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Hitting an OC wall with AM2 4200+ X2


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The picture means that if you can vary your Vcore add a 51K ohm resistor

As shown in the picture. “R” is the resistor and the red lines are the resistors leads.

And if you cannot vary your Vcore try a resistor between 5 and 12K ohm there.

But remember as in ripkin204's link-

Disclaimer : The author and OCW is not responsible for any damage you make to your mainboard. Note that any mods make to your board renders all warranty provided by the manufacturer.

Edited by RJM
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  • 6 months later...
Right, I've had some success. My processor will clock right up to 3GHz easily, but only when dual core support is turned off in the bios. The bluescreen i was getting was "IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL" could it be a windows problem? or driver problem?


STOP: 0x000000A IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL is probably because your processor core isn't stable.

Please increase the Vcore and try again.

I used to get that BSOD often with my T-bird 900.

Common issue with Athlon processors.

Also, you can avoid getting that BSOD when in the middle of a game by running Prime95.

Prime95 is known to fail even when it seems OK.

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but it seems that that is locked and i cant change it. well i can, but only downwards :S

That sounds like the multiplier you're talking about.

Athlon 64s, according to people over at ocforums.com, are known to be locked upwards.

According to them, at least you're allowed to lower the multiplier, unlike with Athlon XPs.

Also, the Vcore is *NEVER* known to be locked by any processor manufacturer.

If you can't change the Vcore, then it's probably because of the motherboard.

Chaintech has been known for the Vcore option being missing and Asus has been known for setting arbitrary Vcore limits.

If your motherboard is a Chaintech, then you may be required to RMA it.

If your motherboard is an Asus, then you're likely required to mod the motherboard for a better OC.

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