`Felix` Posted May 17, 2008 Posted May 17, 2008 (edited) Vista has a new way to do Oeminfo etc. It's all through the registry now...Does this sfx work for Vista as well?EDIT: I get the same error on XP as mentioned above.I wrote this script on Vista, when I get a chance to install XP I will re do the script so it will work on XP.Hi there,Have you had a chance to check the script on XP? Also something i have noticed when testing WMI queries on OEM systems is that by extracting model and manufacturer from Win32_ComputerSystem will often give unwanted results... from example if i check a gigabyte motherboard based system i get - Model: AWRDACPI and Manufacturer: GBT___ however if i query Win32_BaseBoard i get Model: 965P-S3 and Manufacturer: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. which is correct. I have done the same tests on a dell and using the Win32_BaseBoard seems to give the best results for these 2 specific fields.Look forward to your XP based version... PS the only issue with v5 script is the PCSystemType Section - i have had a look using WMI Code creator and it appears that XP has SystemType not PCSystemType (seems to be new with Vista). so if you change: If objItem.CSystemType = 0 Then PCType = "Unspecified" If objItem.PCSystemType = 1 Then PCType = "Desktop" If objItem.PCSystemType = 2 Then PCType = "Mobile" If objItem.PCSystemType = 3 Then PCType = "Work Station" If objItem.PCSystemType = 4 Then PCType = "Enterprise Server" If objItem.PCSystemType = 5 Then PCType = "Small Office and Home Office (SOHO) Server" If objItem.PCSystemType = 6 Then PCType = "Appliance PC" If objItem.PCSystemType = 7 Then PCType = "Performance Server" If objItem.PCSystemType = 8 Then PCType = "Maximum"toPCType = objItem.SystemTypeThis provides a simple work around until you get a change to update the code in a better way... (am a novice and am just experimenting )Update: I am working on an updated version at the moment using all the nice code that you have worked so hard on and adding some other things. Will be testing on Windows XP, Vista and 2003. I am hoping to have a version that will run on all. Hope to have something up here in the next few days - have been having to teach myself VBScript as i go Cheers,Darren Edited May 18, 2008 by `Felix`
gunsmokingman Posted May 18, 2008 Posted May 18, 2008 I have made some changes so it should run on XP I 1:\ Made some changes to the network adapter output2:\ Made changes to the mother board output'/-> Script By GunsmokingmanOption Explicit'/->Const wbemFlagReturnImmediately = &h10Const wbemFlagForwardOnly = &h20'/-> Dim objFolder, Ts, objFile Dim ObjWMI, objItem, colItems Dim dtmDate, dtm Dim C1, Cnt, i, IP'/-> Dim Act : Set Act = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") Dim Fso : Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Dim Sys32 : Sys32 = act.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%Windir%\System32") Dim Ini : Ini = "\oeminfo.ini" Dim strComputer : strComputer = "." Dim VBS : VBS = Act.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%Temp%\" & Fso.GetFile(WScript.ScriptFullName).Name)'/-> Dim MB : MB = 1024 * 1024 Dim GB : GB = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 Dim Line : Line = "Line" & C1 Dim S_3 : S_3 = Space(3) Dim S_5 : S_5 = Space(5) Dim TitleL : TitleL = S_5 & Chr(171) & S_3 Dim TitleR : TitleR = S_3 & Chr(187) & S_5 Dim WmiVar : WmiVar = wbemFlagReturnImmediately + wbemFlagForwardOnly'/-> Set Ts = Fso.OpenTextFile(Sys32 & Ini, 2, True)'/->' WMI Section'/-> Set ObjWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")'/->' Check For What OS This Is Running On'/-> Dim Os_Name Set colItems = ObjWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem", "WQL", WmiVar) For Each objItem In colItems Os_Name = objItem.Caption Next '/->' Separate The Output For Either XP Or Vita'/-> Dim PCType, RamTotal Set colItems = ObjWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem", "WQL", WmiVar)'/-> Vista If Instr(LCase(Os_Name),"vista") Then For Each objItem In colItems RamTotal = FormatNumber(objItem.TotalPhysicalMemory/1048576) & " MB" If objItem.PCSystemType = 0 Then PCType = "Unspecified" If objItem.PCSystemType = 1 Then PCType = "Desktop" If objItem.PCSystemType = 2 Then PCType = "Mobile" If objItem.PCSystemType = 3 Then PCType = "Work Station" If objItem.PCSystemType = 4 Then PCType = "Enterprise Server" If objItem.PCSystemType = 5 Then PCType = "Small Office and Home Office (SOHO) Server" If objItem.PCSystemType = 6 Then PCType = "Appliance PC" If objItem.PCSystemType = 7 Then PCType = "Performance Server" If objItem.PCSystemType = 8 Then PCType = "Maximum" Ts.WriteLine "[General]" Ts.WriteLine "Manufacturer = " & objItem.Manufacturer Ts.WriteLine "Model Type = " & objItem.Model Ts.WriteLine "" Next End If'/-> XP Dim XpType If Instr(LCase(Os_Name),"xp") Then For Each objItem In colItems XpType = objItem.SystemType RamTotal = FormatNumber(objItem.TotalPhysicalMemory/1048576) & " MB" Ts.WriteLine "[General]" Ts.WriteLine "Manufacturer = " & objItem.Manufacturer Ts.WriteLine "Model Type = " & objItem.Model Ts.WriteLine "" Next End If'/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> Ts.WriteLine "[Support Information]" C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "= For Technical Support:" C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "= to obtain updated drivers or for information on frequently" C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "= asked questions, visit the MyCompany