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XP Home edition> where's secpol.msc?


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Help!! I have an XP home installation (sister in law's sister's PC - long story) and i can't log on using the administrator account since its not showing up in the user control panel. I cant use the mmc snap in coz its XP home and i cant create an administrator account coz its already there - but i can't see it or change it or enable it or anything

If i try to log on as administrator it says "can't log you on because of an account restriction - so obviously i try to use secpol.msc to see what restrictions are in place - but secpol.msc isnt there either


How do i unhide the administrator account or re-enable it?

And all this has come about becasue she installed Norton Internet security 2005 and then forgot the supervisor password so i cant uninstall that without the password and its set to super protective mode (child mode) so she cant use MSN etc - we're in a right pickle!!!!

Any way of :

1) Getting round NIS Supervisor password or hacking or cracking it

2)enabling the administrator account

3) using tools i would normally use in XP Pro - but havent got in XP Home?

Thanks :blushing:

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