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MS03-033: Security Update

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From microsoft:

This update supports the following Setup switches: Switch            Description


/?                Displays the list of installation switches

/Q                Quiet mode

/T:<full path>    Specifies the temporary working folder

/C                Extract files only to the folder when it is used with /T

/C:<Cmd>          Override Install Command that author defines

/N                No restart dialog box

For example, the following command-line command installs the update without any user intervention and suppresses a restart:

Q823718_MDAC_SecurityPatch /C:"dahotfix.exe /q /n" /q

The /q switch that is specified for dahotfix.exe is for a silent install, and the /n switch suppresses the restart.

Q823718_MDAC_SecurityPatch /C:"dahotfix.exe /q /n" /q ???

I can't make head nor tail of that one I'm afraid. Can anyone explain that?

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Q823718_MDAC_SecurityPatch /C:"dahotfix.exe /q /n" /q ???

Oke, lose the last /q because it's useless and will generate an error.

It took me some time to figure out but this works :

start /wait %systemdrive%\Hotfixes\Q823718.exe /Q /C:"dahotfix /q /n"

I renamed it to Q?????.exe as you can see.

Hope it helps. :)

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Q823718_MDAC_SecurityPatch /C:"dahotfix.exe /q /n" /q ???

Oke, lose the last /q because it's useless and will generate an error.

It took me some time to figure out but this works :

start /wait %systemdrive%\Hotfixes\Q823718.exe /Q /C:"dahotfix /q /n"

I renamed it to Q?????.exe as you can see.

Hope it helps. :)

You're still using the /Q, you just moved it.

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First of all you're right.

I will try to explain :

The hotfix contains 2 parts (1 useses the other) both parts need to be installed quietly so that's why you have two times /q

Yes, but you still have the /Q for both parts whether it is written:

Q823718_MDAC_SecurityPatch /C:"dahotfix.exe /q /n" /q


Q823718_MDAC_SecurityPatch /Q /C:"dahotfix.exe /q /n"

But as far as syntax goes, you still have 'command /C /Q', you have just changed the order of the switches and the case of the /Q switch. I suspect the case is what fixed it. (Not "lose the last /q" which really didn't happen.)

Edit: the more I think about it the more I suspect it may be the order of the switches that resolved it.

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Thanks for all the replies on this. I particually liked this one:

It's easy.

Seriously though, it's not all that clearly explained by microsoft. It looked to me like I should have a separate file called dahotfix.exe as well as the hotfix file. But you've explained that it's part of the hotfix file. Anyway, as long as it works that's what matters.

Thanks again all.

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