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I am ripping my head off

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Hi guys. I hope someone is able to help me with this both annoying and unfathomable problem I have. I know this topic has been posted before, but none of the offered solutions work. I am stuck completely.

My problem is, that I have the CD (Windows 2000 pro with SP4 integrated). My $oem$ directory is in the root, and I have the $$ and $1 directories as well. Inside $1 is placed directories Drivers and Install. Drivers is obvious but inside Install I have WMP, MSN Messenger etc. to install using cmdlines.txt. The cmdlines.txt is placed inside the $oem$ root side by side with directories Drivers and Install.

When installing, all drivers are installed perfectly. But the cmdlines.txt is not parsed somehow. I know that my batchfile is correct, as I can call it without any problems whatsoever from an open command prompt. Thus all commands in there must be correct. My problem is, that I cannot get cmdlines.txt to execute my batchfile. I do not understand this problem, as I have used the same method for years now. All my files (scripts) are placed on a floppy alongside WinNT.sif. At some point my floppy just killed itself, and I had no backup. Now I am trying to recreate all my scripts, but unfortunately now I just can't seem to get it right.

I would be very greatful for any help or suggestion to this problem. Thanks.

My cmdlines.txt:


"A:\CMDLINES\CMDLINES.CMD" (I keep the file on floppy)

This is my CMDLINES.CMD file:




ECHO Adding User USERNAME to Administrators

ECHO Please wait...

start /wait net user "USERNAME" PASSWORD /Add

start /wait net localgroup Administrators "USERNAME" /Add


ECHO Logging in User USERNAME

ECHO Please wait...

start /wait REGEDIT /S A:\REGISTRY\AutoLogon.reg


ECHO Hiding Set Program Access Defaults

ECHO Please wait...

start /wait REGEDIT /S A:\REGISTRY\HideSetProgAccessDefaults.reg


ECHO Disabling Windows Auto Updates

ECHO Please wait...

start /wait REGEDIT /S A:\REGISTRY\NoAutoUpdates.reg


ECHO Adding WinZip 9.0 to the registry

ECHO Please wait...

start /wait REGEDIT /S A:\REGISTRY\WinZip90.reg


ECHO Installing Adaptec ASPI Layer v4.71.2

ECHO Please wait...

start /wait %systemdrive%\Install\ASPI\aspiinst.exe /silent


ECHO Installing DirectX 9.0c

ECHO Please wait...

start /wait %systemdrive%\Install\DIRX90C\dxsetup.exe /install /silent


ECHO Installing Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 SP1

ECHO Please wait...

start /wait %systemdrive%\Install\IE6SP1\ie6setup.exe /Q:A /R:N


ECHO Installing MSN Messenger Service 7.0.0777

ECHO Please wait...

start /wait %systemdrive%\Install\MSNMSGS\MSNMSGS700777.MSI /qn


ECHO Installing Windows Media Player 9 build 2980

ECHO Please wait...

start /wait %systemdrive%\Install\WMP9\WMP900002980.EXE /Q:A /R:N


ECHO Installing Windows Media Encoder 9 build 2980

ECHO Please wait...

start /wait %systemdrive%\Install\WME9\WME900002980.EXE /Q:A /R:N


ECHO Installing Sun Java VM

ECHO Please wait...

start /wait %systemdrive%\Install\SUNJAVA\SJAVA15002.EXE /s /v"/qn ADDLOCAL=jrecore IEXPLORER=1"


ECHO Removing useless shortcuts...

DEL "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Windows Update.lnk"

DEL "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Set Program Access and Defaults.lnk"


ECHO Removing Temp Installation Files...

RD /S /Q %systemdrive%\Drivers

RD /S /Q %systemdrive%\Install





AutoPartition =0 ;1=Windows automatically chooses a partition to install upon (0 = Requesting user input)

MsDosInitiated ="0"

Unattendedinstall ="Yes"


UnattendMode =FullUnattended

OemSkipEula =Yes

OemPreinstall =Yes ;Yes=Looks for alternate drivers (No=Default installed drivers)

TargetPath =\WINNT

OemPnPDriversPath =\Drivers\00_INF;\Drivers\01_VIAIDE;\Drivers\02_VIAGART;\Drivers\03_VIAAGP1;\Drivers\04_AC97;\Drivers\RTLNDIS;\Drivers\USB20;\Drivers\CATALYST

DriverSigningPolicy =Ignore ;Only valid if OemPreinstall=Yes

; Repartition =No

; FileSystem =LeaveAlone


AdminPassword =PassWord ;*=Empty password

; AutoLogon =Yes

; AutoLogonCount =1

OEMSkipRegional =1 ;Prevents Windows from asking for user input during [RegionalSettings]

TimeZone =105

OemSkipWelcome =1


FullName ="USERNAME"

OrgName =Home

ComputerName =desktop


BitsPerPel =32

Xresolution =1280

YResolution =1024

Vrefresh =75


LanguageGroup =13,17,3,2,5,16,4,12,15,7,8,10,11,9,6,14,1

; Language =00000409

SystemLocale =00000409 ;Ignored if Language is set

UserLocale =00000409 ;Ignored if Language is set

InputLocale =00000409:00000409 ;Ignored if Language is set




; Driver.Sys

; Driver.INF

; Driver.CAT

; Txtsetup.oem


Background =backgrnd.bmp



BrandIEUsingUnattended =Yes

Home_Page =http://www.google.com

Search_Page =http://www.google.com/ie/


Proxy_Enable =0

Use_Same_Proxy =0


Command0 ="REGEDIT /S A:\REGISTRY\DeletePassword.reg"


JoinWorkgroup =MYNET


InstallDefaultComponents =No


Adapter1 =params.Adapter1

Adapter2 =params.Adapter2


INFID =pci\ven_10ec&dev_8139


INFID =pci\ven_10ec&dev_8139


MS_MSClient =params.MS_MSClient






DNS =Yes

UseDomainNameDevolution =No

EnableLMHosts =Yes

AdapterSections =params.MS_TCPIP.Adapter1,params.MS_TCPIP.Adapter2


SpecificTo =Adapter1


IPAddress =

SubnetMask =


NetBIOSOptions =1


SpecificTo =Adapter2


IPAddress =

SubnetMask =


NetBIOSOptions =2


Freecell =off ;Default=On

Minesweeper =off ;Default=On

Pinball =off ;Default=On

Solitaire =off ;Default=On

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from my winnt.sif:

UnattendMode = FullUnattended
UnattendSwitch = Yes
OemPreinstall = Yes
OemSkipEula = Yes
FileSystem = *
WaitForReboot = No
NoWaitAfterTextMode = 1
NoWaitAfterGUIMode = 1
TargetPath = \WINNT
DriverSigningPolicy = Ignore
NonDriverSigningPolicy = Ignore
Hibernation = No

maybe the UnattendSwitch = Yes (?)

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Try running your unattended applications install using:


"%systemdrive%\install\batch_file1.cmd" (example)

I don't think cmdlines.txt was meant to run so many apps like that. If you want to use cmdlines.txt, try cleaning things up little and have it call a batch file that will install your apps.

Hope this helps.

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Thanks for the input. Unfortunately I still have the same problem. As I am using the W2000 Pro, I cannot use the switch "UnattendSwitch = Yes" as suggested. I believe this switch is for WinXP only?

When I first made my CD and the scripts, I was following the guide on MSFN.org. But since then the guide has been altered completely, and now the solution to my problem does not seem to be there.

Unfortunately I do not remember who made the guide at the time, but I guess he must have the information, which I need? So if you are reading this, please post your suggestions. Thanks.

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