technical" C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "= support web site at:" C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "= http://www.mycompany.com/techsupport." C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "="'/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> Set colItems = ObjWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem", "WQL", WmiVar)'/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> For Each objItem In colItems C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & TitleL & "OPERATING SYSTEM INFORMATION" & TitleR C1 = C1 +1 If Len(PCType) > 1 Then Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & " PC Type " & vbTab & PCType Else Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & " PC Type " & vbTab & XpType End If C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Total Memory " & vbTab & RamTotal C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "OS Name " & vbTab & objItem.Caption C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "OS Version " & vbTab & objItem.Version C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Install Date " & vbTab & WMIDateStringToDate(objItem.InstallDate) C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Computer Name " & vbTab & objItem.CSName C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Organization " & vbTab & objItem.Organization C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" Next'/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> Set colItems = ObjWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem", "WQL", WmiVar)'/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> For Each objItem In colItems C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & TitleL & "MOTHERBOARD INFORMATION" & TitleR C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Description " & vbTab & objItem.Description C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "System Type " & vbTab & objItem.SystemType Next'/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> Set colItems = ObjWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_BaseBoard", "WQL", WmiVar)'/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> For Each objItem In colItems C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Manufacturer " & vbTab & objItem.Manufacturer C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Product " & vbTab & objItem.Product C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" Next'/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> Set colItems = ObjWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Processor", "WQL", WmiVar)'/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> For Each objItem In colItems C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & TitleL & "CPU INFORMATION" & TitleR C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Manufacturer " & vbTab & objItem.Manufacturer C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "CPU Name " & vbTab & objItem.Name C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Description " & vbTab & objItem.Description C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Processor Speed " & vbTab & objItem.CurrentClockSpeed & " MHZ" C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "L2 Cache Size " & vbTab & objItem.L2CacheSize C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "L2 Cache Speed " & vbTab & objItem.L2CacheSpeed & " MHZ" C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" Next'/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> Set colItems = ObjWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_VideoController", "WQL", WmiVar)'/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> For Each objItem In colItems Cnt = Cnt + 1 If Cnt = 1 Then C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & TitleL & "GRAPHICS CARD INFORMATION" & TitleR C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Description " & vbTab & objItem.Description C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Driver Version " & vbTab & objItem.DriverVersion C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Adapter Ram " & vbTab & objItem.AdapterRAM /MB & " MB" C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Adapter DAC Type" & vbTab & objItem.AdapterDACType C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" End If Next'/-> Reset Cnt To Zero Cnt = 0'/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> Set colItems = ObjWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_SoundDevice", "WQL", WmiVar)'/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> For Each objItem In colItems If InStr(objItem.DeviceID, "PCI") Then C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & TitleL & "SOUND CARD INFORMATION" & TitleR C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Manufacturer By " & vbTab & objItem.Manufacturer C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Description " & vbTab & objItem.Description C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" End If Next Dim Adapter, Card, Ip1, Ip2, NetMadeBy'/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> Set colItems = ObjWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration", "WQL", WmiVar)'/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> For Each ObjItem in ColItems If isNull(ObjItem.IPAddress) Then Else C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & TitleL & "NETWORK ADAPTER INFORMATION" & TitleR NetMadeBy = Split(ObjItem.Description," ") Card = Len(NetMadeBy(0)) C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Adapter