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NLited Windows install won't start


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I've just made a NLited install of Windows 2000 with slipstreamed service pack (SP4 + rollup) and some post SP4 hotfixes. No drivers or apps have been added yet.

However, when I tried to boot the CD to install it, I get an error message about 5 seconds into the install routine.


It happens during the very first phase of setup (Machine Identification Data) and the error message says:

"Line 62 of the Inf is Invalid. Setup can not continue. Press any key to exit".

It doesn't say which inf file though, so I am at a loss to know where to begin to try to resolve this issue.

Can anyone offer any advice or help?


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OK, I've found the problem! (and I thought I'd post here in case anyone else has a similar problem in the future).

The Windows Setup error message was totally misleading because it referred to an "inf" file, but I have found out that the problem was actually being caused by a duff line in Winnt.sif (which makes sense, seeing as how the error was happening only 3 or 4 seconds into the setup routine).

I simply removed the offending entry (which was determined by using the line count number stated in the error message to examine the correct section of the .sif file) and then it worked fine with no further changes.


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