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Integration of NVIDIA's nForce RAID and AHCI drivers

Fernando 1

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I downloaded the nForce_IDE_99909_special file and created a new install CD after

integrating the sataraid files.

Once again the Hard Disk are not seen.

Ok, thanks for having tested it.
What exactly are the nvgts.sys and nvrd32.sys files?
The NVGTS.SYS is the name of the AHCI capable 32bit nForce S-ATA driver, the NVRD32.SYS file is the 32bit nForce RAID driver. All other files within the SATARAID and SATA_IDE driver folders are information files (with the extention .INF and .OEM) or co-installer files (with the extension .DLL).
I want to make sure I have communicated correctly.

You say "What I cannot understand is the fact, that only the nForce IDE driver version, which is part of NVIDIA's meanwhile pulled v20.08 driverpack, was able to detect your hard disk Controller."

I'm not sure what you mean, but I repeat.

An install disk made by integrating the 20.08 sataraid files in text mode sees the Hard Disk

Also an install disk made by integrating the 20.08 sataraid files in text mode

and also the sataide files in PnP sees the Hard Disk

That's hard to believe.

I am trying to explain:

  1. If you are using RAID (RAID enabled within the BIOS), you have to integrate the SATARAID driver folder as textmode driver. Maybe it's needed to additionally integrate the SATA_IDE driver folder as PnP driver, but the SATA_DE drivers alone wouldn't work with these BIOS settings.
  2. Other option: If the hdd containing the active partition (with MBR/bootloader) is set to "AHCI mode", you have to integrate the SATA_IDE driver folder as textmode. The SATARAID drivers are not able to detect the hdd drives, which are set to AHCI within the BIOS.

I did look at the Setuperr.log file on my 20.08 XP install and it was empty.

I looked at the SetupAPI.log but since I do not know what to look for that was useless.

If you want, try it again and upload the SETUPAPI.LOG file. Maybe I will find the reason for your troubles by having a look into that file.
Since XP was installed, the hard disk was seen, so are the storage drivers really the issue with

reboot after reboot or is it possible that other drivers that I have failed to install are needed

since I am only slipstreaming the sataRaid Drivers? It reboots immeadiate after the XP logo appears.

Is that an old nVidia problem or a new one?

Although I do not yet know, what happened during your XP installation, the scenario (RAID has been successfully detected by the OS Setup, but the installation fails at last reboot) is not new for me.

The common reason is the fact, that the Windows Setup do not trust the nForce S-ATA drivers. That is why the installation routine likes to replace the previously already loaded and successfully used nForce S-ATA driver by the wrong generic MS IDE drivers. During the hardware integration part of the Setup it installs at least the wrong "Standard Dual Channel PCI IDE Controller" instead of the needed "NVIDIA nForce Serial ATA Controller". Bad consequence: The user gets a BSOD at last reboot.

Tip: You are able to see the exact error message, if you hit F8 while rebooting and choose the "Don't reboot at system failure" option.




Not sure if this helps, but I did the following with

the nForce_IDE_99909_special sataRaid driver set you prepared.

I replaced nvrd32.sys with the 20.08 nvrd32.sys and tried to install with

this set integrated in textmode and no hard drive was seen

After restoring the nForce_IDE_99909_special nvrd32.sys I replaced nvgts.sys

with the 20.08 nvgts.sys and tried to install this set with text mode and the

hard disk was seen.

So with the nForce_IDE_99909_special you prepared replacing the nvgts.sys with the nvgts.sys finds the hard disk.

I did not try to install as I assumed the mixing of versions would still be a problem.

I will try it if you think it is worthwhile.

As for hiting F8, it still will not allow me to get into safe mode.


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Not sure if this helps, but I did the following with

the nForce_IDE_99909_special sataRaid driver set you prepared.

I replaced nvrd32.sys with the 20.08 nvrd32.sys and tried to install with

this set integrated in textmode and no hard drive was seen

After restoring the nForce_IDE_99909_special nvrd32.sys I replaced nvgts.sys

with the 20.08 nvgts.sys and tried to install this set with text mode and the

hard disk was seen.

So with the nForce_IDE_99909_special you prepared replacing the nvgts.sys with the nvgts.sys finds the hard disk.

That's an interesting test result, which explains somehow, why my recently modded nForce IDE drivers v9.99.09 didn't work for you.


