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few questions regarding switches and install.cmd

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I'm new to this and while adding silent installs to my install.cmd I've go a few questions:

1. REG ADD %KEY%\004 <--- what does this number represent

2. For the number above is there a set incrementations to follow or any will do?

3. Guirunonce and runonceex ---> I read that both run at the same time, I'm currently only using the runonceex method to install programs and regtweaks. Is there a difference between the two? Which one is more favoured?

4. In my attempt to make my install.cmd, what does theses switches stand for?


/v 1





where is %PP% located?


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I'm new to this and while adding silent installs to my install.cmd I've go a few questions:

1. REG ADD %KEY%\004 <--- what does this number represent

It's just a sequential number to make your installations run in the specified order.

2. For the number above is there a set incrementations to follow or any will do?
Any will do. Personally, I use 9000, 9010, 9020... and so on. That way, I can always squeeze in a new installation at 9011 or 9015, just like in the good old BASIC days ;)
3. Guirunonce and runonceex ---> I read that both run at the same time, I'm currently only using the runonceex method to install programs and regtweaks. Is there a difference between the two? Which one is more favoured?

There is a difference: GuiRunOnce creates a progress window, which looks much nicer. Apart from that they're basically the same.

4. In my attempt to make my install.cmd, what does theses switches stand for?


/v 1



These are all REG ADD switches. Type "REG ADD /?" in a command window for details.


These are Windows Installer (MsiExec) switches. Type "MSIEXEC /?" (Windows Installer 3.x only) or see *this document* for details.

where is %PP% located?

Sorry, can't help you with that. If it's in a script, it's an environment variable that probably gets set earlier/somewhere else. Where did you get this from?

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Super help by Ctrl-X!

BTW, %PP% is used for the same purpose as %KEY%.

We SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\MICR....ect., so we avoid typing

REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\MICR....ect.! Instead, we just type REG ADD %KEY%.

Likewise, we SET PP=%SystemDrive%\Install\, so we avoid typing

%SystemDrive%\Install\My.EXE! Instead, we just type:


Both SET KEY=HKLM\...etc and SET PP=%SystemDrive\...etc should be

located at the beginning of our batch file.

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Another quick question. I downloaded a silent switchless dotNET1.1 and 2.0 install and it says to "Install from: svcpack.inf".

Since I'm not very familar with svcpack.inf, would it make a difference if I just run it first thing in RunOnceEX?

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BTW, %PP% is used for the same purpose as %KEY%.

We SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\MICR....ect., so we avoid typing

REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\MICR....ect.! Instead, we just type REG ADD %KEY%.

Likewise, we SET PP=%SystemDrive%\Install\, so we avoid typing

%SystemDrive%\Install\My.EXE! Instead, we just type:


Right, I didn't know that... Personally I do use the %KEY% variable, but only for readability reasons. I never type the whole file/registry path anyway; I just copy, paste and edit a similar line ;)

There is a difference: GuiRunOnce creates a progress window, which looks much nicer. Apart from that they're basically the same.


You don't agree? Could you please explain why not? IMHO they're not that different...

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