoft-Windows-PnpCustomizationsWinPE" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<PathAndCredentials wcm:action="add" wcm:keyValue="1">

Any one else noticed this or have a solution?

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I had a somewhat similar scenario today,

What i found is that you should not have your source in the root of the config set, rather only keep the required files you need in there. My problem was I had my install.wim file in there and when I did a capture of my generalised drive I could not work out why it had blown out from 2.5 Gig to 6.8 Gig.

Surprise, surprise it was copied to the %configsets% folder.

Hope that helps.


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If a configuration set is used during Windows Setup, all the contents at the root of the media where the answer file exists are copied to the Windows installation. If there are many files and folders at the same level as the answer file, Windows Setup copies all the files and folders to the Windows installation. Be aware that this might slow down installation, and, in some cases, you might run out of disk space.

blows the whole configsetroot out of the water for putting on the dvd. Probably ok if you copied your drivers and xml to a usb stick

Edited by maxXPsoft
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Lets get away from that because

:puke: configsetroot don't work cause it copies the whole dvd down to the windir, :puke:

Yes all of us been fighting this awhile till the configsetroot thing which turned out no good

1 thing I do is mountrw the boot.wim and put the drivers in there and unmount/export

then all you need is the X:\sources\pnpdrivers during PE for BOOT critical drivers which means the drivers Vista don't have, i only have 3 at this time so I add all 4 of them regardless

I personally choose to add the full X path for each of my drivers



You can see from the log file it parses each dir which to me is better than risk a mistake on X:\sources\pnpdrivers

Now the bad part, I'm not sure exactly when or I do know its after it reboots, X no longer exists, so now you need a FULL path to dvd\sources\pnpdrivers.

I've been trying to get around this FULL Path as everyone but,

might note if FULL Path is included in the Microsoft-Windows-PnpCustomizationsWinPE then all drivers appear to be installed at booting desktop

I've had some mixed results with my Vid card having it's basic drivers installed but not the Nvidia Ctrl Panel in Display properties.

Thats after about maybe 15 tests just over this past weekend searching for the %variable% will put us in paydirt

MS left us out in the cold on this one but they lack to understand, if they missed dotting 1 i I will or someone will figure this out.

Edited by maxXPsoft
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To set a global %Variable% we would need to know, how Win PE does handle the environment.

It's not reading from HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Envrionment. It's may reading it before starting but not while PE is running. So far I've found no way to "refresh" the environment and let it read changes from the Reg-Key above. But I don't know to much about PE. So maybe sombody else knows better...


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:P IBS Callback_WinPE_SetSourceMediaInfo:Sources folder path is [F:\Sources]

but no combo of %sources% worked, I crashed and sat there and tried every environment I can think of..

I'll look at the registry once again next try later today

Edited by maxXPsoft
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:P IBS Callback_WinPE_SetSourceMediaInfo:Sources folder path is [F:\Sources]

but no combo of %sources% worked, I crashed and sat there and tried every environment I can think of..

I'll look at the registry once again next try later today

I understood that "issue" with %CDRoot% - sorry for spam. How do U think? If we mount wim, open the registry and find the key that assign the drive letter for CD/DVD drive, can we put there a "O:\" letter for example or Vista choose the letter early in setup?

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If we mount wim, open the registry and find the key that assign the drive letter for CD/DVD drive, can we put there a "O:\" letter for example or Vista choose the letter early in setup?

Well this solution would be static than, right?! So it will not work for all systems. We need to set the %Variable% once the drive letters are set for all media.

And I'm looking for a solution during WinPE pass. Later passes will run in driver signing prompt issues.

Does anybody know how WinPE does start? I'm talking about the process before startnet.cmd is executed now.


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AutoIt is allways the worst case solution IMO. Works, if nothing else is possible.

But I still would prefere a solution during WinPE pass, cause gave me least trouble so far. And meanwhile I'm interested how it works. There must be a solution to set a global environment variable under PE 2.0. I just can't see the right way ATM.



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Wanted to mention I did the inject with same results where only get a partial from the drivers. Theres something we're missing somewhere somehow.

been settin up my new pc so now I can get back to figuring it out since i moved the Nvidia PCI-E into this new one

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I just got the solution for this yesterday... after spending a lot time on it. Mount your boot.wim, you have to mount the second subimage:

imagex /mountrw <PathToYourVistaDVD>\sources\boot.wim 2 C:\Mount

Now browse to C:\Mount\Windows\System32 and look for startnet.cmd. Open startnet.cmd with Notepad and enter the following line:


Save the startnet.cmd. Now create a new file in System32 with Notepad and save it as SetDriversRoot.cmd. The SetDriversRoot.cmd should have the following content:

@echo off

FOR %%i IN (C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO IF EXIST %%i:\DriversRoot.txt SET DriversRoot=%%i:\


Save the SetDriversRoot.cmd and than unmount your boot.wim:

imagex /unmount /commit C:\Mount

Now browse to the Root of your VistaDVD and create a new text-file. Label it DriversRoot.txt. Now create your iso.

This will set the variable %DriversRoot% so you can use it during WinPE pass to install drivers directly from DVD. This would work for USB-Stick, too. Than you would have to put the DriversRoot.txt in the Root of your Stick.


Tested this during WinPE pass driver installation. I'm pretty sure that it will not work in audit mode for example, cause there a some reboots between. But for audit mode you could set a new %DriversRoot% variable I guess.

If it should not work for you, please let me know! :thumbup



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last attempt earlier this morning I tried the startnet.cmd but done it backwards from what you attempted.

set the wpeinit first and it failed

I didn't call a cmd only the variable initialization

was about to reverse my actions and urie pointed me to this, will try with different approach

Did all your drivers Install with that?

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