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Usb flash drive with screwed up filesystem

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hullo folks...

i have a small problem. i bought a 'Sony' USB keychain and due to some inconsistencies in usage (i had used it 3 times or so) i did a scan with Drive>Properties>Tools and then 'scan disk for errors' just to be sure... i let i run for some time and after like 15 minutes or so i grew impatient because the program didn't respond any more and i couldn't close as well so i did exactly the wrong thing apparently: i pulled out the flash drive, and scandisk sort of shut itself down or somthing.

But now, when i put the drive in, it is recognized as a mere "removable disk" in explorer, and when i want to open/format/scandisk it, it always says something about: "please insert disk into drive I:" as if it were a floppy or cd-rom drive with no disk in it.

so, the filesystem must be screwed up, i figure, but how do i reset it, or something like that..? do i have to create a new partition and then format it? i tried partition magic and some other partition managers but none were geared towards usb sticks... i also tried the utility from HP, to no avail. xp's disk management doesn't work either because there is no partition on the stick anymore.... in 'Properties' it says: "filesystem: unknown". so what can i do now?

can't bring it back to the dealer, cause i bought it in china (and it's not a genuine Sony). But it did work at least twice without a hitch.

Edited by Yohann LeBorsch
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I'm not sure, but I wouldn't think that a scandisk would pick up errors on a flash drive as it's a completely different entity from an IDE device. It probably failed because it didn't know what it was. Can you drop files onto it in explorer and read them? Are you receiving this error after a restart? And why would you be trying to format/scandisk/partition a flash drive anyway??

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can't copy anything to it and restarting doesn't help

it's as if it was an empty floppy drive.

i wanted to format it, because of the few errors i got the first time i used it, and i wanted to have a clean partition...

and as it is a fake i don't know if there is a possibility to figure out the manufacturer and reset or update the firmware or the FAT...

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told you, theres no partition (probably because the FAT is broken), but it seems that i can't create one either, at least not under 'manage'

havent tried fdisk or some other low-level utility because of lack of time, though...


Edited by Yohann LeBorsch
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the stick is a fake sony stick micro vault stick. so no software whatsoever came with it, but then again, i paid only 10 bucks for it and it sorta worked. at least before i b0rked it...

and as it is surely from some generic manufacturer i have no idea if a program of this sort even exists or how to figure out what manufacturer it is from...

Edited by Yohann LeBorsch
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