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RAID Slipstreamer x86/x64

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Email me if you have any queries = itwins@gmail.com

Download RAID Slipstreamer v5.4 Build 090424 (4.4Mb) *** NEW ***

v5.4 Build 090424

* MD5 - 5439D152E7CA8F2DE96435FE8C09E2DD

* SH1 - 9B9AACE2E2ACE312A0EDDB932311187E8C45EA74

NOTE - local Administrative privilege is a MUST!

NOTE - Windows Vista x86/x64 users are required to install this Kixforms.Net MSI

(screen capture from v5.3 Build 080626)


Supported Drivers (2003, 2000, XP, AMD64)

th_61057_2003_122_587lo.jpg th_61050_2000_122_1143lo.jpg th_61064_XP_122_946lo.jpg th_61063_amd64_122_645lo.jpg

PS. During slipstream, it will create and copy all the RAID drivers to the "\I386\$OEM$\$1\Drivers\RAID" folder (x86 OSes) and "root\$OEM$\$1\Drivers\RAID" folder (x64 OSes) . You may need to add this string in your UNATTEND.TXT, WINNT.SIF or SYSPREP.INF answer file:



Supported command-line parameters, primarily for the purpose of automation or use in batch files:

* /Install to install drivers

* /Uninstall to remove drivers

* /Source <root_path_of_OS_folder> or <path_to_SYSPREP.INF> or <path_to_i386>

* /Mode "Sysprep" or "WinPE"

* /OS "XP" or "2003" or "2000" or "AMD64"

* /PNPINI <PNP_File>


* /Export

* /NoGUI

* /Quick


"RAID Slipstreamer v5.3 Build 080626.exe" /Uninstall /Source C:\W2K3R2 /Quick

- This uninstalls PnP codes and drivers from the C:\W2K3R2 source folder

"RAID Slipstreamer v5.3 Build 080626.exe" /Install /Source P:\WINXP /Quick

- Automatically slipstream into P:\WINXP\i386 unattendedly

"RAID Slipstreamer v5.3 Build 080626.exe" /Install /Source P:\WIN2K3 /Mode SYSPREP /OS 2003 /Quick

- For use with Sysprep if you wish to create one image that works for different hardware configurations.

- Automatically updates driver info into P:\WIN2K3\SYSPREP.INF and copies all the Windows 2003 drivers into P:\WIN2K3\DRIVERS\RAID. You will need to manually copy the DRIVERS\RAID folder to C:\DRIVERS\RAID of your sysprep image.

"RAID Slipstreamer v5.3 Build 080626.exe /Install /Source S:\XPe /Mode WINPE /OS XP /NoGUI

- For use with WinPE 2005. Does not work with Vista PE. Actually Microsoft PEIMG does a better job than this.

- This updates driver info to S:\XPe\TEXTMODE.SIF and copies Windows XP drivers to its corresponding directories.

- /NoGUI tells the program to suppress the interface

- When /NoGUI is used, /Quick is also enabled

"RAID Slipstreamer v5.3 Build 080626.exe" /Export

- This exports the RAID.INI file that is integrated into the program. You can then find out what PnP drivers the tool supports.

- This exports the RAID.INI to the path where the RAID Slipstreamer executable resides in

"RAID Slipstreamer v5.3 Build 080626.exe" /Install /Source P:\WXPSP2 /NoGUI /PNPINI X:\text\msd.ini /DRVPATH x:\Drivers\XP

- This tells the program that you supply your own PnP INI file and drivers.

- The PnP INI must be in this format. For example:











LABEL="HP ABC RAID 0,1,5,6,10,50 Controller"








- This tells the program that the HPDRV driver supports both Windows 2003 and XP and the PNP codes to integrate are listed in the [HPDRV] header. You can find these PNP codes in the OEMSETUP.INF or TXTSETUP.OEM files that normally comes with the driver.

- The LABEL variable is for visual use only. Windows doesn't care what you name it

- The DRIVERNAME variable is the main DRIVER.SYS file used by the driver

- Always include an "END" at the end of each section and the numbering must be accumulative. If you skip one number, the program might go into an endless loop.

- /DRVPATH is used in conjunction with /PNPINI. You need to specify the path of where your physical storage drivers are located

- When both /PNPINI and /DRVPATH are used, the program's integrated PNP codes and drivers are bypassed. You provide your own...




