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does this work in XP64? it didnt work in 32 and thats the reason for having to do so many workarounds.

if i set OEMPreinstall=Yes, will installing Raid drivers from a floppy work?


No. At first it will appear to because you'll be asked to choose the

drivers on the floppy. But later in the install setup wont be able

to find them.



does the drivers from cd method still work with xp64? u know that whole setdevicepath and stuff? or do they need to be 64 bit files to work?

also, does my winnt.sif go in the AMD64 folder or I386?


i know they have to be 64bit.


now that i have OEMPreinstall=No, how do I get it to run my regtweaks.reg. since it doesnt look for the cmdlines.txt in the $OEM$ folder, how do i get my regtweaks.reg done during setup?


If you set oempreinstall to no then it ignores the oempnpdriverspath

and it will not copy anything in your $oem$ folder to the hard drive.

It will still run your cmdlines.txt just place your regtweak files in the

same place your have your cmdlines.txt. Installing drivers and apps is another

thing. Theres other posts about installing apps from cd, as far as drivers

this is what I came up with and it seems to work for me but there is

no guarantee

I got the ideas for these procedures from reading many posts and guides on www.msfn.org

So thanks to everyone there.

To be able to use to set OemPreinstall = No and still use OemPnPDriversPath and F6.

And Cmdlines.txt still works.

step 1 Make a self extracting file of your driver directory that you use in PNPDRIVERSPATH.

We'll call it drivers.exe.

set it to extract in the current folder with no prompting. Should create a folder .\DRIVERS

Step 2 copy the file you just created to AMD64 directory in your CD/DVD source.

Step 3 Add the following to your winnt.sif file



step 4 Edit txtsetup.sif


bootvid.dll = 1,,,,,,3_,2,0,0,,1,2

drivers.exe = 1,,,,,,3_,1,0,0,,1,2 <-add this line. this copies drivers.exe to the /windows directory during textmode install.

step 5 Edit HIVESFT.INF and HIVESFT32.INF and add edit the device path.

Search for DevicePath in each file. My path I use is


After the %systemroot%\inf; is the samething you would have put in OEMPNPDRIVERSPATH in you winnt.sif

Step 6 Make your CD/DVD

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