Name " & vbTab & ObjItem.Description Ip = Join(ObjItem.IPAddress, ",") Ip1 = Split(IP,",") For Each Ip2 in Ip1 C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Ip Address " & vbTab & Ip2 C1 = C1 +1 Adapter_Info1() Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" Exit For Next End If Next'/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> Set colItems = ObjWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_PnPEntity where ClassGuid = '{4D36E966-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}'",,48) '/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> For Each objItem in colItems C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & TitleL & "HARDWARE ABSTRACTION LAYER INFORMATION" & TitleR C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Hal Details " & vbTab & objItem.Name C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" Next '/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> Set colItems = ObjWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_LogicalDisk", "WQL", WmiVar)'/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> Dim DrvType, Rpt C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & TitleL & Ucase("Disk Drive Information") & TitleR For Each objItem in colItems DrvType = objItem.MediaType C1 = C1 +1 CheckDrvType() Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & Rpt Rpt = "" Next '/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> Function WMIDateStringToDate(dtmDate) WMIDateStringToDate = CDate(Mid(dtmDate, 5, 2) & "/" & _ Mid(dtmDate, 7, 2) & "/" & Left(dtmDate, 4) _ & " " & Mid (dtmDate, 9, 2) & ":" & Mid(dtmDate, 11, 2) & ":" & Mid(dtmDate,13, 2)) End Function '/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> Function Adapter_Info1() Dim ColNet, M1, NetItem Set ColNet = ObjWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter",,48) For Each NetItem in ColNet If Instr(Lcase(NetItem.Manufacturer),LCase("Microsoft")) Then Else M1 = Left(NetItem.Manufacturer,Card) M1 = M1 If InStr(NetMadeBy(0),M1) Then C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Manufacturer " & vbTab & NetItem.Manufacturer C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "MAC Address " & vbTab & NetItem.MACAddress End If End If Next End Function'/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> Dim DrvDetails Function CheckDrvType() DrvDetails = objItem.Description'/-> Floppy Disk Check If DrvType = 5 then Rpt = S_3 & "FloppyDisk " & vbTab & objItem.Name & "\" End If '/-> CD Or DVD Check If DrvType = 11 Then If InStr(DrvDetails,"CD") Or InStr(DrvDetails,"Cd") Or InStr(DrvDetails,"cd") Then Rpt = S_3 & "Disk Drive " & vbTab & objItem.Name & "\" & vbTab & "Disk Type" & Space(2) &_ Chr(187) & Space(2) & DrvDetails End If If InStr(DrvDetails,"Dvd") Or InStr(DrvDetails,"DVD") Or InStr(DrvDetails,"dvd") Then Rpt = S_3 & "Disk Drive " & vbTab & objItem.Name & "\" & vbTab & "Disk Type" & Space(2) &_ Chr(187) & Space(2) & DrvDetails End If End If '/-> Hard Drive Check If DrvType = 12 Then Rpt = S_3 & "Hard Drive " & vbTab & objItem.Name & "\" & vbTab & "Disk Size" & Space(2) &_ Chr(187) & Space(2) & (Left(Round(objItem.Size /GB, 5),5)) & " GB" End If End Function '/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> Ts.Close Act.Run("Notepad.exe " & Sys32 & Ini)MkOem_v6.exe
`Felix` Posted May 19, 2008 Posted May 19, 2008 Hi Gunsmokingman,Yes your updated script does work on XP now - thanks for your hard work and update. Just some feedback on things i notice with it;1. If you have more than 1 sound/multimedia card installed - say a tv tuner card and a voice modem, the sound card section only picks up the last sound card in the list.2. PCtype is correct, however because i am a pain in the bum i like to know if it is a portable, laptop, server, desktop or workstation... 3. If you have VMware installed on the computer - the network section picks up all the vmware network adaptors.. I liked what you did with v5 and have been researching WMI and VBScripting (and learning how to write some) really for the first time of the last 3 days as a result of your script to see what i could do with it and make it XP compatiable whilst waiting on your update as i know people don't always have the time to spend updating scripts etc.What i found was fantastic on what you can do with WMI and i thankyou for piquing my interest! I have made a number of changes and i hope improvements to the v5 script base you had provided to all. I have tested this version on both XP and Vista on 4 different machines including Vmware and it works wonderfully. The issues i raised above i beleive i have resolved in the updates i have made. In addition i have put in some changes that will allow anyone to just change some simple variables at the top of the script to tweak their informational requirements - specifically; Modifying the "Company Name" and "Support URL"Anyway here is my version (I will call 6.1.