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Wirless network 999999x slower than hardline


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I recently setup a network for a small company (8 employees) which consists of a netgear wireless router, a windows 2003 server and wireless clients, all XP SP2 with firewall turned off.

All of the wireless clients connect to the access point at 54Mbps and all recieve either very high or excellent signal strength. Their are no other wireless acess points around them. The problem that they are having is that the wireless network is slow. I mean crazily, slow.

For instance, for a wireless client to access the server it will take about 5 seconds just to open a folder. they browse one folder deeper on the server and might have to wait 3 seconds for it to do its thing. The server is brand new and has tons of free space on both drives and the hard drives aren't slow. But its not just accessing the server thats slow, its also accessing the internet. checking email can sometimes time out. Printing a simple word document with no pictures will take a good 25-40 seconds to send, and we are talking 4 pages of text.

The server is running DHCP and DNS along with active directory. Its staticaly assigned a IP address and a subnet.

Wireless clients have a x.x.1.x IP, same subnet, the gateway is the router and the DNS server is our server

Does anyone know why wireless is sooooo slow? I've used several wireless networks and they don't feel nearly this slow, even when only connecting at 11Mbps! From any wireless client, I can do a ping and get response times roughly equal to what I get from the server. And the server hauls a** for internet, printing and well, you name it. Its only the wireless clients that are slow.

any ideas?



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is the server plugged directly into the switch or is that wireless also... this would be a HUGE problem..

you also might want to downgrade from 54/g to 11/b that way you arent maxing the bandwidth of the wireless access point. besides.. 8 is just about the max I would want on a wireless network.. I think they say 10 or 11 clients is the max.. but this is for internet sharing.. not network lan traffic

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