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Duplicate "Send To" menu


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Is it possible (maybe trough registry hacks) to create a second "Send To" folder in the right-click menu in Explorer?

And if possible to assign adapted "Sent To" folders for specific file types?

The goal is to create a menu for launching scripts and maybe do other things, taking in account all the selected files. The only seamless way to do that is to locate the script in the "Send To" folder.

(I found a solution to do it outside the "Send To" folder but that's not as fast nor as reliable.)

Problems with using the "Send To" folder are:

-Overpacked submenu, difficulty to find quickely the good target

-Same submenus for all the files, irrelevant for some files most of the time

-Menu name "send to" not fit for the kind of operation

etc :wacko:

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Subfolders in the 'sendto' folder correspond to submenus in the shortcut command.

You can create eg a folder 'viewers' in the sendto menu, which becomes a submenu for all items, eg


would create a submenu viewers under listers, and an item Lister for the listers.lnk

You can add a verb to any given file-type, eg

; We put lister at the top here. :)

@="lister.exe \"%1\""

This creates an extra item in the menu for Lister, that points to lister.exe to open the file.

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This creates an extra item in the menu for Lister, that points to lister.exe to open the file.

That's just creating an extra context menu entry for textfiles. You can't create submenus only with the registry to the best of my knowledge.

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My send to is nested since a long time. But this does not allow for specific submenus on a per filetype basis. To the best of my knowledge only the apps I have posted above do that.

Edited by eidenk
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I tried these softwares:

moreact056 is the only one that does what I'm looking for....except that it doesn't work (on w98 while it's w95 software)

MoreAct simulates the action of dragging files and dropping them onto an application

Context Aware

Installation impossible even manualy, very difficult manual, crash etc. Doesn't work at all.

FastExplorer and cmext121

Work but with a new instance of the launched program for each selected file. I need one instance of the launched program for all the selected file, like with a drag and drop.

Because with vbscripts, the file paths are arguments, and the scripts need to process all the arguments at once, not launching the script for each argument.

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moreact056 is the only one that does what I'm looking for....except that it doesn't work (on w98 while it's w95 software)
Well it works on ME albeit I am not using it at the moment as Open Expert currently suffices to my needs. The dll just need to be registered in the system. Folders need to be created by hand for each filetype you want to have a submenu for. Then you just need to put your shortcuts there as you would for the send to. I cannot garantee that it will work for vbs files as I don't use vbscripts.

Maybe you could Open Expert but what prevents you to do so is that the open menu has got a filter that allows tom choose only exe bat or com. Maybe you could get it to work by bypassing the GUI and use regedit instead to insert actions.

To the best of my knowledge, most if not all 32 bit program written when there was only 95 will be running perfectly on 98 or ME. All those I have tried did.

FastExplorer and cmext121

Work but with a new instance of the launched program for each selected file. I need one instance of the launched program for all the selected file, like with a drag and drop.

Because with vbscripts, the file paths are arguments, and the scripts need to process all the arguments at once, not launching the script for each argument.

I don't understand how you can load twice a shell extension which is only a dll.

If you manage to insert one vbs file in the context menu of a filetype with Fast Explorer, you can insert as many as you want in a submenu diferent for each filetype you want to do it for and only one instance of the Fast explorer dll will be running.

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I lost 3 hours trying to have moreact to work (I even registered to registry). It only had the effect of deleting some menu I previousely had for some file types...

Menus created by FastExplorer and cmext121 always launch a single instance of the program in the menu shortcut, for each selected file.

For example if I select 6 files, and clic a menu that link to a batch file, I will have 6 command windows appearing listing each one of the selected file.

I have a script to test that: it gives me the number of arguments (the number of file paths sent to the scripts). It will give me 6 message box with 1.

If I do "send to" and choose the same bat file, I will have one command windows listing all the 6 files. Same with my vbs: it will give me one message box with the number 6.

There were no way to configurate FastExplorer or cmext121 to do otherwise...

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MoreAct works. I have just tested it again :

I have created a subfolder named ext.txt. I did put a few shortcuts in it.

Then I registered the shell extension with the executable. And then I have been able to multi-select several text files and open them at once in a single instance of my tabbed text editor as if doing drag and drop or as if it where directly in the shell context menu for text files or Send To.

So you might want to try again. Maybe it is able to do what you want.

Otherwise there is FileTargets which is a Send To clone but it does not allow the creation of custom submenus per filetypes.

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Very frustrating! I tried again yesterday:

I have a "More Act" menu but it stay stubbornly empty whatever I do :realmad:

MoreAct works. I have just tested it again :

I have created a subfolder named ext.txt. I did put a few shortcuts in it.

Then I registered the shell extension with the executable.

What do you mean by you "registered". In MAStart I have only "ok" "cancel" "apply" buttons, some chackbox with display options and a checkbox "enable". What do you do with this?

Also you told me to register the dll. I tried but I got a "...there is no entry point in the dll..." error.


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In MAStart I have only "ok" "cancel" "apply" buttons, some chackbox with display options and a checkbox "enable". What do you do with this?
You must tick the top item before clicking apply to enable the shell extension. Then it will work. If not there is a problem with your system.
Also you told me to register the dll. I tried but I got a "...there is no entry point in the dll..." error.

As for registering the dll, I wrongly remembered that it could be simply registered with regsvr32 while in fact the supplied exe must be used for doing so.


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Nice color settings BTW!

Isn't it ? I got inspired by a Winamp Modern color scheme and I have never changed it since as it is not boring and doesn't tire the eyes.

It's here if you like : Cardboard.reg

Try to put some shortcuts to apps in your MoreAct subfolders. I am sure you will manage to get some crowded submenus.

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