You don't wish to use RAID Slipstreamer but you wish to learn how to do it yourself. No problem:

To learn how to slipstream drivers so you don't have to press F6:

1) Create a C:\TEMP

2) Create a blank file and name it DOSNET.INF

3) Create a blank file and name it TXTSETUP.SIF

4) Run "RAID Slipstreamer x86 v5.0 Build 071116.exe" /install /source c:\temp /os 2003 /quick

5) Examine and learn how RAID Slipstreamer does it. It shouldn't be too hard to learn...

To learn how to slipstream drivers for use in SYSPREP:

1) Create a C:\TEMP

2) Create a blank file and name it SYSPREP.INF

3) Run "RAID Slipstreamer x86 v5.0 Build 071116.exe" /install /source c:\temp /mode SYSPREP /os 2000 /quick

4) Copy C:\TEMP\DRIVERS\RAID into your Sysprep image's C:\DRIVERS\RAID.

5) Manually add "OEMPnPDriversPath=Drivers\RAID" into SYSPREP.INF

6) Examine and learn.

To learn how to slipstream drivers for use in WinPE 2005:

1) Create a C:\TEMP

2) Create a blank file and name it TXTSETUP.SIF

3) Create a C:\TEMP\INF

4)) Create a C:\TEMP\SYSTEM32

5) Run "RAID Slipstreamer x86 v5.0 Build 071116.exe" /install /source c:\temp /mode WINPE /os XP /quick

6) Examine and learn.

Question about $OEM$ placements

Some question the $OEM$ directory placement used by RAID Slipstreamer, where it defaults to "\I386\$OEM$". The $OEM$ placement depends on how you install your operating systems. For myself, I installed Windows OSes (32-bit only) using UNATTEND.TXT across the network and the $OEM$ folder must be placed inside \i386. However, if installing Windows using CD/DVD through the use of WINNT.SIF (or without) or installing 64-bit Windows, the $OEM$ must be placed in the same path as the \I386. ie:



Hope this clears things up.



What's new in v5.4 Build 090326:

- This release is more of a bugfix than an update, but some drivers were updated nonetheless (although I don't remember which :-/ )

- Corrected the two corrupt drivers that were showstoppers in v5.3.

- Tested to run on Vista x86 and x64. However, you are required to install the Kixforms.Net MSI. (Ignore the Microsoft .Net error that appears when run)

What's new in v5.3 Build 080626:

- Updated mainly because of the introduction of Intel's ICH10x AHCI driver. And as always, while I'm updating it, I updated all others as well. These include:

  • Adaptec 20xx/21xx/22xx/24xx/26xx/28xx/ICP90X4R0 SCSI/RAID Controller (AAC.SYS /ARC.SYS -- 2000/2003/XP/AMD64) - Used (and renamed) by numerous vendors including Dell and IBM
  • Adaptec SAS/SATA RAID / IBM ServeRAID 8i/8k/8k-l/8s SAS Controller (AACSAS.SYS / ARCSAS.SYS -- 2000/2003/XP/AMD64) - Used (and renamed) by numerous vendors including Dell and IBM
  • Intel ICH6x/ICH7x/ICH8x/ICH9x/ICH10x SATA RAID Controller (IASTOR.SYS / IAAHCI.SYS -- 2000/2003/XP/AMD64)
  • QLogic QL40xx iSCSI 1Gbps Controller (QL40XX.SYS -- 2000/2003/XP/AMD64)
  • LSI Logic SAS 5e/5i/5iR/6iR/1020/1030/1035/1064/1064E/1068/1068E/1078/3000 (SYMMPI.SYS / LSI_SAS.SYS -- 2000/2003/XP/AMD64) - Used (and renamed) by numerous vendors including Dell and IBM
  • LSI Logic MegaRAID 8408E / IBM ServeRAID MR10 SAS/SATA Controller (MEGASAS.SYS / MSAS2K3.SYS -- 2000/2003/XP/AMD64) - Used (and renamed) by numerous vendors including Dell and IBM
  • AMD 790FX / ATI SB600 AHCI RAID Controller (AHCIX86.SYS -- 2000/2003/XP/AMD64) - Up to the ATi Xpress 3200 chipset
  • LSI Logic MegaRAID SAS 8204/8208 XLP/ELP (MEGASR.SYS / MEGASR2K.SYS -- 2000/2003/XP) - Used (and renamed) by numerous vendors including Dell and IBM
  • Marvell 6121 SATA Controller (MV61XX.SYS - 2000/2003/XP/AMD64) --> Used by some of those crappy Asus P45 motherboards that hang once in a while, just like its P35 brothers. Asus is CRAP!

