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I'm having an issue with Zone Alarm Pro version 2.6.84, running on XP Pro. I cannot update my DHCP status. I have allowed Outgoing DHCP, and completely opened TCP/UDP port 67, however, XP still fails to update it's IP address. I am not running the XP Firewall, but I am running ICS...

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


oh heres a idea, UNINSTALL IT! Everyone having promblems with ZA at one time or another. I gave up. Is ZA issue not XP.



Only the previous versions of ZoneAlarm had a problem with XP mainly 2.6.84 and 2.6.215 only because it was incompatible with XP, but now that has been fixed in the latest version 2.6.362 and its XP compatible too.


Sorry AaronXP, not 100% correct. Theres been several promblems reported from people where they couldnt open certian sites, server was blocked, certian apps were not being allowed to access the internet. And al the settings and apps were allowed in the control panel of ZApro.And this has been the up to date ZA applications.


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