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Wallpaper during first boot

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Is it possible to show a wallpaper during the T-12 stage at the time of installing aplications with runonceex? I only get a simple blue background. Does anyone have a solution? :thumbup
I think you're asking for a wallpaper upon 1st boot, which is when runounceex executes. T-12 is when svcpack executes. I dont have a solution either way, was just helping you define your situation. If you click EDIT in the lower right, you can change your TOPIC for this post to read from t-12 to '1st boot'. Changing the topic to read '1st boot' may help get the response you seek


Edited by Shark007
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At that moment, there is no wallpaper loaded yet. It's simply a color. You can modify the color, but the wallpaper will be loaded after RunOnceEx has finished.

Use this final command in cmdlines.txt:

"REGEDIT /S regtweaks.reg"
"rundll32.exe iernonce.dll,RunOnceExProcess"

Now RunOnceEx will run at T13, installing all your Progs/updates whatever.

And set as the last command to run in your runOnceEx: ....AfterInstall\RunOnceEx2.cmd, if there are things that cannot be installed at T13, you can put it in this 2nd RunOnceEx that will run at first boot.

The nice thing:

overall install time will be faster, since everything is installed at T13.

You will see your modified image of the classic windows setup,

You can make the RunOnceEx transparent as well (see last post in that topic).

Actually, everything except for WMP10Lite will install correctly at T13. For Office there is a simple adjustment needed, search for Office at T12/13... the topic is here somewhere.

Edited by ZileXa
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I know for the wallpaper for waiting for a logon, it is located in.

[HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop]

Oh yeah... and the wallpaper is a BMP file! Just learned that. When you set a .jpg as a wallpaper Windows converts it to "Wallpaper1.bmp" in the Local Settings folder (well a sub folder within that).

Hope the .default works for what you want. Unfortunately it probably will have the side effect of setting it for all NEW users too.

Edited by JoeMSFN
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