(date of build)) for all to have a look at and use if they wish. I am working on a further update that will also copy the OEMLogo.bmp to the %windir%\system32 folder and a command line switch to enable the notepad option to open the file on creation as i personally would not have this happen as i would be running in a completely unattended environment. '/-> Original script By Gunsmokingman '/-> modified and updated by FeLix '/-> Tested with Windows XP & Vista. '/-> Version 6.1.20080519 '/-> Option Explicit '/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> '/-> Change the variables below to reflect your Company information. Dim sURL : sURL = "http://www.mycompany.com/techsupport." Dim mCompany : mCompany = "My Company Name" '/-> End of Company Information changes '/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> '/-> Const wbemFlagReturnImmediately = &h10 Const wbemFlagForwardOnly = &h20 '/-> Dim objFolder, Ts, objFile Dim ObjWMI, objItem, colItems Dim dtmDate, dtm Dim C1, Cnt, i, objItemConfig, strIP, strIPAddr '/-> Dim Act : Set Act = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") Dim Fso : Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Dim Sys32 : Sys32 = act.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%Windir%\System32") Dim Ini : Ini = "\oeminfo.ini" Dim strComputer : strComputer = "." Dim VBS : VBS = Act.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%Temp%\" & Fso.GetFile(WScript.ScriptFullName).Name) '/-> Dim MB : MB = 1024 * 1024 Dim GB : GB = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 Dim Line : Line = "Line" & C1 Dim S_3 : S_3 = Space(3) Dim S_5 : S_5 = Space(5) Dim TitleL : TitleL = S_5 & Chr(171) & S_3 Dim TitleR : TitleR = S_3 & Chr(187) & S_5 Dim WmiVar : WmiVar = wbemFlagReturnImmediately + wbemFlagForwardOnly '/-> Set Ts = Fso.OpenTextFile(Sys32 & Ini, 2, True) '/-> ' WMI Section '/-> Set ObjWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set colItems = ObjWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem", "WQL", WmiVar) '/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> Dim PCType, RamTotal, sType For Each objItem In colItems RamTotal = FormatNumber(objItem.TotalPhysicalMemory/1048576) & " MB" Ts.WriteLine "[General]" Ts.WriteLine "Manufacturer = " & objItem.Manufacturer Ts.WriteLine "Model = " & objItem.Model Ts.WriteLine "SupportURL = " & sURL Ts.WriteLine "" sType = objItem.Description Next '/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> Set colItems = ObjWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_SystemEnclosure", "WQL", WmiVar) '/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> For Each objItem In colItems PCType = "Computer Type Unknown" If Join(objItem.ChassisTypes, ",") = 1 Then PCType = "Virtual PC Environment" If Join(objItem.ChassisTypes, ",") = 2 Then PCType = "Unknown" If Join(objItem.ChassisTypes, ",") = 3 Then PCType = "Desktop" If Join(objItem.ChassisTypes, ",") = 4 Then PCType = "Low Profile Desktop" If Join(objItem.ChassisTypes, ",") = 5 Then PCType = "Pizza Box" If Join(objItem.ChassisTypes, ",") = 6 Then PCType = "Mini Tower" If Join(objItem.ChassisTypes, ",") = 7 Then PCType = "Tower" If Join(objItem.ChassisTypes, ",") = 8 Then PCType = "Portable" If Join(objItem.ChassisTypes, ",") = 9 Then PCType = "Laptop" If Join(objItem.ChassisTypes, ",") = 10 Then PCType = "Notebook" If Join(objItem.ChassisTypes, ",") = 11 Then PCType = "Handheld" If Join(objItem.ChassisTypes, ",") = 12 Then PCType = "Docking Station" If Join(objItem.ChassisTypes, ",") = 13 Then PCType = "All-in-One" If Join(objItem.ChassisTypes, ",") = 14 Then PCType = "Sub-Notebook" If Join(objItem.ChassisTypes, ",") = 15 Then PCType = "Space Saving" If Join(objItem.ChassisTypes, ",") = 16 Then PCType = "Lunch Box" If Join(objItem.ChassisTypes, ",") = 17 Then PCType = "Main System Chassis" If Join(objItem.ChassisTypes, ",") = 18 Then PCType = "Expansion Chassis" If Join(objItem.ChassisTypes, ",") = 19 Then PCType = "Sub-Chassis" If Join(objItem.ChassisTypes, ",") = 20 Then PCType = "Bus Expansion Chassis" If Join(objItem.ChassisTypes, ",") = 21 Then PCType = "Peripheral Chassis" If Join(objItem.ChassisTypes, ",") = 22 Then PCType = "Storage Chassis" If Join(objItem.ChassisTypes, ",") = 23 Then PCType = "Rack Mount Chassis" If Join(objItem.ChassisTypes, ",") = 24 Then PCType = "Sealed-Case PC" Next '/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> Ts.WriteLine "[Support Information]" C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "= For Technical Support:" C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "= to obtain updated drivers or for information on frequently" C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "= asked questions, visit the " & mCompany & " technical" C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "= support web site at: " & sURL C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" '/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> Set colItems = ObjWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_BaseBoard", "WQL", WmiVar) '/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> For Each objItem In colItems C1 = C1 +1 If Trim(objItem.SerialNumber) = "" Then Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & vbTab & " SERIAL NUMBER:: No serial number found" Else Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & vbTab & " SERIAL NUMBER: " & objItem.SerialNumber End If C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" Next '/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> Set colItems = ObjWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem", "WQL", WmiVar) '/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> For Each objItem In colItems C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & TitleL & "OPERATING SYSTEM INFORMATION" & TitleR C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & " PC Type " & vbTab & PCType C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Total Memory " & vbTab & RamTotal C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "OS Name " & vbTab & objItem.Caption