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First of all i would like to say that i have no intention or ability to hack anything.

I'm fairly uninformed when it comes to the inner workings of a computer. How exactly does a hacker get into a system and what do they see when they are there? do they have the same experiance as if they were logged into windows or do they just have access to files?

How does something like a internet explorer bug give a hacker access to your system?

I'm asking this because I have no clue and would feel better if i wasnt so blind about it.



Hackin a computer is a very general term. But more or less via certian vunerabities within applications or the Os itself, the computer can be accessed and or exploted.

Through these vulerabilities and open ports a Hacker can have limited to full control of your system. This depends on the particular port or vulerablity he has explioted.

For instance:

A low lvl hack would be seeing the contents of your harddrive

While a full hack a person would take full control of your system, capable of deleting reading and writing anything to your drive.

I hope that helps somewhat



The basic idea of hacking is either tricking your computer into running program code it shouldn't be, or bypassing the authentication system (whether by finding a flaw in it or just guessing the password). What they see depends what they're doing. If they're logged in to something like a remote control system it's probably no different than using the computer normally. If they're using an exploit to run code then they'll only see whatever output the code sends back to them, which could be anything from a full remote control app to a simple command line.

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