just_laze Posted November 5, 2006 Posted November 5, 2006 Hello,I've just began creating my very own unattended copy of Windows XP Professional, naturally i've ran into a few problems.The 'Help Protect Your PC' screen still shows even though i've included 'AutomaticUpdates=yes' in my answer file.The "Register your copy of Windows with Microsoft" screen is highly irritating, how can i remove it?Thank you guys!laze.
just_laze Posted November 5, 2006 Author Posted November 5, 2006 (edited) As requested:;SetupMgrTag[Data]AutoPartition=0 MsDosInitiated="0" UnattendedInstall="Yes" AutomaticUpdates=yes[unattended] UnattendMode=FullUnattended OemSkipEula=Yes OemPreinstall=No TargetPath=just_xp FileSystem=* WaitForReboot="No" DriverSigningPolicy=Ignore ProgramFilesDir="C:\software\" CommonProgramFilesDir="C:\software\common\" KeyboardLayout="United Kingdom"[GuiUnattended] AdminPassword=* EncryptedAdminPassword=Yes OEMSkipRegional=1 TimeZone=85 OemSkipWelcome=1 ProfilesDir="C:\users\"[userData] ProductKey=XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX FullName="windows_xp_user" OrgName="na" ComputerName=*[Display] BitsPerPel=32 Xresolution=1024 YResolution=768 AutoConfirm=1[TapiLocation] CountryCode=44 Dialing=Tone[RegionalSettings] LanguageGroup=1 SystemLocale=00000809 UserLocale=00000809 InputLocale=0809:00000809 Language=00000809[Components] msmsgs=off msnexplr=off freecell=off hearts=off minesweeper=off pinball=off spider=off zonegames=off[branding] BrandIEUsingUnattended=Yes Home_Page=http://www.theinquirer.net Search_Page=http://www.google.co.uk[Proxy] Proxy_Enable=0 Use_Same_Proxy=1[identification] JoinWorkgroup=HOME[Networking] InstallDefaultComponents=Yes[WindowsFirewall] Profiles = WindowsFirewall.TurnOffFirewall[WindowsFirewall.TurnOffFirewall] Mode = 0laze. Edited November 6, 2006 by Incroyable HULK
oioldman Posted November 6, 2006 Posted November 6, 2006 just laze - please remove your serial keyjust had a quick look and can't see anything obvious
Ctrl-X Posted November 6, 2006 Posted November 6, 2006 just laze - please remove your serial keyRemove the AdminPassword as well... The encryption maybe reversible.To resolve your issues, try adding "UnattendSwitch=Yes" to the [unattended] section.
Plamdi Posted November 6, 2006 Posted November 6, 2006 just laze - please remove your serial keyjust had a quick look and can't see anything obviousIt's OK, I just did a quick google-search of part of the Key, it's all over the internet - so it doesn't appear to be "his serial"!http://www.google.com/search?num=100&q...K2&filter=1On the "Help Protect Your PC" screen, the best idea is to disable the "Security Centre" Service. This still allows access to it through the control panel, but disables it from living in the system tray and warning you about these little things.
just_laze Posted November 6, 2006 Author Posted November 6, 2006 Hello Plamdi,Thank you for your reply.To confirm, disabling the Security Centre service will remove the icon+pop-up that you're presented with if you do not have anti-virus / firewall software installed on your PC?It will not remove Security Centre itself, or have any adverse effects on security other than the removal of the warnings?laze.
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