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[UTIL] Windows XP Updates Downloader

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I like jcarle's utility but he hasn't updated it since January, so I came up with my own.

At this point it does what I need so I'm not likely going to make any changes other than fix bugs if any are discovered. But recommendations will be considered.

I will not be updating the included list of updates on any sort of regular basis, but since it is a CSV file you can keep the list up to date yourself by referencing any of the numerous lists on this site. The included list should be current as of April 2006.

It is written as an HTML Application so if you what to add something feel free.

This will syncronize your download folder with the listed contents of you CSV file, if it's not on the list it will not be in the folder. If it's on the list and you provide the correct download link it should end up in the folder.


GetUpdates.exe (7-zip self extracting archive)

Updated csv file for August 2006


Edited by IcemanND
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I'm gonna try it as well. The .cvs thing was just what was missing in jcarle's.

A question, though: what are those dll for?

Edited by Djé
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the dll's are required for WGET. I have been looking for a way to download the files using something built into the os but so far they are either way too slow or use waaay too much memory.

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Great work IcemanND, thank you needed update to XPDown for ages we know jcarle has been busy also like the fact you can edit the updates.csv file to add new Hotfixes
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