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i want to change my icons for my UA install. how should i do this? is there a program that allow me to make my icons into an exe file so that all i need to do is to run that file and it will edit the system files? or should i just copy over my system32.dll and stuff like that?

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actually resourcehacker can solve ur problem

what i do is ,

edit shell32.dll (replace all bitmaps, icons, dialogue, strings

and save it as shell32.res....

so to update every release or newer shell32.dll

i use this command to update newer shell32.dll

"ResHacker.exe -modify shell32.dll, shell32.dll, shell32.res,,," (without quotes)

all three files must be in the same folder

then "modifype shell32.dll -c" (without quotes)

then "makecab shell32.dll" (without quotes)

then replace i386\shell32.dl_ with new modified shell32.dl_

can be done with any cpl, dll, exe ********

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my respatch.cmd file seems like this

ResHacker.exe -modify explorer.exe, explorer.exe, ex.res,,,

ResHacker.exe -modify iexplore.exe, iexplore.exe, iexplore.res,,,

ResHacker.exe -modify shell32.dll, shell32.dll, shell32.res,,,

ResHacker.exe -modify msimn.exe, msimn.exe, msimn.res,,,

ResHacker.exe -modify msoeres.dll, msoeres.dll, msoeres.res,,,

ResHacker.exe -modify mydocs.dll, mydocs.dll, mydocs.res,,,

ResHacker.exe -modify msgina.dll, msgina.dll, msgina.res,,,

ResHacker.exe -modify zipfldr.dll, zipfldr.dll, zipfldr.res,,,


i got all




files on the same folder

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you need to recompress that...

first run

modifype shell32.dll -c
now compress it
makecab shell32.dll

or u can jcarle utilities to compress (dotnet framework needed)

now replace original shell32.dl_ from ur xpcd\i386 with new created shell32.dl_

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if u left out all the file u modified just in expended form,

then the UAXPCD won't fit on normal 700 MB CD.

coz size matter


my expanded shell32.dll is 45 MB

and compresses is just 11 MB

just see the difference

Edited by Nepali
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