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cmdlines.txt strangeness

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Would appreciate some insight from anyone familiar with the cmdlines.txt as far as moving the bulk of the batch commands to that

tried it with standard start wait switches - nothing

but not given up hope yet

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I haven't tried cmdlines before, but there's one thing you should know - the Windows Installer service isn't started in that area, so you can't install programs such as MSN Messenger 6 and Movie Maker 2

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Thanks much for the reply

I have an alternate for the msi installs that I'll post up later today

the thing i'm looking to do is integrate the hotfixes to the cmdlines sections - should cut a considerable amount of time because it will use the win32 rather than wow subsystem to install them

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Here you go- the last three lines are not for the faint of heart and experimental


".\SVCPACK\Q282010.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q322011.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q323255.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q327696.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q327979.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q328310.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q329048.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q329115.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q329170.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q329256.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q329390.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q329441.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q329604.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q329623.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q329692.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q329834.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q330512.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q330909.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q331953.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q331958.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q810032.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q810243.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q810272.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q810400.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q810565.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q810577.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q810833.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q811630.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q812035.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q812415.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q814033.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q814995.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q815021.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q815485.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q816073.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q817606.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q820128.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q820291.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q821253.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q821557.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q821581.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q822603.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q823559.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"

".\SVCPACK\Q823980.EXE -U -Q -N -Z"



startstate /msiexec - 0x0200000

"rundll32 setupapi,.\DX9\dxntopk.exe /opk"

"rundll32 setupapi,.\WM9\wmp9mm2.exe"

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  • 5 months later...
Here you go- the last three lines are not for the faint of heart and experimental



startstate /msiexec - 0x0200000

"rundll32 setupapi,.\DX9\dxntopk.exe /opk"

"rundll32 setupapi,.\WM9\wmp9mm2.exe"

Sometimes ya really gotta dig to find stuff. 2 questions, Spheris:

1) Is it a typo on the startstate line, that there are no quotes?

2) Is there any reason this would not work from SVCPACK.INF?

Sorry to blow the dust off ...

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