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Rename File With Current Date? (Batch File?


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I am looking for a way to rename a file with the current date


Take MasterTracker.xls

and make a copy , and rename it to June 6th.xls

and have this batch file execute each night and move the old date to an archive folder and recreate the file for that day

Is it possible ??


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Here you go (didnt have a chance to try it, so I am waiting for your feedback)

@Echo off

rem Reading input file
If "%1" EQU "" (
 Echo You must use parameter - name of file to rename.
 Goto :EOF
) ELSE (
 Set strFile2Rename=%1
If not exist %strFile2Rename% (
Echo %strFile2Rename% was not found!
Goto :EOF
For /f "usebackq delims=. tokens=1,2" %%i IN (`echo %strFile2Rename%`) Do Set strFileExtension=%%j

rem Main code

rem Reading date format, converting and saving date
for /f "skip=1 tokens=2-4 delims=(-)" %%a in ('echo.^|date') do (
 set A=%%a&set B=%%b&set C=%%c)
set t=2&if "%date%z" LSS "A" set t=1
for /f "skip=1 tokens=2-4 delims=(-)" %%a in ('echo.^|date') do (
 for /f "tokens=%t%-4 delims=.-/ " %%d in ('date/t') do (
   set dd=%%d&set mm=%%e&set yy=%%f))

Echo File %strFile2Rename% will be renamed to %dd%-%mm%-%yy%.%strFileExtension%
ren %strFile2Rename% %dd%-%mm%-%yy%.%strFileExtension%

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There was another thread about this, with examples posted, here:


and this is a file I use normally:

@echo off
if not exist turiweb md turiweb
if not exist turiweb\log.log date /t > turiweb\log.log

date /t > turiweb\date.now
time /t > turiweb\time.now



Set PARSEARG="eol=; tokens=1,2,3,4* delims=/, "
For /F %PARSEARG% %%i in (%CURRDATE%) Do SET DDMMYYYY=%%j_%%k_%%l

Echo Copying file turiweb.xml in turiweb\turiweb_%DDMMYYYY%.xml
if exist turiweb\turiweb_%DDMMYYYY%.xml goto error
if not exist turiweb\turiweb_%DDMMYYYY%.xml copy turiweb.xml turiweb\turiweb_%DDMMYYYY%.xml > nul


echo OK,File turiweb_%DDMMYYYY%.xml correctly created
echo OK,File turiweb_%DDMMYYYY%.xml correctly created > turiweb\temp.now
Goto end


Echo Error, file turiweb_%DDMMYYYY%.xml already existing, file NOT copied
echo Error, file turiweb_%DDMMYYYY%.xml already existing, file NOT copied > turiweb\temp.now

copy turiweb\log.log+turiweb\date.now+turiweb\time.now+turiweb\temp.now turiweb\log.log > nul
del turiweb\*.now > nul

(the good thing about this one is that keeps a log file)

Just change the occurrencies of turiweb and turiweb.xml


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I will write it for you...

Would you be satisfied with script for parameters, like

Rename2Date.bat file_to_rename.exe


Very Very Close to what i need , I just need it to leave a the original file alone

my folder should look like this


MasterTracker.xls <--- Main








i dont care about the date format , I plan on executing this batch file every morning at 7am (Windows Scheduler) , to make a new file for that day , and open it

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Here is one that will rename a text file to the date, just change the

extention to suit your needs.

It is based on the script i made for folders by date.

This will do only 1 file per folder or directory.

@echo off


color F2

mode con: Cols=55 Lines=3

Title What Year Is It Test 2


SET D1=%date:~-4,10%

SET D2=%date:~7,-5%

SET D3=%date:~4,-8%

SET D4=%date:~0,-10%

if exist %D3%-%D2%-%D1%.Txt goto E1

if not exist %D3%-%D2%-%D1%.txt goto W1


::mkdir %D3%-%D2%-%D1%

if exist *.txt goto W2


ren *.txt %D3%-%D2%-%D1%.txt


echo File Was Rename to %D3%-%D2%-%D1%.txt Was Made!

ping -n 3>nul




echo File Was Already Made!

ping -n 3>nul

This I added A time Code So it Changes
@echo off


color F2

mode con: Cols=55 Lines=3

Title What Year Is It Test 2


SET D1=%date:~-4,10%

SET D2=%date:~7,-5%

SET D3=%date:~4,-8%

SET D4=%date:~0,-10%

set t1=%time:~-2,8%

if exist *.txt goto W2

if exist %D3%-%D2%-%D1%-%t1%.Txt goto E1


ren *.txt %D3%-%D2%-%D1%-%t1%.Txt


echo File Was Rename to %D3%-%D2%-%D1%-%t1%.Txt Was Made!

ping -n 3>nul




echo File Was Already Made!

ping -n 3>nul

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That's very nice use of the date variable, that will come in extremely handy in the future! Thanks. Couple of questions though. Will your script work on Windows 2000? Why are you running nlsfunc?

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NLSFUNC I use this from what i read so it work in other langauges.

I have never been able to figure out exacly what it does,

It doesnt cause any erors so I left it in.

As to windows 2000 I am not sure if it will work, but since it a cmd file,

it in therory should work.

Maybe some of the more gifted members can explain this NLSFUNC function

better then I can.

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...also this might be interesting:


waRmZip.wsf v1.6 (Jul 2004) - http://winadmin.sourceforge.net  _____

Utility to clean up/free up space in a folder (and its subfolders),

* compressing files after a certain number of days (with external program)

* rotating files after a certain number of days/above a certain size

* deleting files and/or empty folders after a certain period of time

* moving files to other folders/disks


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