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Visual Studio Express 2005

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I downloaded this morning Visual Sudio Express 2005 to test it to see if it was something we would want to purchase the full version of. As soon as it was installed my Outlook, which is on drive C was then looking for Outlook on Drive I. I do not even have a drive I in this computer.

I did a full un-install, rebooted and still the same problem.

I called tech support and they tell me since I am just testing it they cannot do anything for me unless I want to go to the Tech Support and pay MS $245.00 to correct a problem their software created.

I ordered 5 new Internet Servers Friday and we had decided to continue using MS 2003 Server but I made the decision to put RedHat on them instead within 5 minutes after I got off of the phone.

Sorry Microsoft but if you want to mess up a computer with your software, that hasn't any problems before and you want to charge me $245.00 to correct your problem, there are other options.


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Sounds about right for MS, unfortunately these days its a rare thing to find big corporations who actually care about their customers. As for uninstalling Server 2003, i dont know why you would want to go and do something like that. I find it to be an extremely stable OS and if something were to go wrong the crash recovery time is considerably less than if you are running a redhat server.

Also seeing as you forked out the money for 2003 it seems kind of stupid to not use it even if you are abit p***ed at MS tech support. regarding your outlook problem if you simply explained the problem on the forums or on any IRC channel that there are MS support rooms on you would have had your problem fixed within 2 minutes.

Edited by ScubaSteve
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If I would have all ready ordered the 2003 I would have stuck with MS but I had not. I did find out what was causing the problem however. There were a large group of .net files that the add/remove programs did not remove from the server which was installed with the test software. I didn't count them but estimate about 10 or 12 files. Manually deleted them and the Outlook started working proper again however I am still going to put RedHat on the new servers. What I save in software cost will pay for another server.

On my windows servers I have now, if I do not reboot the server once in a while it will give me problems. Some of my linux boxes have been running over 12 months now and have never been rebooted.

Thank you for replying to the posting,


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  • 4 weeks later...

Test Software + Live Box = Bad Idea

I have Windows servers that run for months at a time without a reboot. Sometimes I wonder what people do to their servers when they say things like "I have to reboot my Windows servers once a week or they don't work right".

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