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Daemon Tools 4.08 (AutoIt Launcher)

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I've created a script that will install last Daemon Tools and remove spyware. It is based on a script posted at this board (I'm just using one function of the base script).

You will be able to install Daemon to a subfolder of ProgramFiles (ie: ProgramFiles\Recorder\Daemon Tools), and the shortcuts can also be placed in a different subgroup (ie: Start Menu-> Programs -> Recorder -> Daemon Tools).

The most important thing that this script does is to remove the bundled spyware. It is very little code and RunOnceEx capable.

AutoIt 3.2 Script slightly based on an old Daemon Tools 4.0 script published at the MSFN.org boards.
Author: Guillermo Miranda Alamo

; Installer.
$Name = "DAEMON Tools"
$executable = 'daemon408-x86.exe'
; Default category folder in startmenu.
$group = 'Recorder\Daemon Tools'

; Installation folder in Program Files.
$directory = 'Recorder\Daemon Tools'

; Run the installer.

RunWait($executable & " /S /D=" & @ProgramFilesDir & "\" & $directory,@ScriptDir)

_Desktop('DAEMON Tools.lnk')

; Delete spyware installer.

If FileExists(@ProgramFilesDir & '\' & $directory & '\SetupDTSB.exe') Then
FileDelete(@ProgramFilesDir & '\' & $directory & '\SetupDTSB.exe')
; Kill the spyware process
If ProcessExists("DaemonTools_WhenUSave_Installer.exe") Then

; Remove that... Crap
DirRemove(@ProgramFilesDir & '\' & "DaemonTools_WhenUSave_Installer",1)

; Move program menu folder
DirMove ( @ProgramsCommonDir&"\"&$Name, @ProgramsCommonDir&"\"&$group , 1 )


Func _Desktop($shortcut)
; Delete a Desktop shortcut.
If FileExists(@DesktopDir & '\' & $shortcut) Then
Return FileChangeDir(@DesktopDir) And FileDelete($shortcut)
ElseIf FileExists(@DesktopCommonDir & '\' & $shortcut) Then
Return FileChangeDir(@DesktopCommonDir) And FileDelete($shortcut)

Please, post any feedback.

By the way, I haven't tried if this installs SPTD Driver 1.37. I installed it previously using the silent package from the SPTD Driver thread. I'll be keeping a look out for any updates.

Posted (edited)

So the only thing of this is to remove the spyware? 4.08 have already buildin unattended install support? Why dont use that and find a way to not install the spyware?

This new version supports silent setup now.

Example: daemon408-x86.exe /S /D=F:\Some Folder\

Note that no quotes must be used in installation path even if name has spaces.

All critical errros will be still displayed no matter silent or not.

Case of parameters is important, eg. /s will not work.

Reboot prompt will not be shown.

If SPTD was not present then it will be silently installed but PC will not be rebooted - it is assumed the administrator who performs unattended install will take care of reboot and restarts DT setup after reboot in this case.

It is best first to use standalone SPTD installer and install it silently this way:

sptdinst-x86.exe add /q

Note: SPTD 1.37 will not display debugger warning dialog anymore. They left this info in EULA only as this message confuses many users and also not "silent setup friendly".

Standalone SPTD 1.37 installer is released by Duplex Secure officially and can be obtained at their website http://www.duplexsecure.com Also fixed:

To prevent spyware installing:

"If you do not want to support us you can just delete SetupDTSB.exe after silent installation and it will never run."


Edited by Solid as a rock

The default installer will run "WhenUSave" spyware, if you read the script or try yourself, you'll see that it creates a new Run entry, it will be run when windows starts. However, it would be great to indicate the setup to not install ad/spyware.

The default installer will run "WhenUSave" spyware, if you read the script or try yourself, you'll see that it creates a new Run entry, it will be run when windows starts. However, it would be great to indicate the setup to not install ad/spyware.

so delete SetupDTSB.exe after silent installation and there will no "WhenU" or other spyware installed.


Nice script :D . I do not see WhenUSave after deleting SetupDTSB.exe. I updated my version in the AutoIt thread here. I based the script on using the SPTD within the installer. If you would like, then you can add the same concept into your script.


Nice script :D . I do not see WhenUSave after deleting SetupDTSB.exe. I updated my version in the AutoIt thread here. I based the script on using the SPTD within the installer. If you would like, then you can add the same concept into your script.