C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "OS Version " & vbTab & objItem.Version C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Install Date " & vbTab & WMIDateStringToDate(objItem.InstallDate) C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Computer Name " & vbTab & objItem.CSName C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Organization " & vbTab & objItem.Organization C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" Next '/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> Set colItems = ObjWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_BaseBoard", "WQL", WmiVar) '/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> For Each objItem In colItems C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & TitleL & "MOTHERBOARD INFORMATION" & TitleR C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Manufacturer " & vbTab & objItem.Manufacturer C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Description " & vbTab & sType C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Model Type " & vbTab & objItem.Product C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "System Type " & vbTab & PCType C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" Next '/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> Set colItems = ObjWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Processor", "WQL", WmiVar) '/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> For Each objItem In colItems C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & TitleL & "CPU INFORMATION" & TitleR C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Manufacturer " & vbTab & objItem.Manufacturer C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "CPU Name " & vbTab & objItem.Name C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Description " & vbTab & objItem.Description C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Processor Speed " & vbTab & objItem.CurrentClockSpeed & " MHZ" C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "L2 Cache Size " & vbTab & objItem.L2CacheSize C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "L2 Cache Speed " & vbTab & objItem.L2CacheSpeed & " MHZ" C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" Next '/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> Set colItems = ObjWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_VideoController", "WQL", WmiVar) '/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> For Each objItem In colItems Cnt = Cnt + 1 If Cnt = 1 Then C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & TitleL & "GRAPHICS CARD INFORMATION" & TitleR C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Description " & vbTab & objItem.Description C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Driver Version " & vbTab & objItem.DriverVersion C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Adapter Ram " & vbTab & objItem.AdapterRAM /MB & " MB" C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Adapter DAC Type" & vbTab & objItem.AdapterDACType C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" End If Next '/-> Reset Cnt To Zero Cnt = 0 '/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> Set colItems = ObjWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_SoundDevice", "WQL", WmiVar) '/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> ' Cnt = Cnt + 1 ' If Cnt = 1 Then C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & TitleL & "MULTIMEDIA/SOUND CARD INFORMATION" & TitleR C1 = C1 +1 For Each objItem In colItems Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Manufacturer By " & vbTab & objItem.Manufacturer C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Description " & vbTab & objItem.Description C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" ' End If Next '/-> Reset Cnt To Zero ' Cnt = 0 '/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> Set colItems = ObjWMI.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_NetworkAdapter " & "Where NetConnectionID = 'Local Area Connection'") '/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> For Each objItem in colItems Set objItemConfig = objWMI.Get("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration.Index=" & objItem.Deviceid) If Not IsNull (objItemConfig.IPAddress) Then For Each strIPAddr In objItemConfig.IPAddress strIP = strIP & strIPAddr & " " Next C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & TitleL & "NETWORK ADAPTER INFORMATION" & TitleR C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Adapter Name " & vbTab & objItem.Name C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Manufacturer By " & vbTab & objItem.Manufacturer C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "MAC Address " & vbTab & objItem.MACAddress C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "IP Address " & vbTab & strIP C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" End If Next '/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> Set colItems = ObjWMI.