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Customize your boot screen!


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I did all that, but for testing what do you recommend I try ?

test it in ur own system using boot editor... it will add a new line in ur Boot.ini for testing so u dont have to worry messing up... & if u want cud u send to me ur compressed custom boot file? il try to check in my PC :yes:

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  • 1 month later...
Sorry people, it's possible to change the position of the scrolling bar like in this preview?


Thanks in advance

If your using booteditor to modify your bootscreen you can move the progress bar up or down, but not sideways.

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To change the palette you need to use either Boot Editor, or you can change it manually by entering your custom palette into the hexadecimal code (tutorial here).

To change the location of the progress bar, visit my tutorial.

Good luck.

Edited by Jiwek
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  • 3 months later...

Does anyone know how you'd go about moving the progress bar in a hex editor? Also, I don't suppose there's been any progress hacking it to use 256- or 16-bit colour? 256 at least seems like it'd only be a matter of repointing the palette table and hacking the image-reading code a bit, but I don't know enough x86 ASM to try it (and hacking assembly in the Windows kernel seems a bit risky).

[edit] Found a thread on moving the bar up and down, but not left and right.

Edited by HyperHacker
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  • 1 month later...

What the heck, I replaced bitmap #1 but I still see the old bootscreen. :blink: #9-12 don't exist (I have 1-8 and 13-15), and no others are big enough to be it; #5 is a Windows logo and the words "Microsoft Windows", but not the rest of the image which is still present somehow.

[edit] After replacing #5 the entire boot screen is black except for the progress bar. >_<

Edited by HyperHacker
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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, has anyone cracked it yet? Has anyone been able to totally change it all around to allow more than a 16 color image?

My being lazy, does anyone have a working way to easily do this to Win98SE without damaging anything?


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  • 3 weeks later...

Use resorce hacker to changin boot screenof any os like 2k xp , 2003....

Note: ... copy ntoskrnl.exe and ntkrnlmp.exe orignal files form xp cd. They will be in ex_ form so rename them to .ex_ to .cab and then extract them and then open in resorce hacker.

Use your 16 coulors bmp pitcure to replace xp logo. The first black screen will boot screen so you have to replace it. Then save it and

by makecab command make theire cabnets one by one and rename them .cab to .ex_ .

Copy theses filese into i386 folder of xp. and use nlite and disable windows file protection. Then instal xp it will use your custom boot screen.

Try and pm me if work

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