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Just veiwing the many clips on youtube, but all of a suddon the page says...

Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Macromedia's Flash Player. Click here to get the latest flash player.

I currently have the latest version of flash, so it must be the Java bit, any ideas on how to turn Java bk on or whatever?

Many Thanks :thumbup

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Just a quick comment. Your title says java (and you say "the Java bit" and "turn Java bk on), whereas it's a JavaScript related problem. The two may sound alike, but they're TOTALLY unrelated (making the title somewhat misleading).

Jut FYI...

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So make sure you have Java Script enabled, and make sure you don't have any toolbars or 3rd party pop-up/ad blockers preventing it. I use AdMuncher and YouTube in Opera gives me the same message, so I have to add a unique filter in AdMuncher to disregard the site entirely.

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Hello All,

I have the same problem. I used IE Explorer 7 beta for months on youtube and all of a sudden I get the error

"Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Macromedia's Flash Player. Click here to get the latest flash player." I have the latest Java installed as well as the Macromedia Flash Player. I have have tried a few things but to no avail. I have to use opera to viev the vids. Any help would be GREAT

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Well, you're only going to get so much help. There are 3 main possibilities:

1) Javascript is disabled: Jeremy said check under "Tools > Internet Options > Advanced Tab" (I'm too lazy to open that POS to double check)

2) You've got an old flash player, so install it. (or perhaps you've disabled it altogether?)

3) Something is very wrong with your browser (or system), so use one that doesn't suck :P

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