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Hi ive tried installing RealVNC silently, if i run it from run it installs fine if i try and do it through a batch file i get invalid switch. ive tried with inverted commas and without but to no joy, what am i doing wrong?

@ECHO Installing RealVNC
start /wait "t:\laptop installation\vnc\vnc.exe" /silent
@ECHO Installing Password
"\\headofficedc\it\laptop installation\vnc\vncremotepass.reg"

Also does anyone know how to automatically add the reg file to the registry without having it prompt the user?



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Try not to use installation paths with spaces, and you never need to worry about what goes inside the quotes, and what goes outside the quotes, etc. Just a suggestion, from experience screwing things up :).

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Comes down to a basic Start /?

This will not work:

start /wait "notepad"

This will work:

start /wait "title" "notepad"

Even this will work:


The 1st pair of double quotes is reserved for the title with using Start.

To be honest, why use the Start command on an executable installer as it will wait by default ? If you install an msi, just call msiexec to install it, again no Start command used.

If you want to run a file that has an associated executable to run it, then you could use the Start command which will search the registry for the associated executable to run the file.

To run a txt file without specifing the executable to run it, then use Start /wait to run it with the default executable for the association of txt files.

@echo off & echo "Just a test" >> "%systemdrive%\test.txt" & @echo on
start /wait "" "%systemdrive%\test.txt"

Choosing the correct method should return expected results.

@ECHO Installing RealVNC
"t:\laptop installation\vnc\vnc.exe" /silent
@ECHO Installing Password
Regedit /s "\\headofficedc\it\laptop installation\vnc\vncremotepass.reg"

Edited by MHz
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  • 7 months later...
Hi ive tried installing RealVNC silently, if i run it from run it installs fine if i try and do it through a batch file i get invalid switch. ive tried with inverted commas and without but to no joy, what am i doing wrong?

@ECHO Installing RealVNC
start /wait "t:\laptop installation\vnc\vnc.exe" /silent
@ECHO Installing Password
"\\headofficedc\it\laptop installation\vnc\vncremotepass.reg"

Also does anyone know how to automatically add the reg file to the registry without having it prompt the user?



i used

start c:\vnc.exe /verysilent /sp-

it's install perfect ;)

but what is the registercode of the remote pasword?


Edited by kristoff
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Correct syntax:

@ECHO Installing RealVNC
start /wait "" "t:\laptop installation\vnc\vnc.exe" /silent
@ECHO Installing Password
start /wait "" "regedit" /S "\\headofficedc\it\laptop installation\vnc\vncremotepass.reg"

Don't forget, the first " " is for title of opened window ... you can replace "" by "Installation VNC ..."

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