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Integration of NVIDIA's nForce RAID and AHCI drivers

Fernando 1

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@ dawies:

Since you obviously have an Intel and no NVIDIA nForce chipset mainboard, you are posting into the wrong thread and maybe even following the wrong guide. Please join my special Intel driver integration guide and write your future posts into this special Intel driver thread.


I have know tried to make my own nLite windows xp cd where i integrate windows xp sp3, some drivers (lan driver, sata driver (Intel® ICH8R/ICH9R/ICH10R/DO SATA RAID Controller) and a nvidia graphic card driver).
It is not a good idea for nLite beginners to integrate more than the absolutely needed textmode driver. Each additional task done by nLite increases the possibility of an error and makes it more difficul to find the reason for it.

Suggestion: Integrate only the 32bit Intel textmode driver I have linked within my Intel driver integration guide. Since your board has an Intel ICH10R chipset, you should just enable the "Intel® ICH10R SATA AHCI Controller", if you have AHCI Mode enabled, or the "Intel® ICH8R/ICH9R/ICH10R/DO SATA RAID Controller", if you are running your SATA hdd in RAID Mode. If you don't know, if your SATA hdd is running in RAID or AHCI mode, you can enable both mentioned Controllers.

Do not integrate any other drivers.

I can install windows without pressing F6.
What do you mean by this? Did you try to boot off the original (=untouched) XP CD awith the result, that Windows Setup was able to detect your SATA hdd? That would verify, that your SATA hdd is running in IDE mode with no necessity to integrate any driver.

By the way: If you have integrated the needed textmode driver, you should never hit F6.

After waiting for the 15-seconds reboote (after install) my comp freeze when trying to loading windows (continue the install).
This behaviour may be caused either by a wrong driver, too much RAM or a SATA connected optical drive, which has problems to run in RAID or AHCI mode..


1. If you ave more than 3 GB of RAM within your computer, you should remove 1-2 sticks. After having completed the XP insallation you can reinsert them.

2. If the CD/DVD device, where you are booting off, should be connected with an Intel SATA Controller, you should try either to borrow an IDE connected one (just for the XP installation) or connect it to another (non-Intel) SATA Controller.

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EDIT: You have written, that you found within the "Storage Controllers" section of your Vista Device Manager a device named "ABMJMLKZ IDE Controller". I have never heard or seen such Controller. Even Google doesn't know it. Please look again for the correct name.

Whatever it was Fernando it's not there anymore. I have removed the Vista pre-install on the system and replaced it with another Version of Vista. Your advice worked fine and I managed to sort a working slipstreamed XP. You are a real star! Thank you very much for the help.

Now the bad news, after all that, I had so many problems trying to install the drivers to the XP partition I finally got the ethernet working when my DVD driver disappeared. I need the system for work so I decided to take a raincheck on my DualBoot fantasy. I'll try another day when I have about a month to spare :-]

Anyway Fernando, keep up your excellent work here you are a true credit to the site.



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Your advice worked fine and I managed to sort a working slipstreamed XP.
Fine, that you succeeded at least. It was a pleasure for me to help you.

Did you use the special MCP73 SATA_IDE driver I gave you the link?

Now the bad news, after all that, I had so many problems trying to install the drivers to the XP partition I finally got the ethernet working when my DVD driver disappeared.
Do you mean the optical drive? I ask this, because a DVD "driver" cannot disappear.

Have fun with your fresh installed Windows XP!


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Tried reinstalling XP with only one 2GB stick of memory, and again got the "Missing NTLDR. Press ctl+alt+del to reboot" message.

Out of curiousity I also tried Vista, although I was interested in XP for this box. Vista ran through install, prompted for drivers and booted normally. However following the install the system failed to keep updating the mirrored drive and the array became degraded.

I'm starting to believe that the RAID system on this board is defective or just buggy as heck.

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Tried reinstalling XP with only one 2GB stick of memory, and again got the "Missing NTLDR. Press ctl+alt+del to reboot" message.
This shows, that you either don't have inserted a bootable XP CD and hit any key when prompted or wrong BIOS Boot Device order settings.

The "Missing NTLDR" message comes up, when the system tries to boot off the hdd, but doesn't find the boot sector (MBR). If you got this message while booting off the XP CD, you should check the Boot Device order within the BIOS. These are the correct settings: 1. CD/DVD device, 2. HDD0/RAID1.

