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GeForce 6600 GT


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This is making me wacko.

My HTPC (Home Theater PC) is now dual boot Win XP Pro and Vista Beta2. I run this machine on my Mitsubishi HDTV (projection) which is connected with a HDMI cable. I get 1900x1080 all the time with Win XP.

When I installed Vista I can only get 640X480 on the HDTV. Under display properties Vista tells me that I have 2 monitors connected (I don't). Monitor #1 will only show a resolution of 640X480. The phantom monitor #2 will allow me to change the resolution to 1900X1080. Only problem this monitor does not exist.

BUT, when I open WMC (Windows Media Center) I can get 1900X1080 in Vista. No 5.1 surround yet, but that is a different post.

Any suggestions ?

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Thanks for the suggestions.

I will reinstall the drivers that Nitroshift pointed me to. I am certain they are the ones I am currently using. But just to make sure .. especially since his is working.

Ripken204, I thought that might be a possibility, but have not found a way to convince Vista of that.

Yes this is a dual head card. I have it connected to the HDTV with the DVI output, not the VGA. But now that I think about it .. maybe if I move the DVI from the position it is on to the second position on the card, maybe that will solve it.

I will get to that tomorrow and see.

All of you, thank you again.

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Well I reinstalled the video drivers and the situation stayed the same.

I was going to change outputs thinking I had 2 DVI outputs only to find out that there is one S video, one DVI and one regular monitor output.

The phantom monitor (2) IS marked as DEFAULT MONITOR.

This really has me baffled and I have been playing with computers for over 20 years as a hobby. I have never had a problem that has given me as many fits as this one.

Since I only use this computer for HTPC and Windows Media Center does display 1920x1080 in Vista, I suppose I could live with the situation. But, not having a solution really doesn't set well wth me.

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