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Nlite Final IE explorer no icons


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my last build of my lited cd with nlite is missing the icons for internet explorer from the desktop. Is there anything i can do to fix this after its installed. the icon for IE is special and I dont think you can create it. I have attached my last session file if anyone has any ideas why this would occur or if its a bug. :}

Thanks for the help...... :thumbup


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right click desktop,properties


Customize desjtop

choose IE icon, click ok :)

WOw.. DUH... lol.. I guess that works. Ryan also came out with a new RV pack 2.07a so maybe this wont happen with the new pack and a new install.. I had 2.07 before....

Ok Sweet. If anyone else has had this problem or knows why it happens let me know. The new pack might fix it I'll post back.

Thanks again

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i too had this problem after slipstreaming ie7. ie7 link was there but the extension (.lnk) was missing. also my 'show desktop' icon also gone. so i had to manually insert them using xxmlink. this one was done after installation is over. i use runonceex.cmd to add a cmd file containing the following lines, to RunOnceEx and restart :

copy /Y "%CDROM%\$OEM$\Modifications\Show Desktop.scf" "%USERPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch"

xxmklink "%USERPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Windows Media Player 11" "%PROGRAMFILES%\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe"

xxmklink "%USERPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Windows Explorer" "%systemroot%\explorer.exe"

ren "%USERPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Launch Internet Explorer Browser" "Launch Internet Explorer Browser.lnk"

Edited by rajesh.kumar
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i too had this problem after slipstreaming ie7. ie7 link was there but the extension (.lnk) was missing. also my 'show desktop' icon also gone. so i had to manually insert them using xxmlink. this one was done after installation is over. i use runonceex.cmd to add a cmd file containing the following lines, to RunOnceEx and restart :

copy /Y "%CDROM%\$OEM$\Modifications\Show Desktop.scf" "%USERPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch"

xxmklink "%USERPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Windows Media Player 11" "%PROGRAMFILES%\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe"

xxmklink "%USERPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Windows Explorer" "%systemroot%\explorer.exe"

ren "%USERPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Launch Internet Explorer Browser" "Launch Internet Explorer Browser.lnk"

Hmm.. I had to fix the show desktop lnk once before with an old nlite version. So I could do the same with IE explorer. This might seem like a dump question but how do you make one of those run once cmd's add to the registry to run on first boot. Is that what your doing to fix this problem. I use guirunonce before the first logon to do most of my stuff and have never really done a runonce at first logon, no real need to till now. Can you post your runonce code. Once I see it I can figure out how it works.


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I've fixed the .lnk files but still cant fix the special icon for IE on the desktop. Is there a reg tweak for this that someone has. I cant seem to find one to check that box under customize desktop. I can do it manually which is no fun but there is no reg entry for that setting that i can find.

If you got one post it.


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Does anyone know of a reg entry that can put the IE icon back on the desktop & quicklaunch. I believe what takes it off is actually the nlite inf.

I watched after my guirunonce finished to see what happens after my script is done and amazingly I saw the IE lnk get deleted from the quicklaunch mins after my runonce cmd copies it there and finishes. The show desktop lnk is not affected by this but any lnk for internet explorer is regardless of its name.

I looked at the nlite.inf and cant find an entry that looks like its deleting the explorer icons. This has to be a bug and what a weird one. If I name Iexplorer.lnk iexploder.lnk it still gets deleted after i copy it over with my runonce cmd.

I hope someone can help this is a very strange problem.


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I believe this is a bug in ryans most recent update pack. 2.07 & 2.07a. Both seem to do the same thing with nlite rc8 and nlite final. If anyone has a copy of update pack 2.06 that would be great.


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