All other drivers are unchanged.

What's new in v5.2 Build 080104:

- Finally added AMD64 64-bit drivers. Limited testing was performed; only VMware Workstation v6.x's virtual LSI Logic Ultra320 SCSI controller and the Intel ICH9R AHCI and RAID0/1/5 configurations were tested. Next week I'll head out to the local Dell Solution Center to try out RAID Slipstreamer (and Sysprep Creator) on their latest and greatest workstations and servers. BTW, the x64 drivers are applicable to both Windows XP x64 and Windows Server 2003 x64 Editions.

- Fixed the minor /NoGUI bug in previous version

- Added a number of new controllers drivers and updated some existing ones as well.

- Modifed some of the drivers that have a tendency to break Sysprep

- Speed up the extraction process by sacrificing a little disk space. Even with 64-bit drivers added, the program is still only 4.1Mb...still very acceptable

- Now when performing uninstallation, the $OEM$\$1\Drivers\RAID folder is deleted

- Added new "AMD64" command-line parameters for the /OS switch.

Changes to the logic:

- DO NOT INCLUDE THE "I386" OR "AMD64" in the source paths. Otherwise, it will err.

- AMD64 drivers are not installable on WinPE

- AMD64 drivers are installable on Sysprep but was not tested yet

- The $OEM$ placement will remain inside the I386 folder for x86 OSes but for x64 OSes, the $OEM$ is placed alongside the AMD64 folder. ie:

x86 OSes



x64 OSes





- This GUI section is now obsolete and is longer useful. It is really there just to take up space...for now. :)


This tool is getting more and more complicated. One of these days I will need to write an usage guide. However, this might take some time as work, family, and XBox360/PS2/PS3/Wii/PSP come first (in no particular order :whistle: )...


What's new in v5.1 Build 071204:

- My apologies for forgetting to mention v5.0's new directory structure for user-defined driver paths. Rather than explaining the complex path structure of v5.0, I've decided to release v5.1 that uses the simpler, older format instead. The old format is to put all the drivers into a single directory. ie. Download RAID drivers from manufacturer, extract to a directory (eg: C:\DRIVERS) and then specifying that with the /DRVPATH parameter (eg. /DRVPATH C:\DRIVERS).

CAUTION 1: Subfolders within user-defined paths are not supported and there is no reason to.

CAUTION 2: Uninstall does not remove user-defined /PNPINI or /DRVPATH.

- With v5.1, when /DRVPATH is specified, the built-in drivers are not extracted. This allows for faster user [slipstreaming] experience.

- Re-added VMWare's LSI Logic controller driver. VMware really gave me a wild goose chase having ONLY included the BusLogic drivers on their website but failed to also include the LSI Logic 1020/1030 SCSI Controller drivers. I always thought their custom made VMSCSI.SYS included support for both BusLogic and LSI Logic. I was wrong.

- Added the LSI Logic 8408E controller drivers, which are the same used on the new IBM ServeRAID MR10 series of RAID controllers. The Windows 2003 driver uses MSAS2K3.SYS while Windows 2000/XP uses the MEGASAS.SYS driver.

- Corrected the confusion with SYMMPI.SYS drivers (I think), especially those released by Dell. Dell has a habit of editing LSI Logic drivers and removing those PnP codes that they don't use. However, if you download the same driver from LSI Logic, it contains more PnP device codes as it supports other manufacturers as well, not just Dell's. Remind me to always download drivers from LSI Logic and not from Dell.

What's new in v5.0 Build 071116:

- There are three main features in v5.0.

1) Uninstall feature

2) Driver Info list

3) Slipstream only the drivers you selected

First 2 of the features I most wanted and the last one was from popular demand.

Other feature:

4) Removed / edited those drivers that break Sysprep (those JRAID crap was one of them)

5) Removed drivers that are obsolete or hard to set (nVidia 680 SLI. Somehow I found these drivers confusing)

6) Now supports a number of PCMCIA and PCI-Express eSATA controllers

7) I bought and tested on a number of ATi Crossfire motherboards and Core2Quad systems

1) Install / Uninstall

-- With command-line installation, you now need to specify the "/install" switch. Ex: "RSLIP.EXE /Install /Source <i386 path> /Quick"

-- To uninstall, provide the source path, select the Uninstall radio button and click Proceed.

