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Acronis True Image 9


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To silent install true image 9 extract the .msi (right click on the install button on splash screen and choose extract) and use a batch file;

ECHO Installing Acronis True Image 9
ECHO Please wait...
start /wait msiexec.exe /i AcronisTrueImage.msi ADDLOCAL=ALL PIDKEY=XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX /norestart /qb-!

Be sure the batch file is in the same directory as the .msi, and call it in your usual way.

Edited by warrior1109
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Great help.. cheers :D

After testing, this may not work very well on an unattended install, as it may force the pc to restart. May want to use the following witches:

cmdow @ /HID

start /wait msiexec.exe /i AcronisTrueImage.msi ADDLOCAL=ALL PIDKEY=XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX /quiet /passive /norestart

(OOPS missed the \norestart switch in previous post.. DOH!!)

or directly from RunOnceEx:

REG ADD %KEY%\000 /VE /D "Acronis True Image" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\000 /V 01 /D "\"%CDROM%\Software\AcronisTrueImage\AcronisTrueImage.msi \" ADDLOCAL=ALL PIDKEY=XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX /quiet /passive /norestart" /f

Edited by drscouse
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or directly from RunOnceEx:
REG ADD %KEY%\000 /VE /D "Acronis True Image" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\000 /V 01 /D "\"%CDROM%\Software\AcronisTrueImage\AcronisTrueImage.msi \" ADDLOCAL=ALL PIDKEY=XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX /quiet /passive /norestart" /f

I tried it from the RunOnceEx but could not get it to work, so now my RunOnceEx calls the batch file. :no:

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or directly from RunOnceEx:
REG ADD %KEY%\000 /VE /D "Acronis True Image" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\000 /V 01 /D "\"%CDROM%\Software\AcronisTrueImage\AcronisTrueImage.msi \" ADDLOCAL=ALL PIDKEY=XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX /quiet /passive /norestart" /f

I tried it from the RunOnceEx but could not get it to work, so now my RunOnceEx calls the batch file. :no:

Shouldn't it be

REG ADD %KEY%\000 /VE /D "Acronis True Image" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\000 /V 01 /D "\"%CDROM%\Software\AcronisTrueImage\AcronisTrueImage.msi  ADDLOCAL=ALL PIDKEY=XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX /quiet /passive /norestart" /f

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REG ADD %KEY%\000 /V 01 /D "\"%CDROM%\Software\AcronisTrueImage\AcronisTrueImage.msi  ADDLOCAL=ALL PIDKEY=XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX /quiet /passive /norestart" /f
You are missing a ", there are only 3 in the above instruction...

If you notice this entry:

REG ADD %KEY%\017 /VE /D "Nero Burning Rom" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\017 /V 01 /D "\"%CDROM%\Software\Nero\Nero.exe\"  /silent /sn=SERIAL  /write_sn /no_ui /noreboot" /f

There are 4 ", and there is a " after the filename.... and the final one after the switches before the /f..

This is working fine for me, so Ive ditched the batch file :D

REG ADD %KEY%\022 /V 01 /D "\"%CDROM%\Software\TrueImage\TrueImage.msi\" ADDLOCAL=ALL PIDKEY=XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX /quiet /passive /norestart" /f

Taken directly from my working script...

Edited by drscouse
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  • 5 months later...
Could someone please tell me what files are needed for silent install,

is it just AcronisTrueImage.msi, instmsia.exe, instmsiw.exe, icudt32l.dat,


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Whenever I run this MSI with these switches, I get an error message

Here is my autoit line:

RunWait("msiexec /i AcronisTrueImage.msi ADDLOCAL=ALL PIDKEY=xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx /quiet /passive /norestart")

but I tried this in a batch file as well and I still get this error. Any ideas?


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why did you use ADDLOCAL switch? what is that for?

for disk director suite i just grab the msi extracted by the setup (in userprofile temp folder) and use this swtiches to run it: PIDKey=x-x-x-x /qn /no restart

and all works fine for me.

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I was just going by what was in the posts. I looked it up on the Acronis site and got the true switch which as you say, has *no* ADDLOCAL

@thuun derboy

Of course I didn't use autoit code on a batch file!! I was saying I tried the above commands with a start /wait in a batch file and it didn't work. I rarely use batch files since learning Autoit. I just wanted to see if it was Autoit's fault.


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Whenever I run this MSI with these switches, I get an error message

Here is my autoit line:

RunWait("msiexec /i AcronisTrueImage.msi ADDLOCAL=ALL PIDKEY=xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx /quiet /passive /norestart")

but I tried this in a batch file as well and I still get this error. Any ideas?

Tell msiexec where your file is. Supply a path to the file.

If you use Start /Wait in a DOS batch file, then you deserve to be thrown into a snake pit for constructing a noobie command. :P

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hehe, that's why I don't use batch files anymore. I can do everything in autoit and more! Anyway, this worked after I took out the ADDLOCAL=ALL without providing the full path to the MSI.




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