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ATI Radeon Express 200M Vista RC2 Ultimate Audio Driver


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Can anyone help me to get audio working?

ATI 200M Radeon Express Chipset


AMD Turion 64

Vista Capable HP Pavilion dv8000


I've tried the following drivers.

ac97 Vista beta drivers. ac97 xp drivers with update.

When I try to update it says that current version is most up to date. I've tried to find the solution for hours and nothing is working. I had a small dl that consits of 3 atiwdma files that i used to update my sound driver on rc1 that enabled sound but that doesn't work for rc2. it says it's the most current but it doesnt say updated or anything. so i don't think it has updated.

if i go to device manager i cant use the online update because it says it's already the most up to date. help please. im going insane!

P.S. I'm running 64bit x86

Edited by systemiso
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I found there was no way i could get my audio working on rc 2, or bluetooth, although bluetooth and audio worked perfect in 5728 with x64.

have you tried uninstalling the device using the device manager, it should ask to delete driver files as well, at least it does on mine, then windows update should just download the newest ones ... may work?

realtek control panel doesn't work in x64 also i've noticed

the drivers i have are, agin they didn't work in rc2 tho

hrm i just noticed you put your running 64bit x86, So you are running the 64bit version or the 32bit? I found with 1 gig of ram the x64 was too annoying, surprised to see someone use it fine with only 512! i upgraded to 1.5gig and now its fine, mind you that was on beta 1 it was unusable

Edited by Stead
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Well I increased my virtual memory to 2megs and that helps also since my graphics rating is 2.4 I can't run aeroglass which helps I'm sure. Though I ran aeroglass on beta2 with no issue whatsoever and my sti card is one that all resources say should be able to run it so perhaps i just need more ram?

im running 64bit, sorry for the confusion.

it's frustrating because i want to use vista as my main OS since i have a genuine copy and serial for it and i dont want it to go to waste as i like vista better than xp by far.

i know that on the official ATI site it says they're releasing a rc2 driver soon but i think thats for graphics only???

anyone know??

also anyone know if realtek is going to relase a rc2 driver? are companies working on rc2 drivers or are they just going to wait till official release?

also i downloaded vistabootpro which i used to enable using unsigned drivers so once my GITSSAC torrent has finished i'm going to see if that somehow enables me to update ect.

as far and deleting audio driver and allowing MS to update it for me if i uninstall the entire audio section goes out and if i restart comp the usual annoying cannot find driver thing pops up but when i click find driver it can't so maybe MS if behind on that?

i've read a few people saying that they were able to install delete and then MS found it, which is what i did (WINDOWS UPDATE) on rc1 but on rc2 no such luck. :(

*sigh* please keep me informed and i'll keep you guys/girls informed as well.



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The drivers here worked for me (not well, but worked). They leak a bit in audiodg.exe, so unless you think you'll be keeping your box up for days on end, it should be fine. However, the leak is drastic enough that daily reboots were necessary (audiodg.exe using upwards of 1GB of virtual address space, all mapped into physical RAM!).

Hopefully their RTM drivers won't suck so bad, but it IS a Realtek driver, so it'll probably suck if history is any indication.


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thanks, i'll try that. i suppose what i need is an ati driver.

if you go to

www.ati.com/ driver > vista >

it says they're going to release a rc2 driver sometime soon so i think i'm just going to wait for that. until then i'm going to install XP and dualboot my pc so i can watch my darn anime!

YeahYa! Thanks for the help.

If anyone comes up with a fix plz let me know. :) I'll keep up the info as well.

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Even though it's an ATI motherboard chipset, the audio chipset is a Realtek HD chipset, and ATI will not, at least as of this time, be releasing drivers for the audio chipset for Vista - they're leaving it up to the hardware vendors. You'll need to either use the realtek drivers from the link I provided, do without sound in Vista, or go back to a previous OS with supported, released drivers.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Even though it's an ATI motherboard chipset, the audio chipset is a Realtek HD chipset, and ATI will not, at least as of this time, be releasing drivers for the audio chipset for Vista - they're leaving it up to the hardware vendors. You'll need to either use the realtek drivers from the link I provided, do without sound in Vista, or go back to a previous OS with supported, released drivers.

For Vista Realtek HD Audio driver see: RealTek Support Site

Edited by mhyll
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I have same problem but can be solved

download update driver from hp site named as Realtek AC97 Audio Driver Update and extract them into folder and then give the path of folder n just try to update audio driver.

NOTE: Once U will get Driver Signing Warning but ignore this

Definately U will get Solution


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  • 1 month later...

This may help. The audio in my Gateway Laptop has is a Conexant Audio AC97. All through the Vista beta this is not a signed driver that Windows Vista sees. Its loaded, but not signed. If you have this you can do 1 of 2 things.

1. Go to www.support.packardbell.com and download the Conexant audio C4 550.exe.

2. You can uninstalled the driver and reinstall the driver manually by using the driver disk you received with the PC.

Hope this help you with the audio.

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