1. What you need to load/integrate is the SATARAID driver folder as textmode driver.

2. Your problems to get the RAIDed S-ATA drive(s) detected, obviously was not related to missing INF or OEM files entries within the used driverpacks, but by a missing special nForce S-ATA driver, which may fully support your hardware and BIOS configuration.

I did not try to install as I assumed the mixing of versions would still be a problem.

I will try it if you think it is worthwhile.

No, you should not do that, but I would rather like to see the SETUPAPI.LOG file of a nearly completed XP installation.

So if you want to take the time, do the following:

  1. Integrate the SATARAID driver folder of the original 20.08 driverpack into the XP CD by using nLite. Take a clean = untouched MS CD as source.
  2. Boot off the nLited CD and try to install XP onto a free and NTFS formatted partition.
  3. If the installation should end again with endless reboots, hit F8 and choose the option "Don't reboot at system failure". Make a notice with the error message.
  4. Repair the Vista bootloader and boot into Vista.
  5. Search for the SETUPAPI.LOG file within the WINDOWS directory of the partition with the failed XP installation.
  6. Zip the LOG file and upload it to RapidShare or any other host server.
  7. Post here the error message and the download link to the SETUPAPI.LOG file.

Good luck!

Another questions:

1. Are you sure, that your computer has just 1 single hard disk drive?

2. Who configurated your PC, that means who has done the BIOS and nVRAID Utility settings?

I ask this, because I don't see any sense to enable RAID by having just 1 single hdd. Maybe all your problems can be solved by disabling RAID and enabling the S-ATA ports within the BIOS. Before you are trying to do that, you should make a complete backup of your running Vista partition by using a tool like Acronis TrueImage.

Edited by Fernando 1
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Not sure if this helps, but I did the following with

the nForce_IDE_99909_special sataRaid driver set you prepared.

I replaced nvrd32.sys with the 20.08 nvrd32.sys and tried to install with

this set integrated in textmode and no hard drive was seen

After restoring the nForce_IDE_99909_special nvrd32.sys I replaced nvgts.sys

with the 20.08 nvgts.sys and tried to install this set with text mode and the

hard disk was seen.

So with the nForce_IDE_99909_special you prepared replacing the nvgts.sys with the nvgts.sys finds the hard disk.

That's an interesting test result, which explains somehow, why my recently modded nForce IDE drivers v9.99.09 didn't work for you.


1. What you need to load/integrate is the SATARAID driver folder as textmode driver.

2. Your problems to get the RAIDed S-ATA drive(s) detected, obviously was not related to missing INF or OEM files entries within the used driverpacks, but by a missing special nForce S-ATA driver, which may fully support your hardware and BIOS configuration.

I did not try to install as I assumed the mixing of versions would still be a problem.

I will try it if you think it is worthwhile.

No, you should not do that, but I would rather like to see the SETUPAPI.LOG file of a nearly completed XP installation.

So if you want to take the time, do the following:

  1. Integrate the SATARAID driver folder of the original 20.08 driverpack into the XP CD by using nLite. Take a clean = untouched MS CD as source.
  2. Boot off the nLited CD and try to install XP onto a free and NTFS formatted partition.
  3. If the installation should end again with endless reboots, hit F8 and choose the option "Don't reboot at system failure". Make a notice with the error message.
  4. Repair the Vista bootloader and boot into Vista.
  5. Search for the SETUPAPI.LOG file within the WINDOWS directory of the partition with the failed XP installation.
  6. Zip the LOG file and upload it to RapidShare or any other host server.
  7. Post here the error message and the download link to the SETUPAPI.LOG file.

I will follow your suggestions assuming my answers to your questions do not change your mind

Good luck!

Another questions:

1. Are you sure, that your computer has just 1 single hard disk drive?

I have two hard drives. I installed the 2nd one. Vista in on the 1st on and the installed XP is on the 2nd one.

2. Who configurated your PC, that means who has done the BIOS and nVRAID Utility settings?

The settings are from the initial Gateway settings. aThe SATA Mode is preset to Raid Mode and is greyed out so it is not changeable.

I ask this, because I don't see any sense to enable RAID by having just 1 single hdd. Maybe all your problems can be solved by disabling RAID and enabling the S-ATA ports within the BIOS. Before you are trying to do that, you should make a complete backup of your running Vista partition by using a tool like Acronis TrueImage.

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@ jdfox:

Please don't quote the complete text I have written and please do not quote your own text.

Hit the "Preview Post" button, before you submit it.

That makes it easier to read for me and for other users.

