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How to reformat & reinstal with more than 512Mb


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Theoricaly, if I reformat my drive and re-install windows 98SE fromt he original CD and if I have 1 Gb of memory, I will have a BSOD... because the fix hasn't yet been applied. So, what should I do?

Am I obliged to remove one of the two 512Mb stick or not?


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01-Start the Windows 98SE installation.

02-Choose the components you want to install etc.

03-Stay in front of your computer; this first step will only take a couple of minutes.

04-When this first step is completed the computer will restart.

05-Now hit the F8 Function key to go in the BOOT menu.

06-Choose: Command prompt only.

07-Edit the file named system.ini with the following command: edit c:\windows\system.ini

Locate the following entry: [386Enh]

Add the following line below the [386Enh] entry.


This will limit Windows 98SE to 1020 Megs of RAM.

If you experience any problem use this value instead:


Locate the following entry: [vcache]

Add the following lines below the [vcache] entry.



08-Save the file and exit.



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Add the following line below the [386Enh] entry.


This will limit Windows 98SE to 1020 Megs of RAM.

If you experience any problem use this value instead:


Locate the following entry: [vcache]

Add the following lines below the [vcache] entry.




MaxPhysPage is unnecessary

MinFileCache and MaxFileCache should be set to powers of 2 - e.g. 131072.

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Depending on your installed hardware and chipset, the MaxPhysPage may be necessary to avoid strange behaviour, BSOD or constant reboots. If you can complete the Windows 98SE installation process without any problem then this entry may be optional. Coupled with the MinFileCache/MaxFileCache VCACHE settings set to a low and constant value this equates to a 99.9 % chance of problem free initial Windows 98SE installation with 1 GIG of RAM. BIOS vendor, AGP aperture size, memory on video card, VCACHE settings all play a role filling up the SYSTEM ARENA.

If you want to caclculate VCACHE settings using the multiple or power of approach, i have no objections. I adjust VCACHE settings according to the task at hand; when i use a 500 Meg RAMDRIVE i lower my usual 400 Meg of VCACHE to a lower value etc.



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