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_NetworkAdapter " & "Where NetConnectionID = 'Wireless Network Connection'") '/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> For Each objItem in colItems Set objItemConfig = objWMI.Get("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration.Index=" & objItem.Deviceid) strIP = "" For Each strIPAddr In objItemConfig.IPAddress strIP = strIP & strIPAddr & " " Next C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & TitleL & "WIRELESS NETWORK ADAPTER INFORMATION" & TitleR C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Adapter Name " & vbTab & objItem.Name C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Manufacturer By " & vbTab & objItem.Manufacturer C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "MAC Address " & vbTab & objItem.MACAddress C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "IP Address " & vbTab & strIP C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" Next '/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> Set colItems = ObjWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_PnPEntity where ClassGuid = '{4D36E966-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}'",,48) '/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> For Each objItem in colItems C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & TitleL & "HARDWARE ABSTRACTION LAYER INFORMATION" & TitleR C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Hal Details " & vbTab & objItem.Name C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" Next '/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> Set colItems = ObjWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_LogicalDisk", "WQL", WmiVar) '/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> Dim DrvType, Rpt C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & TitleL & Ucase("Disk Drive Information") & TitleR For Each objItem in colItems DrvType = objItem.MediaType C1 = C1 +1 CheckDrvType() Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & Rpt Rpt = "" Next '/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> Function WMIDateStringToDate(dtmDate) WMIDateStringToDate = CDate(Mid(dtmDate, 5, 2) & "/" & _ Mid(dtmDate, 7, 2) & "/" & Left(dtmDate, 4) _ & " " & Mid (dtmDate, 9, 2) & ":" & Mid(dtmDate, 11, 2) & ":" & Mid(dtmDate,13, 2)) End Function '/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> Dim DrvDetails Function CheckDrvType() DrvDetails = objItem.Description '/-> Floppy Disk Check If DrvType = 5 then Rpt = S_3 & "FloppyDisk " & vbTab & objItem.Name & "\" End If '/-> CD Or DVD Check If DrvType = 11 Then If InStr(DrvDetails,"CD") Or InStr(DrvDetails,"Cd") Or InStr(DrvDetails,"cd") Then Rpt = S_3 & "Disk Drive " & vbTab & objItem.Name & "\" & vbTab & "Disk Type" & Space(2) &_ Chr(187) & Space(2) & DrvDetails End If If InStr(DrvDetails,"Dvd") Or InStr(DrvDetails,"DVD") Or InStr(DrvDetails,"dvd") Then Rpt = S_3 & "Disk Drive " & vbTab & objItem.Name & "\" & vbTab & "Disk Type" & Space(2) &_ Chr(187) & Space(2) & DrvDetails End If End If '/-> Hard Drive Check If DrvType = 12 Then Rpt = S_3 & "Hard Drive " & vbTab & objItem.Name & "\" & vbTab & "Disk Size" & Space(2) &_ Chr(187) & Space(2) & (Left(Round(objItem.Size /GB, 5),5)) & " GB" End If End Function '/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> Ts.Close Act.Run("Notepad.exe " & Sys32 & Ini) If Fso.FileExists(VBS) Then Fso.DeleteFile(VBS) End IfAnd here attached is a runtime version as you have also supplied.MkOem_v6.1.20080519.exe
gunsmokingman Posted May 19, 2008 Posted May 19, 2008 Felix thank you for finding a way to get the PCType.I have made a HTA with a way to allow the user to add a help url and company name.MkOem_V1H.exe
`Felix` Posted May 20, 2008 Posted May 20, 2008 Felix thank you for finding a way to get the PCType.No problems - my pleasure, was happy to learn some new stuff myself. And you HTA version looks good BTW
`Felix` Posted May 20, 2008 Posted May 20, 2008 (edited) Hi all, Well after a great learning curve and lots of research, trial and error, testing and hard work i am pleased to present you all with my flavoured update of Gunsmokingman's mkoem.Features;New Updated runtime module - now using 7zip with Oleg Scherbakov's 7z SFX Modified Module.New Command-line optionsNew Support for Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista and 2008.New OEMLogo included. (2 types - 2000/XP/2003 and Vista/2008)New Wireless Network Card now SupportedNew Support/Helpdesk hours entryNew Support/Helpdesk phone number entryNew Machine Serial number inclusion (If computer motherboard supports it)Updated Cleaner more accurate code with some checks and balancesUpdated Correct Machine type support.Updated Support for Multiple Sound/Multimedia CardsUpdated Operating System version now includes Service Pack versionQ&AQ. How do i change the OEMlogo.bmp files that are included to my files?A. The Installer is created with 7-zip - simply open the archive and replace the *.bmp files with your own. (xplogo.bmp & vistalogo.bmp) The correct file will be installed based on your operating system.Q. What is the correct image sizes for each oemlogo.bmp file?A. xplogo.bmp - 180x114 pixels vistalogo.bmp - 120 x 120 pixelsQ. When I use /c:Your Company Name, the company name is not completely added to my OEM information - how do I fix this?A. Make sure that the Company Name is in "quotes". Same answer applies for /u:["Your Company Support URL"].Q. How do I stop the installer adding oemlogo.bmp file to my system?A. The Installer is created with 7-zip - simply open the archive and remove the *.bmp file.Well I think that about covers it, however if you have any questions or ideas/suggestions for further updates, please let me know, i certainly have had a lot of fun and enjoyment learning more about vbscript and the power of WMI.Add-OEM Source Codeadd_oem_v7.1.20080608.exe Edited June 7, 2008 by `Felix`
