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Backspace won't work in command prompt

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I've made an unattended WinXPSP2 CD using the guides on this site. I've also used some of the regtweaks collections. The thing is I think I've disabled my backspace key in command prompt somehow. I can not delete what I write in my command prompt (cmd.exe) with backspace. The only way is to use my left arrow key and then use the delete key.

Anyone know where I should look to fix this? It's really annoying.

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if you can try using the virtual keyboard

Start > All Prrograms > Accesseries > Accessibility > On-Screen Keyboard (in XP)

to see if its hardware related, other than that I can't think of anything

I have installed on two (new amd64) computers, the same on both, so we can rule out bad hardware

I had this problem too...someone must have posted an invalid registry tweak or something. But then again, I also changed my command prompt background, and text colors through the registry....dont know if thats it or not... Goodluck man.

I did change the command prompt color...

My regtweaks that gets installed during winxp installation are attached.


Edited by Joffer
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Dont paste long files like that into these forums, attach them.

A search for "command" in your tweaks shows youre setting the file name completion character in two different places, and to 2 different values.

I'm pretty sure 9 (TAB) is the correct value. 8 is the backspace key.

;-----  Typing Long File Names In DOS
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Command Processor]

;----- cmd prompt enhancements:  tab key completes path+filenames, UNC checks off
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor]

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Dont paste long files like that into these forums, attach them.

Fixed :)

A search for "command" in your tweaks shows youre setting the file name completion character in two different places, and to 2 different values.

I'm pretty sure 9 (TAB) is the correct value. 8 is the backspace key.

;-----  Typing Long File Names In DOS
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Command Processor]

;----- cmd prompt enhancements:  tab key completes path+filenames, UNC checks off
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor]

Seems like I've made a typo :( I searched and found a few reg settings which, as you said correctly, had a value of 8 and not 9. Guess that makes sence since backspace sometimes gave me TabCompletion.. Why I did not put those two together and figure it out myself I don't know. Now backspace works again :)

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