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My New XP Shell Animations (for file copy, etc.)


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Hi all,

I've just created a file copy animation for the XP shell32.dll, etc. I thought I'd get some feedback before moving on to the other animations (file delete, download, etc.)

Here's a Flash demo of the animation, and there's a screenshot below.

  • The "flying letters" is actually the human DNA sequence
  • Folder icons are from the Minium series by RAD.E8
  • Inspired by the flying binary shell animations by ChaNinja

So, your comments would be much appreciated!

(Sorry the demo and screenshot quality is so crappy. The actual AVI is way better.)


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
cool man, i like it, would be great if you shared it!

keep up the good work! :lol:

by the way, how the fu** did you make that man?

I used Paint Shop Pro to make the individual frames, in PNG format based on RAD.E8's folder icons, then imported them into Animation Shop to build the AVI's.

I'll be releasing these as part of my "VistosX rad.e8.ed" shellpack in the near future... cheers!

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