hikerguy Posted June 5, 2008 Posted June 5, 2008 Felix, since I build/modify boxes on the side, I've been looking for something exactly like this. It's really great but I have a challenge for you. I tried using it on this upgrade I was doing and came across the problem described in "The L2CacheSize property of the Win32_Processor WMI class may not be populated correctly on specific types of processors".I tried this hack:'/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> Set colItems = ObjWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Processor", "WQL", WmiVar)'/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> For Each objItem In colItems C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & TitleL & "CPU INFORMATION" & TitleR C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Manufacturer " & vbTab & objItem.Manufacturer C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "CPU Name " & vbTab & objItem.Name C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Description " & vbTab & objItem.Description C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "Processor Speed " & vbTab & objItem.CurrentClockSpeed & " MHZ" C1 = C1 +1'/-> workaround for [url="http://support.microsoft.com/kb/894569"]http://support.microsoft.com/kb/894569[/url] If IsNull (objItem.L2CacheSpeed) Then Exit For Else Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "L2 Cache Size " & vbTab & objItem.L2CacheSize C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "L2 Cache Speed " & vbTab & objItem.L2CacheSpeed & " MHZ" C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" End If Next If IsNull (objItem.L2CacheSpeed) Then Set colItems = ObjWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_CacheMemory", "WQL", WmiVar) For Each objItem In colItems Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "L2 Cache Size " & vbTab & objItem.MaxCacheSize C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "L2 Cache Speed " & vbTab & objItem.CacheSpeed & " MHZ" C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" Next End IfBut came up with a slight problem. As you see, the workaround reports both L1 & L2 but the cache speed doesn't get reported at all. Line23= « CPU INFORMATION » Line24= Manufacturer GenuineIntelLine25= CPU Name Intel® Pentium® 4 CPU 2.80GHzLine26= Description x86 Family 15 Model 4 Stepping 1Line27= Processor Speed 2794 MHZLine28= L2 Cache Size 16Line29= L2 Cache Speed MHZLine30=Line30= L2 Cache Size 1024Line31= L2 Cache Speed MHZI am not going to pretend to understand WMI & VB as well as you and the other contributors do. Got a workaround? I'd appreciate it.
gunsmokingman Posted June 5, 2008 Posted June 5, 2008 Perhaps try changing the code to be more like this. This is just an example.Dim Cache, colItems, objItem, ObjWMISet ObjWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\CIMV2") Set colItems = ObjWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Processor",,48) For Each objItem in colItems '/-> L2 Cache Size And Speed If objItem.L2CacheSize = 0 Then Cache = Cache & "L2CacheSize" & vbtab & "No Information" & vbCrLf Else Cache = Cache & "L2CacheSize" & vbtab & objItem.L2CacheSize & vbCrLf End If If objItem.L2CacheSpeed = 0 Then Cache = Cache & "L2CacheSize" & vbtab & "No Information" & vbCrLf Else Cache = Cache & "L2CacheSpeed" & vbtab & objItem.L2CacheSpeed & vbCrLf End If'/-> L3 Cache Size And Speed If objItem.L3CacheSize = 0 Then Cache = Cache & "L3CacheSize" & vbtab & "No Information" & vbCrLf Else Cache = Cache & "L3CacheSize" & vbtab & objItem.L3CacheSize & vbCrLf End If If objItem.L3CacheSpeed = 0 Then Cache = Cache & "L3CacheSize" & vbtab & "No Information" & vbCrLf Else Cache = Cache & "L3CacheSpeed" & vbtab & objItem.L3CacheSpeed & vbCrLf End If Next Wscript.Echo Cache
hikerguy Posted June 6, 2008 Posted June 6, 2008 Thanks gunsmokingman, after a little messing around I settled on a mix of both. I figure I might as well make an attempt to get information if there's a work-around (I'm anal like that):'/-> workaround for [url="http://support.microsoft.com/kb/894569"]http://support.microsoft.com/kb/894569[/url] If objItem.L2CacheSize = 0 Then Exit For Else Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "L2 Cache Size " & vbTab & objItem.L2CacheSize C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "L2 Cache Speed " & vbTab & objItem.L2CacheSpeed & " MHZ" C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" End If Next If objItem.L2CacheSize = 0 Then'/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> Set colItems = ObjWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT Description, MaxCacheSize, CacheSpeed FROM Win32_CacheMemory", "WQL", WmiVar)'/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> Dim Ln Ln = 1 For Each objItem In colItems Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "L" & Ln & " " & objItem.Description & vbTab & objItem.MaxCacheSize C1 = C1 +1 If Not IsNull(objItem.CacheSpeed) Then Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "L" & Ln & " Cache Speed " & vbTab & objItem.CacheSpeed Else Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "L" & Ln & " Cache Speed " & vbTab & "No Information" End If C1 = C1 +1 Ln = Ln +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" Next End IfAnd on the same machine, this yields:Line23= « CPU INFORMATION » Line24= Manufacturer GenuineIntelLine25= CPU Name Intel® Pentium® 4 CPU 2.80GHzLine26= Description x86 Family 15 Model 4 Stepping 1Line27= Processor Speed 2794 MHZLine28= L1 Cache Memory 16Line29= L1 Cache Speed No InformationLine30=Line30= L2 Cache Memory 1024Line31= L2 Cache Speed No Information
