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Wim Filter Error

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Posted (edited)


Thank you very much for this tool. It's invaluable. Without it, Vista was unusable for me, even on a Core2 Duo system.

However, I can't shake this Wim Filter manager error on XP. I dual boot and on Vista, vlite installed the filter manager without problems and works flawlessly. On XP, whenever I click on "Vista Ultimate" in the choice box, I get the infamous filter error recommending me to restart the computer. I restart, but it doesn't solve my problem.

I tried everything. I get the feeling that if I could uninstall the filter and reinstall, this could solve it, but I haven't found a way to uninstall it once installed.

I searched the forum and the best recommendation is "restart the system and try again", but it doesn't work. Any other ideas please? Or is there an alternative way like using DeamonTools?

Edited by aydc


What is the error reported? Like the file is already taken by another process or some weird number?

Posted (edited)

Here's a screenshot of the error message. Click on the image to get the bigger picture.


Edited by aydc

I has this error too. I was tried different ways to install this driver but nothing helps. I was tested it on the another clean PC to exclude situation with incorrect installed software behavior. (I use Windows XP SP2)

After some hours this idea come to my mind: version of the wimfltr.sysl is "6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)", but I have an iso image with Windows Vista RC2! This can be incompatibility between *.wim formats.

Can you put another version of this driver on your site, please? I can't sleep easy before test this OS :-) but now have no free space on the first partition of HDD to install it by usually way...

P. S. Sorry for bad English, I'm simply russian student without knowledge of grammatic :-)))


Posted (edited)

The error message is not clear. It's like the old "Windows Protection Error" messages on Windows 95. It tells nothing. :)

Nuhi, maybe you can make a special debug version that logs all the steps when vLite is attempting to connect to the wim filter. By looking at that log maybe we can understand what goes wrong.

Edited by aydc


I mean I do get this error if vLite is interrupted at the wrong moment and the image is left used.

But reboot solves it.

When it's like this then try to reinstall your Wim filter from the vlite's folder \wimfltr and the appropriate architecture.

Just right click the inf file and choose install.


I did that. I right clicked and selected install. A window popped up. the wimfltr.sys file was copied to c:\windows\system32\drivers. I manually verified that the file was copied there. Still the same error. I even copied the sys file from my Vista installation and tried with it, but still no difference.

My XP is heavily customized. I've turned off many services, deleted many unnecessary files. Maybe that's why we're getting this error. We've deleted something that should be there for vlite to work.

Nuhi, have you tried vLite on an XP installation that was heavily cut down with nLite, or are you developing it on a full XP? If not, could you please try it once with a minimal XP installation?


I'm always on heavily nlited OS but by installing all these developing tools they install all kinds of runtimes.

Btw I don't touch services once removed, just remove all except Shell Services with IE7 compat ON. (that's around 3 services kept)

Basically you gotta find what does the Filter Manager needs to operate. I would help you gladly but it simply works, and now that I go and disable stuff randomly would be foolish.

Let me know what helps then I can put autodetection for it. Try first by enabling disabled services.

I will try 'naked' fully nLited OS these days.



Yesterday I was tried to install Vista RC2 to the HDD directly from it's extracted files, but she say (after some time of copying) that not all required files are exist. May be distributive is corrupted? Anyone who has same error - you are installed Vista on the HDD by the usally way?

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