EDIT after having seen your updated previous post:

1. Are you sure, that your computer has just 1 single hard disk drive?
I have two hard drives. I installed the 2nd one. Vista in on the 1st on and the installed XP is on the 2nd one.
That's intersting, I didn't remember this fact.
2. Who configurated your PC, that means who has done the BIOS and nVRAID Utility settings?
The settings are from the initial Gateway settings. The SATA Mode is preset to Raid Mode and is greyed out so it is not changeable.
Ok, but maybe another BIOS setting will unlock the RAID preset.

Currently you have 2 single hdd's set in TAID mode, but without any benefit by having built a RAID array (RAID0 for performance or RAID1 for security).

Edited by Fernando 1
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Here is the link for Setupapi.log zipped


Thanks for having done the test and for uploading the LOG file about the hardware installation during the XP Setup.

This is what I found out:

  1. The NVIDIA nForce RAID Controller (HardwareID: acpi\nvraid20,*nvraid20) hasn't been installed by Windows Setup, because
    a ) the driver files were "unsigned or incorrectly signed" and
    b ) "The operation was canceled by the user" (which obviously is wrong and misleading).
  2. The NVIDIA nForce Serial ATA Controller (HardwareIDs: ven_10de&dev_07f8&subsys_01371025&rev_a2, ven_10de&dev_07f8&subsys_01371025, ven_10de&dev_07f8&cc_010485, ven_10de&dev_07f8&cc_0104) has been installed at least, but
    a ) the driver files were "unsigned or incorrectly signed" and
    b ) "The operation was canceled by the user" (which obviously is wrong and misleading).

I have copied both parts and put them into the attached file.



The nForce IDE drivers v10.3.0.42, which are part of NVIDIA's nForce chipset driverpack 20.08, seem to be able to detect your RAID Controllers, but cannot be correctly installed by Windows Setup.

Options for you:

a ) ask NVIDIA or Gateway for usable XP nForce SataRAID drivers

b ) try another driverpack (NVIDIA Germany is offering the nForce chipset driverpack 16.08 for users with an nForce 630i/610i = MCP73 chipset, look here).

c ) stick with Vista or

d ) disable RAID within the BIOS, install Windows XP and then Vista (advantage: you will get a dual boot system at once).

Pressing F8 did not do anything different. No safe mode, no errer msg. Just reboots.
Didn't you see the "Don't reboot at system failure" option? Maybe there is a point "Advanced options" with this option in it.
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Hi Fernando,

It's been 3 years, and I haven't able to setup my system with nvRaid. I have a Gigabyte k8ns, with NForce 3 250. My RAID BIOS level is v4.60

I have a problem installation with the raid driver.

I use the SATA RAID device/driver, v6.25. (nForce_6.25_WinXP64_international), the one from Nvidia website.

I copy the driver onto a floppy (from the /IDE folder of the above nvidia driver pack), I boot up with the Windows XP x64bit, SP3 integrated, installation.

I press F6, it loads the drivers from the floppy.

The Raid can be seen correctly by the windows installation, 2x320Gb Harddrives (one 640Gb RAID partition),

I choose to install on the 640Gb RAID partition, the installation continues... It starts to copy files onto the new RAID partition.

but then after a while, it asks for the nvraid.sys again, it says it can't find on the floppy, I press Retry, it says it can't find it. I check the nvraid.sys is still in the floppy. I don't know why it couldn't find it.. :wacko:

Please advice,

Thanks alot in advance. :hello:


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@ Sapphire:

You got the error message, because you didn't use a clean (= untouched) XP CD.

As soon as Windows Setup sees a file named WINNT.SIF within the i386 directory, it assumes, that all needed textmode drivers have been integrated into the OS CD. Although Setup had loaded the F6/floppy drivers, it "forgets" them and doesn't find the source later on.


You either have to boot off an original XP CD (not nLited at all) and use the F6/floppy method or you have to integrate the nForce textmode drivers into the CD (don't hit F6 in this case!).


1. You may need to update your nVRAID BIOS version to 4.81 by using a tool like CBROM215.EXE.

2. If you are going to integrate the 64bit textmode drivers into Windows XP x64, you may try the nForce IDE drivers v6.99, which are much newer and better than NVIDIA's old Beta drivers of the 8.25 set.

Recently I have modded the 64bit nForce SATARAID and SATA_IDE drivers v6.99 to make them usable with nForce3 250 chipset RAID users. Here is the download link. Unzip the package and integrate the SATARAID folder content as TEXTMODE driver and additional the SATA_IDE folder content as PnP driver by using nLite.