`Felix` Posted June 7, 2008 Posted June 7, 2008 Thanks gunsmokingman, after a little messing around I settled on a mix of both. I figure I might as well make an attempt to get information if there's a work-around (I'm anal like that):'/-> workaround for [url="http://support.microsoft.com/kb/894569"]http://support.microsoft.com/kb/894569[/url] If objItem.L2CacheSize = 0 Then Exit For Else Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "L2 Cache Size " & vbTab & objItem.L2CacheSize C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "L2 Cache Speed " & vbTab & objItem.L2CacheSpeed & " MHZ" C1 = C1 +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" End If Next If objItem.L2CacheSize = 0 Then'/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> Set colItems = ObjWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT Description, MaxCacheSize, CacheSpeed FROM Win32_CacheMemory", "WQL", WmiVar)'/-----------------------------------------------------------------------> Dim Ln Ln = 1 For Each objItem In colItems Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "L" & Ln & " " & objItem.Description & vbTab & objItem.MaxCacheSize C1 = C1 +1 If Not IsNull(objItem.CacheSpeed) Then Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "L" & Ln & " Cache Speed " & vbTab & objItem.CacheSpeed Else Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" & S_3 & "L" & Ln & " Cache Speed " & vbTab & "No Information" End If C1 = C1 +1 Ln = Ln +1 Ts.WriteLine "Line" & C1 & "=" Next End IfAnd on the same machine, this yields:Line23= « CPU INFORMATION » Line24= Manufacturer GenuineIntelLine25= CPU Name Intel® Pentium® 4 CPU 2.80GHzLine26= Description x86 Family 15 Model 4 Stepping 1Line27= Processor Speed 2794 MHZLine28= L1 Cache Memory 16Line29= L1 Cache Speed No InformationLine30=Line30= L2 Cache Memory 1024Line31= L2 Cache Speed No InformationThanks for your message and input... i have read the MS KB and added changes to address this issue.
Mindwarper Posted June 16, 2008 Posted June 16, 2008 Can anyone help me with the following ideas I'm having with this...First of all I am actually not at all familiar with programming, but I am actually very find of this "solution" you guys provide here with the VBS script.Now I have a few questions regarding this... How can one actually implement this into a install source, install CD if you like?In other words, can it be implemented during setup, and if yes how? Most important one here: if someone uses nLite to customise his/her install source, you can choose to make such oeminfo as well...Now is it possible for example to combine both outputs to one single oeminfo.ini file?I know one can edit it manually, but would it be possible to to it automated/unattended?Thank you for your thoughts & help in advance!
`Felix` Posted June 16, 2008 Posted June 16, 2008 Can anyone help me with the following ideas I'm having with this...First of all I am actually not at all familiar with programming, but I am actually very find of this "solution" you guys provide here with the VBS script.Now I have a few questions regarding this... How can one actually implement this into a install source, install CD if you like?In other words, can it be implemented during setup, and if yes how? Most important one here: if someone uses nLite to customise his/her install source, you can choose to make such oeminfo as well...Now is it possible for example to combine both outputs to one single oeminfo.ini file?I know one can edit it manually, but would it be possible to to it automated/unattended?Thank you for your thoughts & help in advance!1. Yes you can implement/run it during installation - you can use one of two methods; a. run from the SVCPack.ini file or b. run from Runonce. See information here on how to do it... RunOnce Method2. Nlite can create oeminfo.ini for you, however if you use this tool, the information that Nlite will write to oeminfo.ini will be overwritten. Having said that, this tool provides far more informative information than the basic stuff that Nlite adds. You could combine the two manually, or if you really wanted to - you could modify the script to append the additional information to oeminfo, however personally i think that would defeat the purpose of the tool.Hope this answers your questions.Enjoy!
Mindwarper Posted June 16, 2008 Posted June 16, 2008 (edited) 1. Yes you can implement/run it during installation - you can use one of two methods; a. run from the SVCPack.ini file or b. run from Runonce. See information here on how to do it... RunOnce Method2. Nlite can create oeminfo.ini for you, however if you use this tool, the information that Nlite will write to oeminfo.ini will be overwritten. Having said that, this tool provides far more informative information than the basic stuff that Nlite adds. You could combine the two manually, or if you really wanted to - you could modify the script to append the additional information to oeminfo, however personally i think that would defeat the purpose of the tool.Hope this answers your questions.Enjoy!Thank you for answering my questions!Was helpful indeed Edited June 16, 2008 by Mindwarper
jjunior Posted July 3, 2008 Posted July 3, 2008 (edited) Sorry, my english is bad.I thinking about insert a function to auto search oemlogo by Manufacturer ou Motherboard.This is possible?I am Braziliam.--------------------------------------------------------------------I done. Edited July 9, 2008 by jjunior
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