-- Built in is a database of drivers and device codes since RSlip v3.0. It removes only those drivers and codes listed.

-- Uninstall can be command-line'd. Ex: "RSLIP.EXE /Uninstall /Source <i386 path> /Quick" - auto uninstall drivers and device codes

-- Uninstall feature only removes main drivers and info listed in TXTSETUP.SIF and DOSNET.INF; supporting .SYS drivers are not removed. No issues here really. The objective is to eliminate those annoying missing drivers messages during installation when the driver file is removed but the device infos are left behind

-- Uninstall feature does not delete any files listed in \$1\Drivers\RAID directory. It's no big deal really as it only takes up space. If space is an issue, manual delete then.

-- User-provided pnp/driver list is not supported for command-line uninstall

2) Driver Info List

-- Clicking on the "DrvInfo" button on the main menu displays the driver info of the selected OS

-- Well, not much need to be explained here. This allows me to easily see which driver needs to be updated and which doesn't

3) Slipstream only the drivers you selected

-- To install only the drivers you selected, Click on the "DrvInfo" button on the main menu, select at least one of the driver checkboxes, provide the source path and click Apply

-- Single-driver installation is not supported in command-line

-- Info in the driver list is collected in real-time. Therefore, there could be performance inpact for slower systems. I will improve this on future versions...

Last but not least, in case you don't know, RAID Slipstreamer since v2.x allows automatically slipstreaming to multiple operating system folders. For example, my remote server share contains all my different operating system source folders:


...too many to list but you get the picture.

To automatically slipstream drivers into each and every folders listed there, simply specify the root path and click Proceed. For my case, I just type in "V:" and click Proceed. Come back in a hour with v3.0.4 12 minutes with v4.0 Build 070915 - and all source folders are updated to the latest.


Neat, huh? That was really the main reason why I created RAID Slipstreamer...to save me time!

Edited by iTwins


Noticed in your KIX script path to %SystemRoot% is hardcoded to C:\WINNT.

I'm unable to make it works from a running Windows XP installation with Target OS Windows 2003 Server.:


Noticed in your KIX script path to %SystemRoot% is hardcoded to C:\WINNT.

I'm unable to make it works from a running Windows XP installation with Target OS Windows 2003 Server.:



Simply create a c:\winnt\temp

  • 2 weeks later...
Noticed in your KIX script path to %SystemRoot% is hardcoded to C:\WINNT.

I'm unable to make it works from a running Windows XP installation with Target OS Windows 2003 Server.:



The brain works better after a much deserved vacation. :thumbup

Sorry, Bilou. I know what you mean now.

Download the v2.0.1a fix here


Thank you! But my Computer's motherboard is gigabyte .I mean its Nforce RAid ,can your program support it?

need to add nvidia and silicon image drivers

great tool though :)

The SI3112r drivers were integrated into v1.1 but I had to remove it because the da-mn drivers were dependent on which BIOS firmware version the system is using. And on top of that, my company no longer use SI3112r controllers.

Anyways, I will include the SATA RAID driver into the next version. For non-RAID drivers (with the same filename but not inter-usable) model, that will have to wait until I have time to modify them.

Thank you! But my Computer's motherboard is gigabyte .I mean its Nforce RAid ,can your program support it?

As for NForce RAID, show me the link to the driver and I'll see what I can do :)

  • 3 weeks later...

Updated to v2.1.

Now RAID Slipstreamer scans for all valid operating systems in the folder you specified, determines the platform type and then slipstreams the correct drivers into each platform automatically. Simply supply the path then click OK. That's all.


Has anyone tested this tool with HP servers or Professional Workstations? SATA and RAID drivers both. Please send me a pm if you know it will work and have tested it.



Just ran the slip stream and when I install my Win2k3 R2, it came up with the following files not found:





Any idea on this?


Sonny Giang

  • 2 weeks later...
Just ran the slip stream and when I install my Win2k3 R2, it came up with the following files not found:





Any idea on this?


Sonny Giang

I think I screwed up again. Fixed in v2.2

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