Please report here, if you succeeded with these drivers.

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@ Sapphire:

You got the error message, because you didn't use a clean (= untouched) XP CD.

As soon as Windows Setup sees a file named WINNT.SIF within the i386 directory, it assumes, that all needed textmode drivers have been integrated into the OS CD. Although Setup had loaded the F6/floppy drivers, it "forgets" them and doesn't find the source later on.

Hi Fernando,

Yes, you are right, it is a XP CD already been nlited with some other appz.

You wrote "1. You may need to update your nVRAID BIOS version to 4.81 by using a tool like CBROM215.EXE."

I have been trying to upgrade to v4.81, but I never able to do it, the most I can do was v4.60

2. If you are going to integrate the 64bit textmode drivers into Windows XP x64, you may try the nForce IDE drivers v6.99, which are much newer and better than NVIDIA's old Beta drivers of the 6.25 set.

I tried the v6.99 with my v4.60 Raid BIOS level, however there was problem. Do I need v4.81 raid bios level to use your v6.99 driver?

Thanks again


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I put the driver in the CD with nLite, after everything installed, after the system reboot for the 1st time, Windows can't boot, it keep resetting.

I tried safe mode, same thing, it reboots,

I tried last known good mode, it reboots,

man... :blushing:


Edited by Sapphire
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You wrote "1. You may need to update your nVRAID BIOS version to 4.81 by using a tool like CBROM215.EXE."

I have been trying to upgrade to v4.81, but I never able to do it, the most I can do was v4.60

Why weren't you be able to get a higher nVRAID version? Did you ever try to flash an updated nVRAID BIOS into your mainboard BIOS yourself?
I tried the v6.99 with my v4.60 Raid BIOS level, however there was problem. Do I need v4.81 raid bios level to use your v6.99 driver?
Probably yes.
I put the driver in the CD with nLite, after everything installed, after the system reboot for the 1st time, Windows can't boot, it keep resetting.
Which driver version did you take and how did you integrate it?

Have you used a clean (=untouched) XP CD as source?

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Hi Fernando, thanks for your reply again

I have been trying to upgrade to v4.81, but I never able to do it, the most I can do was v4.60

Why weren't you be able to get a higher nVRAID version? Did you ever try to flash an updated nVRAID BIOS into your mainboard BIOS yourself?

Yes, I have tried to updated the nvRAID BIOS into my mainboard BIOS, this is the problem. Gigabyte had shipped the mb BIOS with very old nvRAID BIOS for my board K8NS. I am using F19 bios, (03/30/2006). Note that even in F19 BIOS which release in 2006 still came with old nVRAID BIOS level like v4.24. So what I did was I extracted the nVRAID bios from a Asus board BIOS, and got nvRAID v4.60.

Just now, I looked at gigabytes website, it is to my suprise that they just released a BIOS F21A on 2008/10/23. After 2 years, they still release new BIOS for this old board, very interesting!!

So, just a few minutes ago, I flashed my system BIOS to F21A, but guess what, the nvRAID BIOS level is v4.59!!!! So I don't know where I can find v4.81 or v4.84 (I looked at your previous posting in 2005, you recommended v4.84). Please advice where I could get v4.81 or v4.84.

I put the driver in the CD with nLite, after everything installed, after the system reboot for the 1st time, Windows can't boot, it keep resetting.
Which driver version did you take and how did you integrate it?

I used the version, 6.56, 6.67, and your modded 6.99. They all give the same result. I used nLite and choose add driver, txt mode, then create a ISO, and then burn the ISO onto a DVD. (notice I am using BIOS F19 and nvRAID BIOS v4.60).

Have you used a clean (=untouched) XP CD as source?
No, I only have a XP 64bit , slipstreamed with SP2 and some Appz.
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Just an update,

I just got nvRaid.rom v4.81 from MSI K8N FX Neo 2 BIOS v1.5,

I CBROMed into my BIOS,

I flashed my BIOS and now my system is at v4.81 RAID BIOS level.

I will now try to nLite the NVidia AHCI controller driver provided by iSmart in his above post.

I will let everyone know about the result.



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I will now try to nLite the NVidia AHCI controller driver provided by iSmart in his above post.

I will let everyone know about the result.



Okay, I just tried iSmart's NVidia AHCI controller, but it doesn't work, I think that driver is not for XP 64bit??? iSmart?

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