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Diskeeper V9.0.524


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Diskeeper is an automatic disk defragmenter that features scheduling and a high level of configuration ability, and can defragment even critical system files. Fragmentation occurs during normal Windows operation, as files are broken up in pieces and saved on different parts of the hard disk. This increases the amount of time it takes to access single files, and bogs down system performance.

Diskeeper Professional 9.0.524

Diskeeper Server Standard 9.0.524

Diskeeper Server Enterprise 9.0.524

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Thanks for the heads-up Tarun!

As for ExecSoft, I'd sincerely like to hear from them what exactly is it that they keep changing.... :blink:

It feels like a beta when you need to download a new build every 2 weeks!

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Gee, I haven't had any trouble with the old releases so I've just stuck with what works and not risked errors. If I were on a domain I might worry about security, but I doubt a disk defragmenter could have that serious a security hole in it--but stranger things have happened.

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