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Best recommendation for XP Pro SP2 Client Deployment

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I have a computer that has all the software needed for a computer lab. I would like to use WPI and Norton's Ghost to make an image to deploy to the rest of the systems in the Lab. I'm not sure of the best method to use with Sysprep and WPI, or even if I need to use Sysprep at all?

I would need to have the computers image deployment allow us to change the computer name, install IIS with the run scripts & execute function allowed, and create a user in our Active Directory server. In the pass, Sysprep would have the time destroy the image or delete something important in the RESEAL of the system. Using the forums, I've made an updated (service packs) C:\I386 folder, created a test user, deleted any other users on the system except the Admin and guest accounts.

Again, I would like to use WPI to complete the installs, not SYSPREP. How would I start WPI after the computer systems in our labs are re-imaged and install/configure the systems using WPI?

I really think this program can solve our problems.

All help (and samples, please :D ) are appreciated...

Tony D.

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