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My method for Acrobat Reader 7.0.8 passive install.

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I know others have packaged tweaked & switch-less silent install versions, but I wanted an untweaked install method that doesn't rely on a 3rd party for updates.

1 )Run AdbeRdr708_en_US.exe

2) Copy the real setup files from C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Setup Files\RdrBig708\ENU to my Install Directory

3) Rename the .msi file to AdobeReader708.msi

(Windows Post Installer doesn't seem to like spaces, dots or special characters)

4) Use the AdobeReader708.msi /passive switch.

Anyway I just started learning how to create an unattended application cd yesterday so if this is obvious, or if someone else has posted the same method and I missed it during my search I apologize.

Posted (edited)

I will try it,

I guess it is the same method as for the 7.0.5 version. I read that there could be a prob that the reader still asks for an update of the 7.0.5 language support. Anyway.

With the 7.0.5 I used the "/qn" switch.

Don't worry, I think(hope :P ) nobody will kill you for sharing this.



Edited by jonathan_314
Posted (edited)

Considering that I am just learning, I don't want to post it to switches thread until someone else tests my method. Its cluttered enough with discussion already.

I think someone should create a database driven web app to keep track of unattended install methods.

Let people search by product and version, let others rate and add comments to the solutions.

Unfortunately its been awhile since I did any php mysql work, I have a bad habit of getting 95% finished with software projects then abandoning them, and I can't afford the hosting.

I like a kid in a candy store when it comes to learning new tech sills, but I tend to eat my self sick on a particular technology and jump to learning something else.

I will probably learn enough to write my own auto it scripts, and learn to fully automate all my favorite apps then suddenly take an interest in Linux or something.

Edited by ZenCoder

are you sure that the installed updates change the installer at C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Setup Files\RdrBig708\ENU ? if so, thanks for the info, as i hate that i install the updates silently but the program still brings up the updates download window. even when the version number in the about box is correct and is curent.

please someone confirm this one.

  • 3 weeks later...

I´m having troubles with an unattended installation of Acrobat.

I made a policy in Active Directory because you can asign .msi files package and after, choose wich work stations will be receive the unattended installation.

In general, I didn´t have problems with Office and Microsoft Firewall Client (for example).

But, Acrobat required a transformer file called .mst.

The GPO Editor is limitted, because you can´t add .bat or another extensions.

¿Anybody knows how can I do to create a really automated and unattended .msi?

I´d test some programs like InstallShield an others stuff too, but it doesn´t work.

Thank you and sorry for my bad english.


now it seems that it works with the latest silent switch that i used in adoberdr7.0 install ...


- download latest AdbeRdr708_en_US.exe from adobe website

- use AdbeRdr708_en_US.exe /Q /W /S /V"/QN" switch

i've tested it just 1 time and it worked...

  • 4 months later...

You're making it more complicated than it has to be. You don't have to rename anything or repackage anything. Once you copy the setup files just use:

setup.exe /S /V/qn

The S is the silent switch and the V passes the parameters to the installer.

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