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Posted (edited)

Just Install the new 5.0.1 an looked on te root of C:\ for the WPI.log.txt and I noticed that some apps dit not install correct.

I understand that the code: (returned code 0) means that the install was done without errors, but I also have other codes.

So my question is where can I find a log code index so I know what happened.

Later today I wil post my codes (now I'm at work).

Edited by Pliek


The returned code is just the code returned by the program you've been running. It's not from WPI.

Most of the programs return 0 when successful. But not all.

Returned code is only useful when the command fails (WPI tells you if the command succeeded or not). Then you can use the returned code to investigate in your program's documentation what went wrong.

Again, a succesful run with a return code different from 0 is 'normal' (or at least it has nothing to do with WPI, but only with your prog and/or the switches you've used with it), although somewhat rare.

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