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7-Zip Office XP


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Hi. As much as I want to help you, I don't have Office XP to try it out. On those tasks, all you need to do is understand the concept of shrinking the source and creating an sfx. Once you understand that, no guide is necessary and you should be able to make your own based on the knowledge you already have. :)

Of course, Office XP and Office 2003 are not the same. So the procedures can be different. You can't perform the exact steps described on those two wonderful guides. Why don't you post your procedures here to other people who use Office XP (or people familiar with it) can help you? :)

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To answer your question, Yes I have several (working) 7-Zip repacks of Office XP.

You just need to follow the guides very, very carefully.

Main problems that you may/will encounter -

1) Shrinking on a NON-CLEAN system. Office shrink will only work properly/reliably if you run it on a "clean" system. This means an XP install without ANY Office components installed (preferably with nothing installed except the OS). It also needs to be an OS set up as the final one will be - so if youare N-Liting your OS this is the setup you should shrink on. How? Use Virtual PC or VMWare.

2) Misnamed Transform file. If you are using the files provided by the guide make sure that you rename your *.MST file to match.

3) Install time. Personally I have never managed to get a 7-Zip install to run properly at T12 - but a Rar-SFX version will install at this point (see nanaki's recent posts).

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