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i have a mostly working unattended winxp-cd. But there is still a problem i can't seem to resolve...

I downloaded the registry_tweaks-pack from the forums, modded it, and run it from cmdlines.txt:

"rundll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection nLite.inf,nLiteReg"

here is part of the cmdlines_tweaks.cmd:

regedit.exe /s "settings.reg"

And settings.reg:


But it doesn't work, and i don't know why...

I read, applying this at cmdlines.txt should make it default for ALL users?

Any ideas?

strowi, you have forgotten to add Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 it should look like code below

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Hope this helps



no i didn't. I just didn't want to post the whole reg-file (>40 lines), and forgot to readd the header, sorry. All of the reg-files import fine when i run them. Only the HKCU-Settings do not work for the standard-user...

Posted (edited)

Firstly, I'd advise against complicating things the way that you have by having so many files. It's better to use REG ADD if you're using a batch file, rather than external .REG files. Anyway, the main problem seems to be that you haven't specifiedt he registry editor version on the first line, this line is manditory and it should read:



Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

For more information head to: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/310516

I can see now you were already given this bit of advice, the next thing I can imagine is that:


Is not a valid registry key at T-13.

Edited by Plamdi

Try to move your "settings.reg" file under the $OEM$ folder and execute it directly from cmdlines.

write it under [COMMANDS]

"regedit.exe /s settings.reg"

Note that you were using:

regedit.exe /s "settings.reg", witch is not the right way.

Try that and let us know if it worked.

Hope this could help.




While testing, remove the "/s" after "regedit.exe". That way you'll get feedback when the command runs. Regedit might not be able to find the settings.reg file as gugutz suggested.

Posted (edited)

thx for the tips.

I added

"regedit settings.reg"

to the cmdlines.txt. On a new test it asked me if i want to import those settings, so i did. But they do not work on the standard user...

As far as i know, the HKCU doesn't exist at that stage, but i read, that at T-12 the settings get applied to EVERY User...

PS: I found the thread where i got the files: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=85466 (it was your pack gugutz ;))

Edited by strowi
Posted (edited)

if at T-12 at setup part you are asked if you want to import the entries, it is because the command at cmdlines found your reg files, and imported them (unless you got an error while clicking Yes to import).

and yes, HKCU settings imported at this stage applies to all user accounts that will ever be created.

witch "settings" specificly aren´t working? all of them?

PS: if you use Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00, you are using regedit.exe, witcfh is the "old" registry editor from MS.

if you are using REGEDIT4 on the top of your reg files, you are actually using Regedt32.exe, wittch is the registry editor designed for Windows NT (version 5.1), be carefull with that too.

MS recommends regedit.exe only for it´s capacity of search, and importing reg files into your registry.

For registry modification is when you use Regedt32.exe (witch the reg files starts with the tag REGEDIT4)

Read this for more information: Differences between Regedit.exe and Regedt32.exe

And also make sure these first lines, even if you are sure they are there, check out if they are not commented.

that was a commom mistake i used to make when i applied my tweaks with cmdlines backwhiles, so the setup ended and the tweaks weren´t there! when i went to check, i had forgotten to Dis-comment the first line of each reg file.

PS2: the topic you linked is for the version 0.1 of my collection.

try to use always the latest version, since in each version, many bugs are corrected. For instance, in version 0.1, if i remember well, there are many double entries and mistakes there were left behind.

The current version of my colllection is 0.2, and you can find it Here

Please download it and remake your HKCU.reg file based always on the latest version of the tweaks collection.

(BTW, thanks for using it :P )

Version 0.3 is almost ready, and big changes are about to come, so stay connected.

Let me know if those tips helped you. It is important to me, okay?

good luck!



Edited by gugutz
PS: if you use Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00, you are using regedit.exe, witcfh is the "old" registry editor from MS.
Oh rubbish, MS puts version 5.00 onto exported registry files to prevent them being run on older systems (win9x, nt4) - the version itself makes no difference - either in syntax or in compatability - with Windows XP. I imagine regedit.exe does nothing more than this:
If firstline_of_regfile = "REGEDIT4" OR firstline_of_regfile = "Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00" Then RunAddRegistrySettings()

Posted (edited)


sorry for the delay, i had to study between testing;)

Looks like everything was fine, except that single "ListviewAlphaSelect" wouldn't get imported.

All the other registry tweaks get imported, except this one:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


That bugger doesn't seem to work at cmdlines.txt. But as i found out, it should work adding that key to HKLM, while removing it from HKCU.

thx for your help!

greets, strowi

Edited by strowi

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