Thanks, I'll try it :D

  • 4 weeks later...

What did I do wrong? I ran aut2exe and converted the script to dtools408.exe. I then added it to my list of programs to install in WPA. When it tries to install, I get this error:

AutoIt Error

Line 0 (File "D:\Software\Apps\Dtools\dtools408.exe"):

RunWait($executable & "/S /D="&@ProgramFilesDir & "\" & $directory,@ScriptDir)

Error: Unable to execute the external program.

The system cannot find the file specified.

What did I do wrong? I ran aut2exe and converted the script to dtools408.exe. I then added it to my list of programs to install in WPA. When it tries to install, I get this error:

AutoIt Error

Line 0 (File "D:\Software\Apps\Dtools\dtools408.exe"):

RunWait($executable & "/S /D="&@ProgramFilesDir & "\" & $directory,@ScriptDir)

Error: Unable to execute the external program.

The system cannot find the file specified.

I use RunOnceEx, have you tried running the compiled script inside Windows, without WPA?

Here's the script I'm using now:

AutoIt 3.2 Script slightly based on an old Daemon Tools 4.0 script published at the MSFN.org boards.
Author: Guillermo Miranda Alamo

; Installer.
$Name = "DAEMON Tools"
$executable = 'daemon408-x86.exe'
; Default category folder in startmenu.
$group = 'Recorder'

; Installation folder in Program Files.
$directory = 'Recorder\Daemon Tools'

; Run the installer.

RunWait($executable & " /S /D=" & @ProgramFilesDir & "\" & $directory,@ScriptDir)

_Desktop('DAEMON Tools.lnk')

; Delete spyware installer.

If FileExists(@ProgramFilesDir & '\' & $directory & '\SetupDTSB.exe') Then
FileDelete(@ProgramFilesDir & '\' & $directory & '\SetupDTSB.exe')
; Kill the spyware process
If ProcessExists("DaemonTools_WhenUSave_Installer.exe") Then

; Remove that... Crap
DirRemove(@ProgramFilesDir & '\' & "DaemonTools_WhenUSave_Installer",1)

DirCreate(@ProgramsCommonDir&"\"&$group )
; Move program menu folder
DirMove ( @ProgramsCommonDir&"\"&$Name, @ProgramsCommonDir&"\"&$group , 1 )


Func _Desktop($shortcut)
; Delete a Desktop shortcut.
If FileExists(@DesktopDir & '\' & $shortcut) Then
Return FileChangeDir(@DesktopDir) And FileDelete($shortcut)
ElseIf FileExists(@DesktopCommonDir & '\' & $shortcut) Then
Return FileChangeDir(@DesktopCommonDir) And FileDelete($shortcut)

Here's the script I'm using now:

May I suggest a small change in your execution command to help with a path issue that is possible to the installer.

; Run the installer
If Not FileExists($executable) Then FileChangeDir(@ScriptDir)
RunWait('"' & $executable & '" /S /D=' & @ProgramFilesDir & '\' & $directory, @ScriptDir)

The above will check the current directory and then change it to @ScriptDir if the file is not found. That allows you to pass a @WorkingDir <> @scriptDir and if no good, then it tries @ScriptDir. Your intial code does not correct if @WorkingDir <> @ScriptDir so you only get one chance.


May I suggest a small change in your execution command to help with a path issue that is possible to the installer.

; Run the installer
If Not FileExists($executable) Then FileChangeDir(@ScriptDir)
RunWait('"' & $executable & '" /S /D=' & @ProgramFilesDir & '\' & $directory, @ScriptDir)

The above will check the current directory and then change it to @ScriptDir if the file is not found. That allows you to pass a @WorkingDir <> @scriptDir and if no good, then it tries @ScriptDir. Your intial code does not correct if @WorkingDir <> @ScriptDir so you only get one chance.


Ehm the code works for me, because RunOnceEx launchs applications using %SystemDrive% as WorkingDir. However, I would be happy to hear if that works for WPA.

  • 1 month later...
Do I have to install AutoIt Script before I launch this or is there another way around?

You can "compile" a script, so it will be an exe file, that doesn't need AutoIt.

Right clic on the AutoIt script file, and clic compile script.

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