Out of curiousity I also tried Vista, although I was interested in XP for this box. Vista ran through install, prompted for drivers and booted normally. However following the install the system failed to keep updating the mirrored drive and the array became degraded.

I'm starting to believe that the RAID system on this board is defective or just buggy as heck.

I am not sure about that. Which drivers did you load when prompted? NVIDIA's newest official nForce IDE drivers v10.3.0.42 are buggy.
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Thanks for all your help with this. After doing some further testing it appears that the issues were indeed related to buggy RAID functionality within this particular board. The system began reporting different device and health information as it related to the array with nearly every reboot, sometimes seeing both participating drives in the array, sometimes only one but still showed the missing one as a stand-alone device. Since today was day 29 of 30 to RMA the board, I did just that. Thanks again for all the help though.


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I made a cd with nlite with the drivers i dloaded , tried the cd to repair XP , but it wasnt showing any repair option, it was only asking me to do a clean install, although it did say i already have a "different" os installled in c:/ but i dont get it, why didnt it detect the os as xp and ask me to repair it ? and before that, i got error message when i pressed f6, it was long text, nothing like an error , asked me to press "S" or enter to continue, when i pressed "S" it told me it cant find any floppy drives , so i just went back and hit enter, then it proceed normally ( hdd more ahci setup via bios ) but it was **** slower than usual.

well i waited, and then it showed me my hdd drives ( didnt detect xp on it though ) so i cant repair my xp.. huh !

i just have to install the drivers for ahci now.. i have mcp73 chipset ( nforce 610i geforce 7050) xp 32 bit

how to install drivers ?

i tried installing it via add new hardware wizard ,and it is now with an exclaimation mark..


still i get bsod if i try to boot in ahci mode

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i just have to install the drivers for ahci now.. i have mcp73 chipset ( nforce 610i geforce 7050) xp 32 bit

how to install drivers ?

Just follow part B of my guide and use this driver.

Good luck!


wasted my cd-r.. doesnt work.

when i install this driver , i get BSOD ( even if i enable/disable ahci via bios )

and with slipstreaming them , i dont get the option to REPAIR windows, it just doesnt detect any XP installed , although it says i have a "different" os installed..so , if it cant detect xp installed on my c:/ then most probably they wont work.

how can I check which drivers work on my mobo ? its asus p5n-mx , nvidia nforce 610i chipset (geforce 7050 gpu integrated) how do i find out which mcp chipset i have?

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ok so, i integrated that driver with nlite, and RE INSTALL win xp in ahci WITHOUT HD FORMAT , and it worked :D but... i cant get that drivers to work with old xp ( its still installed , but i get BSOD , maybe i updated them for CD ROM instead of hdd, cuz both had "primary IDE channel" as their names, so i might have accidentally updated the drivers for DVD ROM (which isnt SATA) instead of hdd.. thats why i get bsod, i wish there was a way i could roll back drivers for old xp installation, i cant run in safe mode, bsod )

so.. now, i got my drivers installed, and know they work, so ill re install xp with same cd with FRESH installation ntfs format.

its such a pain in the a** to re install all the drivers and software after xp re install ,thats why i was avoiding re install.. so.. i guess ill have to re install everything..

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@ bilalghouri:

I would rather like to help you, but I am not at home for 2 weeks and only had a look into this forum from within an internet cafe.

A new install of an OS is always a chance to get a more stable system and a better performance.

Good luck!


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@ bilalghouri:

I would rather like to help you, but I am not at home for 2 weeks and only had a look into this forum from within an internet cafe.

A new install of an OS is always a chance to get a more stable system and a better performance.

Good luck!


great, new install worked :) thanks for help :)

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I have prepared and uploaded a REG file, which might work for you.

Download it here and unzip it.

Before you run the REG file, you should do a backup of all your important datas.

Fernando 1, thank you for the fine work you are doing here.

It seems like the link you have posted is dead. Can you upload the reg link again as I am trying to enable AHCI on my 730A EVGA board.

Thank you!

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I have prepared and uploaded a REG file, which might work for you.

Download it here and unzip it.

Before you run the REG file, you should do a backup of all your important datas.

Fernando 1, thank you for the fine work you are doing here.

It seems like the link you have posted is dead. Can you upload the reg link again as I am trying to enable AHCI on my 730A EVGA board.

I will reupload the REG file as soon as I am back home (end of March).



Edited by Fernando 1
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