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How can i tell autoit to del shortcuts from desktop?

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My question is in the topic :)

i dont know how to make scripts and i'm making scripts with ScriptWriter :blushing:

can i delete a shortcut from desktop with autoit if the installer doesnt have a choice for that and creates them without asking? d**n i hate that! :realmad:

and if i can how to do it?

i was thinking something like DelShortcut("C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\Desktop\shortcut name")

will that one work?

and can you tell me whats the extension of shortcuts? is it .ink?

please help me if someone knows it

i have searched for that and didnt find nothing :(


for single user and all users, respectively

Thanks a lot mrshark!

You are my hero! :thumbup

d**m... i'm searching for that about 5-6 hours...! :wacko:


In AutoIT, I believe that something along these lines will do it.

FileDelete(@DesktopCommonDir & "\shortcut.lnk")

and /or

FileDelete(@DesktopDir & "\shortcut.lnk")

In batch type language you would require something like this

DEL "%AllUsersProfile%\Desktop\shortcut.lnk">NUL

and /or

DEL "%UserProfile%\Desktop\shortcut.lnk">NUL


ehm, my fault... i have UnixUtils installed ( http://unxutils.sourceforge.net ), because i use linux too, and i like to have my commands and scripts also in windows... the right commands for a pure windows command shell are those in the Yzöwl post, the last two... sorry :-(

BTW, install UnixUtils, they are great and useful :-)


Thanks a lot Yzöwl!

This one worked! :)

I have searching in the google all day yesterday...

You saved me!

Thank you!!!

@mrshark np m8 no need to apologize

you just made a little mistake

but you reply to me and i thank you for that


just a suggestion. its not easier to delete them just using del DOS command than usgin an autoit script?. if you want you can have a cmd file for each setup routine so you're better organized.

i use one cmd file to delete and copy all the shorcuts i want so that my start menu is organized neatly and my desktop is cleaned.

just use DEL PATHTOSHORCUT\shorcut.lnk (you can use system variables as userprofile or alluserprofiles)

just a suggestion. its not easier to delete them just using del DOS command than usgin an autoit script?. if you want you can have a cmd file for each setup routine so you're better organized.

i use one cmd file to delete and copy all the shorcuts i want so that my start menu is organized neatly and my desktop is cleaned.

just use DEL PATHTOSHORCUT\shorcut.lnk (you can use system variables as userprofile or alluserprofiles)

its easier for me to add FileDelete("dir\filename") @ the end of the script

but i can use your way for something else!

i'll make one batch file to run @ the end of ALL setups and del all the files in %temp% ;)

thanks for your suggestion, you just gave me a nice idea! :thumbup

its easier for me to add FileDelete("dir\filename") @ the end of the script

but i can use your way for something else!

i'll make one batch file to run @ the end of ALL setups and del all the files in %temp% newwink.gif

thanks for your suggestion, you just gave me a nice idea! thumbup.gif

if you use autoit scripts is truth. much easier to add FileDelete at the end.

i use a cmd for making the final steps, deleting files, organizing star menu, cleaning temp dir, disabling zip folders and cabview and many other stuff like this that dont deserve to be put in tweaks or on other smd files i use.

definitively is very useful to delte tons of stuff that are useless at the end of any installation.

Posted (edited)

well... i had a very nice idea today!

i'm adding ccleaner to install with all the autoit setups that i have made

and in the end i'm autoit running it to auto-remove all the crap!

but i want too, to make a cmd that will organize start menu

but d**n... its trouble to do that :(

but i'm gona make this cause i like to have my start-programs

without folders, but only with the shortcuts of the progs that i use

its looks very nike like this

and i was thinking maybe... if i copy my start menu/progs to cd

and tell auto it to del the files inisde c:/start menu/all users/progs

and then copy the ones from cd there will that work?

hmmm i can try that on vmware to see if it will work

i'll make an iso with the start/program files, load it on vmware's xp and will try to see if it works

...you're saying now... is he freaked out?! :crazy:

d**n i love autoit! since i learned it (before 3 days :blushing: ) and i have stack with it!

and i'm converting all my progs to autoit...

i have spend 2 days for that and i have more to make

wish me luck

thanks for the idea for start menu!

i like it! :thumbup

hmmm i just find out that i can add only 4 emoticons in each post : (

Edited by InViSibLe Gr

i make winrar sfx for many things and its very easy.

1) for start menu folder menu structure i keep a folder with all the folders i use (example: Design, system, DVD, Video, Audio)

2) for programs that dont need installer (many freeware apps i use. i always extract them to a folder in program files so i keep another folder like the star menu one with all the freeware so i can update them easily.

3) i have the star menu shorcuts of the freeware apps in the folder mentioned above.

4) to find out wich shorcuts a program install i test them first the use in cleanup.cmd xcopy and del commands to organize my start menu.

and finally, when im about to compile my iso image, i just make sfx archives for the freeware apps (and others that use installer but i found that doesn copy other files outside their installed directory) the start menu structure and everything is neatly organized.

you can use this tips i guess. good luck.

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